Minify JavaScript/CSS/HTML
Defer offscreen images
Eliminate render-blocking resources
Serve images in next-gen formats
Efficiently encode images
Reduce initial server response time
CSS/HTML/JavaScript Files Minification
Code minification helps to reduce network payload sizes and script parsing time. Just enable the types of minification features suitable for your website to reduce the number of queries and make the content in Magento 2 render faster. 
Lazy Load functionality
According to Google's recommendations, images that are not visible at the initial view should be loaded last. That is what the Lazy Load functionality does — offscreen images do not block the first render and are loaded only when they become visible during scrolling. 
Move JS to bottom
Not all scripts make a difference for a customer. Most of them do not affect the content, but still, block rendering and keep users waiting. Moving JS to the footer solves this problem and makes scripts load only after the main content. 
Convert images to AVIF or WebP
Media files are used to be the most weighty part of content. That’s why search engines approve the usage of relatively new formats - WebP and AVIF, which provide an advanced level of compression. Using the extension, you can create AVIF or WebP copies of all media files in your store and increase the loading speed of each Magento 2 page. 
Compress JPEG, PNG and GIF
Media files are used to be the most weighty part of content. That’s why search engines approve the usage of relatively new formats - WebP and AVIF, which provide an advanced level of compression. Using the extension, you can create AVIF or WebP copies of all media files in your store and increase the loading speed of each Magento 2 page. 
Warm pages with the Full Page Cache extension
This metric depends on server capabilities and can’t be directly affected by the Google Page Speed Optimizer. Still, you can use another technique to speed up the loading of contentful parts - Full Page Cache Warmer. This extension warms pages according to the priority queue and turns cache management into an effective tool to boost loading speed and reduce the time to first byte (TTFB) for Magento. 
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