Provide additional shipping method
Allow choosing a shop on the map
Let buyers choose the pickup time
Replace shipping address with store address
Provide additional shipping method
Thanks to Magento Store Pickup shipping module preintegration, the extension lets your customers save shipping charges by choosing the store pickup delivery as a shipping option. This method can be selected as from the checkout page so right from the shopping cart. You can also create orders with the store pickup shipping method from the backend. 
Allow choosing a shop on the map
Automatically suggest your customers the nearest local pickup point of sales to collect their orders. The extension provides buyers with the convenient capability to choose the needed store either from the dropdown menu or right on the map. 
Let buyers choose the pickup time
With Magento 2 Store Pickup extension, customers can comfortably specify the best-suited time to get their purchases. They will be offered to choose the day and hour according to the chosen shop schedule. 
Replace shipping address with store address
As soon as a customer chooses the shop pickup method during the checkout, the shipping address will be automatically replaced with the chosen location address. 
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