Supported formats
Supported sources
Import-specific settings
Fields mapping
Unique sample files
Actions with orders
Automatic execution
Supported formats
The solution supports the most demanded file formats: import and export Magento 2 data using XML, CSV, ODS, etc. Plus, the extension can export or import custom XML formats to Magento 2 thanks to the integrated XSLT editor. Additionally, you may download sample files in all formats during import configuration. 
Supported sources
Choose the source to integrate with third-party software. To provide appropriate sync (e.g. with ERP system), use Rest API Endpoint for both import and export tasks. Meanwhile, to connect with most marketplaces, FTP/SFTP is commonly required. 
Import-specific settings
The import function has unique configuration settings. You can choose from 'Add/Update', 'Only Add', 'Only Update', or 'Delete' behaviors, each requiring a specific set of fields. To ensure that all necessary fields are included, activate the 'autofill for typical use cases' option. Define your validation strategy to either halt import on errors or skip invalid data and continue. 
Fields mapping
Use our flexible mapping system to fine-tune imported and exported data: add the required entities and subentities, skip unnecessary fields, change the naming to join info in databases properly and set third-party connectors to extract the data provided by other extensions. 
During the import and export configuration, you can add modifiers to adjust the data in the file. The most typical use cases: modify prices (round, sum or multiply them), remove HTML tags from product descriptions, capitalize customer names and so on. 
Unique sample files
Make configuration as simple as possible. Use sample files during import to avoid mistakes and unexpected errors. You can use 2 types of files - a full sample file with all possible data included, or a specific one with only those fields that you’ve added during the fields configuration. 
Actions with orders
When the orders are already exported or imported, you can automatically apply some actions, e.g. change the statuses. Apart from that, you can trigger auto-shipping, invoicing or canceling of the processed orders. Notify users about all the changes to keep them informed. 
You don't have to process the files manually to segment the data. Use Import and Export extension for Magento 2 to automatically sync the relevant data only. Just select the required filters for any data you want to get and the solution will do the rest. Some typical use cases: transfer orders placed during the last X days, upload products made by Nike, migrate customers from Canada, etc. Optionally, you can filter particular values after applying modifiers. 
Automatic execution
Manage regular store updates by scheduling automated import/export tasks for various entities: customers, orders, products, etc. Keep your store info up-to-date: massively change prices, add new products and more by a specified schedule. Use case example: run order synchronization with MS Dynamics each Wednesday at 6 am or import Magento 2 products in CSV with images from other platform monthly. 
Monitor import and export processes separately for each particular profile to timely find errors and correct them. Moreover, you can see the number of processed items for each running and make sure everything works correctly. 
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