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  1. Hyva compatibility
    Special Promotions Pro M2

    Add our Magento 2 Advanced Promotions extension to shape your discounts with clever conditions. Create promotions based on customers' info and purchase history. Use 20 actions to be sure that your promotions are unique and relevant.

    View features
    • Create 20+ promotion types for extraordinary deals
    • Use customer's attributes as rule conditions
    • Limit promotions based on customers' order history
    • Select the base price for discount calculation
    • Restrict promotions for products with special prices
    • Hyva-compatible by default
    • GraphQL Application Server compatible
    • ⏱Book a live demo
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  2. Hyva compatibility
    Gift Card Pro M2
    See available pricing options!

    Discover the omnichannel gift card program to streamline audience growth with Magento 2 Gift Card extension and win the market. Double sales and retain customers by providing advanced gifting options. Offer no-contact certificates that can be cashed-out later to grow revenue and keep business stable even during the lockdowns.

    View features
    • Create gift cards with fixed or open amount price types of single or multiple usages
    • Ensure stable performance while generating and uploading gift codes
    • Keep track of all purchased vouchers
    • Get a set of 15+ ready-to-use gift card images for different occasions
    • Add barcodes
    • Import and export gift card info
    • Return gift card balance during refunds
    • Compatibility with AWS Remote Storage
    • Compatibility with Live Search for Enterprise and Cloud editions
    • ADA & WCAG compliant (for Luma Theme)
    • Hyva-ready storefront (view demo >>)
    • Hyvä Checkout ready
    • Mage-OS compatible
    • ⏱Book a live demo
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Every online business pivots when facing different challenges and market trends. For making the change easy and lucrative, you can use ready-made complex Magento 2 e-commerce solutions for:
  1. simplifying customer shopping journey;
  2. setting up your store for B2B networking;
  3. ensuring customers achieve success;
  4. managing marketing campaigns and promotions
  5. optimizing your website speed
  6. improving SEO
  7. analyzing business strategy
But Magento e-commerce stores differ a lot in their needs, sizes, business niches and ages, so there is no chance that one solution will suit everyone. And if large businesses are ready to buy fully-equipped extensions at a high price, startups and small local companies often have a much smaller budget and less need for complex functionality. That’s why some of the Amasty products come in different pricing plans: Lite, Pro, Premium. They have various sets of features and prices. Thus, every merchant can choose Magento enterprise solutions that fits their resources and requirements.