Law-Based Extensions

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  1. Hyva compatibility
    Cookie Consent (GDPR) M2
    See available pricing options!

    Pss… Ready to break into the global market? Go ahead, but make sure you have a ready privacy-proof strategy! Cookie Consent Helper for Magento 2 is here for you to protect your business with precise consent collection and advanced privacy documentation management across the whole world.

    View features
    • Choose a cookie bar style and customize the design
    • Collect and filter all cookie consents from registered and guest users
    • Block third-party cookies
    • Available in the German language
    • Google Consent Mode V2 support
    • Hyva-ready storefront (view demo >>)
    • New! Hyvä Checkout ready
    • Mage-OS compatible
    • GeoIP database included, update options available
    • ✔️ ADA & WCAG compliant
    • ⏱Book a live demo
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  2. Hyva compatibility
    GDPR Pro M2
    See available pricing options!

    The Magento 2 GDPR extension is designed to help online stores comply with the latest legislative EU requirements and strengthen data security and privacy. Make sure that your site collects all required user consents to avoid penalties and protect your business.

    View features
    • Comply with GDPR, CNIL and LGPD requirements
    • Obtain and record multiple users’ consent on various pages
    • Get cookie consents with an advanced popup
    • Let customers manage their personal data in personal accounts
    • Save personal data in recent documentation
    • Activate Google Consent Mode V2
    • Use PWA add-on for enhanced mobile performance
    • Hyva-ready storefront (view demo >>)
    • New! Hyvä Checkout ready
    • ✔️ ADA & WCAG compliant
    • ⏱Book a live demo
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