Magento 2 Guides

How to install Magento 2 with PHP7 on localhost

How to install Magento 2 with PHP7 on localhost

Magento 2 is the new version of Magento framework which has many changes and advantages as compared to previous versions like site maintenance, easy to handle dashboard, obviously fast performance etc. The main and important aspects are the enhanced Admin Panel, separate tables for order processing, better image compression by default, static content caching etc. PHP7 is an improved ve...
September 25, 2016
How to add Product Parts Finder blocks to pages

How to add Product Parts Finder blocks to pages

Hello to Amasty blog readers! Today I'm sharing a tutorial for users of Amasty Product Parts Finder extension. Product Parts Finder is a very powerful tool that lets people find spare parts and components by certain parameters. In the user guide, we described options of adding the Product Parts Finder block on certain pages via the admin panel. But often this method is not enough for merchants...
September 23, 2016

How to Fix the Most Common Issues in Magento 2

Whether you're a seasoned Magento developer or someone new to the platform, encountering issues in Magento 2 is not uncommon. While these issues may initially seem minor, neglecting to address them promptly can lead to more significant problems. Let's delve into the most common problems in Magento 2 and explore the ways of fixing them.
September 15, 2016
5 steps for no-SPAM emails in Magento

5 steps for no-SPAM e-mails in Magento

This article is based on a speech Amasty Chief Technology Officer Andrei Vachkevich gave on Meet Magento Poland 2014. Good day to Amasty blog readers! I’ve been working with Magento for more than 5 years, and finally it's time to share some of our recent experience regarding sending e-mails in Magento. We’ll discuss Magento SMTP module (Editor’s note. By the time of this publication, we ...
May 5, 2016
Speed tests with Keep-Alive connections

How to configure HTTPS (SSL) for Magento

Google treats users security quite seriously so it wasn’t surprisingly that in August 2014 Google announced HTTPs as a ranking factor. But still buzz was heard from here and there in the SEO community. Some people immediately switched to HTTPs to protect their sites, Magento stores and in-built Magento blog extensions, some preferred to take time and think over such a serious step. Anyway, the...
May 2, 2016
Magento security: checklist to protect your store

Magento security: checklist to protect your store

Security is a process, not a product. Bruce Schneier According to eMarketer’s latest forecasts, worldwide business-to-consumer (B2C) ecommerce sales will increase by 20.1% this year to reach $1.500 trillion. E-commerce world is growing rapidly, and it’s natural that thousands of dedicated servers working 24/7 or private information, including financial data, are a honeypot for hackers. And ...
April 18, 2016

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro