Law-Based Extensions

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  1. Hyva compatibility
    Omnibus Price Tracker M2

    Bring your store pricing into line with the EU Omnibus Directive requirements. Gain customers' trust and protect your store from unexpected fines and penalties by providing transparent and accurate information about price changes.

    View features
    • Effortlessly showcase the lowest product’s price in the previous 30 days or more
    • Display the historical prices for all or only for discounted products on category and product pages
    • NEW: Show Omnibus Prices individually for each child product within configurable products
    • Monitor price change history from the handy grid
    • Automatically clean price log to prevent database overload
    • Hyva-ready storefront
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  2. US Privacy Laws M2

    Easily prepare your store to meet US laws' essential requirements using a single solution. California (CCPA/CPRA), Virginia (VCDPA), Colorado (CPA), Connecticut (CTDPA), and Utah (UCPA) privacy regulations are supported.

    View features
    • Empower users to opt out of personal data sales or sharing
    • Enable buyers to securely download their personal data
    • Offer customers to request account deletion
    • Create and manage Privacy Policy versions
    • Collect various consents with custom checkboxes
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  3. Hyva compatibility
    Price per Unit M2

    Ensure legal compliance and boost customer trust by enabling automatic base price calculation and display using Magento 2 Price per Unit extension.

    View features
    • Show unit prices by weight, volume, length, etc.
    • Create custom units tailored to your products
    • Place 'price per unit' blocks on product, category, cart, and checkout pages
    • Flexibly modify the base price template
    • Dynamically showcase unit prices for configurable product options
    • Hyva-ready storefront (view demo >>)
    • WCAG compliant (Luma & Hyva Themes)
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