Magento 2 Guides

Creating Magento simple and configurable products programmatically

Creating Magento simple & configurable products programmatically

Basically, products are the cornerstone of any catalog and e-commerce shop. And Magento has great features for creating them from backend, but there are cases when we need to when in Magento we need to programmatically create a product, or manually. For example, you may need it if you import products in a certain text format, or if you need to create plenty of products to test a shop’s perform...
March 31, 2016
How to Install Apache Solr for Magento Store?

How to Install Apache Solr for Magento Store?

Do you know how many customers your Magento store is losing just because your visitors can’t find the products they need since the search system is imperfect? Huge stores with an extensive amount of products suffer from it dramatically. Learn how to help your customers to find what they need and boost your sales by installing Apache Solr. When a customer doesn’t know the exact product name, s...
March 21, 2016
How to uprgade Magento version

How to upgrade Magento version

Good day to Amasty blog readers! Today I’m speaking on a topic our team had many requests for: how to update your Magento store correctly? We have been talking about the importance of upgrading software a lot; it is crucial both for your server software and your Magento new version installation. Regular Magento updates bring you not only the new features but also security fixes, which is highl...
March 9, 2016
How Magento Shopping Cart Price Rules Help to Create Promotions

How Magento Shopping Cart Price Rules Help to Create Promotions

It’s not a secret that effective online store management is an essential part of any e-commerce business. That’s why we’ve decided to start a new series of posts with practical tips which will help you correctly use special promotions and create shopping cart price rules. So, let’s get the ball rolling! For each promotional rule you can set special conditions and actions, therefore the rule wi...
December 18, 2015
Results for email segmentation campaigns

How to set up follow-up emails in Magento using customer segments

Small e-commerce business is always about low-budget solutions. Indeed, unlike huge corporations, you can’t spend money without knowing for sure whether it is going to work, or not. Small e-stores with tight budgets often reward points to their Magento 2 customers to secure retention. This solution is efficient, yet not the only one. Of course you know what shipping and other follow up emails ...
December 9, 2015
Little-known discount issue in Magento and how to fix it

Little-known discount issue in Magento and how to fix it

Hello, my name is Pavel, and the most of my work with Magento is connected with discounts. Sounds like a confession! I can say I know a lot about them, but our sophisticated customers never let me rest and ask more and more questions about this topic. A couple of days ago I’ve encountered a problem with discounts in Magento, and today I wanted to explain this issue to you, also giving tips on ...
October 26, 2015

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This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro