Smart 'Analytics dashboard'
‘Most wanted’ products
Subscribers for a particular product
Recent subscriptions
See the statistics of ‘back in stock’ requests
Get the Magento 2 notifications about ‘back in stock’ requests with the next values: the quantity of stock subscriptions created, the quantity of stock alerts sent, the amount of money you get from the notifications sent. The data presented on the dashboard also can be filtered by dates. 
View the list of ‘most wanted’ products
Analyze which products are really wanted by your customers. Check the list of ‘most wanted’ products with the quantity of stock subscriptions. 
Track the list of subscribers for a particular product
See the list of subscribers for particular products with Magento 2 Out of Stock extension. You can easily track subscribers by email, subscription date, send count or remove them from the list. 
Monitor ‘recent activity’ subscriptions
The extension helps to track your customers' recent activities (subscriptions). See for which products your customers subscribe and how often it is. 
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