Welcome Amasty New Partners [Updated in July]

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Amasty New Partners
Posted in: Amasty News

Hello to Amasty blog readers!

It’s been a while we introduced our new partners. We are proud that these companies joined our family!

Our business partners come from over 80 countries from all across the globe. It’s our partners who inspire us to develop fully-fledged and user-friendly Magento extensions. And it’s our partners who trust us with the success of their business.

Here are the guys that joined Amasty Partnership program during the last 3+ years.

Partners that joined us in June 2019

In June, our work on expanding partnership network and revitalizing the existing partnerships was productive.

All in all, in June we got +30 new partners and +6 restored partnerships.

Check the details by region in the tabs below.

    Partners that joined us in May 2019

    This May has been quite eventful. We have had a chance to fly to LA and participate in Magento Imagine 2019. And now we are getting ready to go to London to meet our current partners and make new connections with e-commerce representatives from all over the world at Meet Magento UK 2019.

    We are happy to share all the new partners and the renewed ones we’ve already managed to establish communication with and plan mutually beneficial cooperation.

    Partners that have already joined us in 2019

    The first 4 months of 2019 have been quite fruitful for us. In only 4 months, we’ve got 46 new partners and restored partnerships with 28 partners. Again, partnerships cross borders, oceans, and continents.

    This year, our partnerships count not only agencies and vendors, but also retailers (Parfumerie Seduction, Arc Holdings and more).

    We are happy to welcome 28 partners back so far. Dear partners, thank you for your trust! As we’re committed to quality customer-oriented service, you won’t regret your decision.

    Partners that joined us in 2018

    In 2018 Amasty successfully expanded the partnership network throughout the globe.

    We acquired 29 new partners representing all-inclusive agencies, hosting solution e-stores and more. We thank our new partners for their trust and look forward to mutually beneficial cooperation opportunities.

    Here’s the full list:

    Some of our years-long partners went off the radar with time. In 2018, we tried to win them back, and we succeeded. So we are happy to announce 13 renewed partnerships that go across 9 countries:

    We thank our renewed partners for getting back with us. We promise to live up to their expectations by providing quality products and service.

    Partners that joined us in 2017

    Today we’re sharing some exciting news. Amasty and Cloudways are now official partners! We’re happy to collaborate with great companies and to join our forces for providing the best solutions for Magento store owners. Under these partnership relations, Amasty Full Page Cache will be available for all Magento stores deployed on Cloudways Magento Hosting Platform. Amasty Full Page Cache has rolled out across the platform for new and existing servers. Amasty team has worked hard on providing one of the fastest solutions for Magento 1 stores, and it’s an honor that Cloudways chose us as their full page cache solution provider. We’ve published a lot of tests showing Magento 1 performance with Amasty FPC, and also you’re welcome to check the tests performed by the Cloudways team, too. We’re excited about the new opportunities thanks to this cooperation and hope that it will bring even more Magento stores to the new level of operation.

    We continue introducing Amasty partners! This time we’ve interviewing David, a Director at Best Response Media. The company provides innovative Magento e-commerce and digital marketing solutions from their offices in Central London. Best Response Media joined Amasty Partner Program a while ago, and we can’t wait to introduce the company to our readers.

    – Could you please tell us a little bit more about Best Response Media?

    We were founded in 2009 and since then we have worked on hundreds of Magento e-commerce design and development projects and digital marketing campaigns. We are a full service e-commerce digital agency, which means that we offer an end to end digital service for our clients. We have a team of 25 in our Central London office that provides a range of digital services including: UX design and Magento development, Magento support, SEO, PPC, CRO and email marketing. Our team are all extremely passionate about digital and helping our clients to achieve success online. All of our Magento developers are constantly pushing to improve their skill set and knowledge of the platform. This results in our sites always getting faster and more efficient in the use of code. 

    – What is your company’s core advantage when it comes to e-commerce development and services? 

    Being a full service digital agency means that all of our teams are involved in the design and development of a new Magento website. We have encountered scenarios where a project has been developed by an agency that does not have an in-house SEO team, which has resulted in a site that misses some key SEO fundamentals and in some cases, the migration has not been implemented effectively, which could result in a significant loss of rankings. When we have a new project, key stakeholders from each team will sit down to plan it out. Everything will be considered from user experience for maximizing conversions, to SEO considerations as well as design requirements and how they could impact overall site performance. We give our clients the confidence that they have the weight of an experienced eCommerce digital marketing team behind their project that will maximize its chances of success. 

    – Please tell us a little bit more about your Magento training services. Do you offer online or offline training? Do small Magento shop owners or more of enterprise level employees come to learn?

    Our training services are extremely flexible based on the requirements of the particular client. We have a training facility at our Central London offices and are also able to provide training on-site and online. The courses will be tailored based on the client’s requirements, for example, a manager will be more interested in reporting, whereas a site administrator will need to understand the day to day tasks such as adding products and processing orders. But even with these differences, our trainers will tailor the course to the technical expertise of the audience.

    – Do you remember how and why your company has started working with Magento? 

    We consolidated our efforts a number of years ago on Magento as there was a huge demand from the market for websites on this particular platform. Our developers all had a preference for working with Magento and it made sense for us to focus on one platform from a business perspective.

    We are really pleased that we made this decision as it is a fantastic platform that is supported by a really strong community of developers and users. 

    – Can you share the most unusual project you’ve worked on? 

    The most unusual project that we worked on was probably an integration that we built between Magento and Barclays Partner Finance. A client sold big ticket items and wanted to offer an option for customers to apply for finance at the checkout. There are some finance companies that provide a Magento extension, however, their preferred provider, Barclays Partner Finance did not have an integration out of the box. We therefore had to build something out of the box for them. It was quite unusual as due to the nature of the operation, there were many rounds of approval that needed to be given before it was signed off by Barclays. We managed to meet the end process and it was very satisfying for the team to achieve this.

    – Can you share the most difficult project you’ve worked on? 

    I would say that one of the most challenging projects that we worked on would be a modification that we needed to make to one of your extensions! We needed to modify the Amasty Product Parts Finder extension so that we could implement an integration with the DVLA in the UK. This offered their customers the opportunity to enter their UK vehicle license plate and that would bring up their vehicle along with logo and then allow them to select the relevant parts. The same customization also had to fully customize the display to provide vehicle logos that could be selected instead of using a drop down. This customization project was extremely challenging, but our developers managed to achieve exactly what they needed. 

    – When did you start working with Magento 2 and where are you now in this area of development?

    Our developers started working with the beta release of Magento 2 from 2015.

     This was a gradual process until the official launch later on in 2015. Since then, we have spent a lot of time familiarising ourselves with the code and new structure to where we are today. It is still not where we want it to be, but it is a lot better than the initial launch. We have a number of Magento 2 projects in development that we expect to launch soon.  

    – Based on experience of your company, do you feel continuous and raising demand of Magento 2 services, especially when it comes to transition from M1 to M2? Or are the merchants still hesitant about switching their platforms en masse? 

    The demand for Magento 2 is growing, but it is still small in comparison to the entire Magento user base. There is definitely an appetite for migrating to the platform, but most experienced merchants are approaching with caution.

    We thank David for sharing his thoughts about the market and telling us about the company! Looking forward to fruitful partnership, as always.

    Partners that joined us in 2016

    Today we are presenting Amasty’s well-known partner – Advanced Logic. We have been working with this company for a long time and see some great benefits from this collaboration. We do hope it’s mutual! A full-service e-commerce agency Advanced Logic has been a sponsor of Meet Magento Belarus events, and we were glad to see Davide Consonni, the company CEO and owner, and his colleagues as event guests in Minsk. Today we are asking Davide a couple of questions about the company and its expertise available for the clients.

     — Davide, could you please tell a little bit more about Advanced Logic?

    Advanced Logic was founded in 2009 to provide a one-stop shop for ecommerce merchants. We offer services like marketing, design, and ecommerce platform migrations with a specialization in Magento. We have been working with Magento for the past five years. Advanced Logic started with Magento CE version 1.3, and now we handle everything Magento-related, including A to Z Magento projects and Magento 2. We’re also a Magento Solution Partner. While we offer the core marketing, design, and migration services, our specialty is in complex coding projects. The company customized some of the most well-known extensions on the market today, including widely utilized Amasty extensions. We are proud for being able to create what our clients need quickly and efficiently, and we are always looking forward to the next challenge.

    Davide Consonni, Advanced Logic CEO and owner, speaking at Meet Magento Belarus 2014

    Davide Consonni, Advanced Logic CEO and owner, speaking at Meet Magento Belarus 2014

    — Do you remember how and why your company has started working with Magento? 

    We first began working with Magento when we took on a project for an Italian luxury merchant. He was looking for an agency to build a long term working relationship with, and Magento was really starting to heat up both in Italy and abroad. Once we gained that initial experience, we started taking on more domestic clients for Magento projects; eventually, our Magento specialization became well known outside the country. More than 70% of our client base consists of international e-commerce agents now! 

    — As Magento is evolving, more and more companies offer Magento services for merchants. What are your core advantages that convince clients to work with you?

    The key to our success lies in the breadth and volume of our experience. We’ve been working with Magento for five out of the eight years it’s been around, and we manage around 800 individual Magento tasks per year. Some of our clients are larger U.S. corporations, and they pass the work to us on a regular basis. We also rely on always prompt customer service to set our agency apart. When a merchant submits a request with Advanced Logic, the team takes a clear, empirical approach and quickly analyzes each detail to create a proposal containing both a financial outline and a well-defined workflow. We pride ourselves in maintaining precise, transparent communications and planning with each of our clients, and it’s helped us to build a fantastic reputation in the e-commerce industry.

    — Can you share the most unusual project you’ve worked on?

    Offhand, the most unusual project we have worked on was the Mix and Match customization we made for Lindsay Phillips. 

    The new extension was created to show groups of relevant products and their associated images; each product mix image was shown differently depending on what product features was selected. This responsive workflow was very out of the norm for a Magento project, but it turned out very well.

    — Can you share the most difficult project you’ve worked on?

    One of the most difficult parts of working with Magento customization is resolving extension conflicts. We customize functionalities of extensions on Magento platform by writing completely separate modules, which utilize Magento rewrites. This way, we don’t have to do changes to existing modules’ coding. When we approach custom modules in this way, it allows clients to make upgrades to a parent extension without any problem — but in some instances, it can be difficult to change the existing functionality through utilizing Magento rewrites. That being said, the most complex project we have worked with was a customization of one of the most known Amasty modules that we completed for a large U.S. company. The client requested a module customization that would be compatible with 5 separate modules from several different companies. It was a real challenge to create a universal solution that would work for each of the modules simultaneously. To solve the issue, we ended up creating dynamic rewrites for all the needed functionality aspects, including the router model.

    — Davide, you’re taking part in lots of Magento events. What’s the greatest benefit of visiting these conferences for your company?

    The greatest benefit of visiting Magento events is absolutely the people. Every year, we’re a proud silver sponsor of Meet Magento Belarus, and we also attend Live Magento in France and the UK. The conferences are always a fantastic way to keep in touch with the community, meet old and new friends, and share ideas. It helps us keep in touch with what people want and are interested in.

    — Let’s talk about Magento 2. Do you have plans to work with it in the future? What do you think about the platform and its features in general, its opportunities and prospects?

    We already have the capability to work with Magento 2, and we are excited about the new opportunities this new platform presents! While the system is entirely different from its predecessors and has its own learning curve, we are generally very pleased with the components of Magento 2. We particularly enjoy the fact that Magento 2 works very well with jQuery. Previously, Magento supported only Prototype Javascript library, which led to some sticky situations with modules disappearing or not working properly. That’s a non-issue with Magento 2. We also really appreciate that Magento 2 utilizes Composer, so that all basic libraries can be updated independently. That feature allows resolving bugs and vulnerabilities in third-party libraries much quicker than before. Going hand in hand with Composer, Magento 2 also utilizes PSR standards to exclude potential conflicts in code.

    Davide Consonni, Advanced Logic CEO and owner, and Val Grikian, Amasty CEO and co-founder, together at Meet Magento Belarus 2014

    Additionally, Magento 2 has much faster processing abilities on several fronts. It uses LESS (pre-processor styling), which makes the CSS used for themes more convenient. Magento 2 also requires the use of MySQL 5.6 and PHP 7, which uses memory efficiently and runs much more quickly compared to older versions of PHP. Lastly, Magento 2 allows the use of TDD and automatic testing to improve the quality of final products across the platform.

    We thank Davide and Advanced Logic for the interview – wish you the happiest New Year! Looking forward to fruitful cooperation in 2016.

    Today we’d like to introduce a new Amasty partner, which joined our professional family a couple of months ago. Please meet SmartSites! To put you in touch with this company, we interviewed Michael Melen, SmartSites Co-Founder. 

    — Could you please tell us about SmartSites?

     SmartSites is an online marketing firm whose goal is to help companies and businesses succeed in the online sphere. The company was was founded in 2011 by my brother Alex and myself. From the very beginning, client feedback has guided SmartSites. We began as an SEO-only agency, but quickly expanded our offerings to include design and development.  In addition to SEO, clients asked if we could help them out with web design; we wondered too, so we gave it a try and it worked! SmartSites now offers the digital trifecta: web design, PPC, and SEO.   Whether it is through building a new website, implementing strategic SEO initiatives, or launching an aggressive PPC campaign, we like to get creative. Everything the SmartSites team does is unique to our specific clients’ needs. Since our inception in 2011, the team has expanded to over 40 full-time employees, but we never lost our personal touch.

    — What is your main advantage when it comes to the online marketing sphere? Why should business owners turn to you, not to your competitors? 

    Our client-focused approach is probably our strongest suit. While it takes a team of over 10 people to plan, design, and develop a site, each project that we take on is assigned a dedicated project manager to work with the client every step of the way. We offer unbeatable personal attention that the larger companies simply cannot rival. This leads to proven results time and time again. While it would be nice if online success relied on pretty designs, that is not realistic. Numbers matter and we know it. Not only do we create beautiful designs, but we also develop winning marketing solutions to support them. Feel free to check us out on Facebook and Yelp; we have five-star reviews across the board and are very proud of it! Smartsites — Can you share the most unusual project you’ve worked on? 

    LPM, a precious metal retailer based out of Hong Kong, was a project that certainly pushed our boundaries. There were a variety of challenges we tackled while building this website. Working with the Southeast Asian geography was new, as was implementing the Hong Kong Dollar as the main form of currency. This proved interesting, as very few credit card processors take Hong Kong currencies Then there was the challenge of  live market pricing, which needed to be updated by the minute according to the changes in prices of gold and silver.  This was coupled with tiered pricing, which was based on quantity and payment method. It was not an easy project, but the results proved quite rewarding. LPM now rivals some of the US bullion retailers and grows daily. We still work with them to continually improve the website and are actually in the process of incorporating auto-hedging on the site.We’ve learned not to limit ourselves with regards to what we can offer; who knows what will come next?


    — Can you share the most difficult project you’ve worked on? 

    The client Cut Sheet Labels comes to mind. They were the first company we worked with on a Magento 2 project, so it was a challenge to figure out the kinks that inevitably come along with trail-blazers. We didn’t want to compromise quality, but we also had to be honest in the fact that we were operating with a newly-released edition that did not yet have the proven track record of Magento 1. Another challenge with this project was incorporating a custom design tool that one of our developers, Sergey, built from scratch specifically for Cut Sheet Labels. This was another element that we had never done before, but wanted to incorporate because we had confidence that it would be beneficial in the long run. Now that the site is now live and flourishing, we have implemented an ongoing SEO plan. All of the hours developing the website were worth it, as we see the sales continue to grow month after month.

    — Let’s talk about Magento 2. Do you have plans to work with it in the future when it comes to site design and development? 

    We already work with it!  As mentioned above, Cut Sheet Labels was our first Magento 2 project, but certainly not our last. In fact, we are actively working on 5 more Magento 2 projects that are due to launch in the coming months. It’s an exciting time in the web development space, especially with regards to ecommerce platforms. We feel lucky to be at the forefront of all of these changes.

    — Do you have your special marketing/web design superpower? 

    We have the advantage of starting out as a marketing company and evolving into a full service agency. Because of this, all of our projects have a huge focus on SEO. Instead of just jumping into design like many agencies do, we create a comprehensive website roadmap so the client knows exactly where the project is going at all times from the day of the kickoff to the launch of the website.

    — How often do you choose Magento as a platform for your clients’ projects? And why?

    Magento is our go-to for ecommerce sites. If a client plans on selling products online, we recommend Magento immediately. Clients come to us because they are not web developers, so we want to give them a platform that is user friendly for both us and them. We don’t think it’s fair to keep the secrets of the trade hidden in the SmartSites vault…because there isn’t one! SmartSites provides our clients with utmost transparency and Magento allows our clients to be as involved in their projects as they like. In a select few cases where the ecommerce portion of the site was minimal and secondary, we opted for WordPress Woocommerce. Otherwise, if we know a site is going to have a significant e-commerce portion, we go with Magento. It’s a no-brainer.

    We’re excited about the upcoming partnership opportunities with SmartSites and wish them good luck in making their clients happy!

    Today we’re gladly introducing an Amasty partner – Envision Ecommerce. We talked to Vikrant Shukla about the company and its journey on the path of e-commerce development.

    – Could you please tell us a little bit more about Envision Ecommerce?

    Envision Ecommerce (ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company) is an End to End Magento Consultancy. Envision started in April 2015 with a team of 5 people and has seen a good growth with the team size increasing to 40 people currently. The team consists of 5 Magento Certified Professionals including me as Magento Certified Solution Specialist. Apart from that, we have the best Magento team in our region. We work on Magento 1 and Magento 2 extension development, Magento Enterprise Application development and Magento Mobile Solutions. We also cater the digital marketing needs of our customers with the help of in-house Google Analytics and Adwords Certified Professionals. We have been engaged with customers ranging from Startup (with innovative ideas) to Fortune 10 Clients. We have taken up Magento 2 and are already listed on Magento Marketplace with our extensions. Apart from Magento, Envision Ecommerce also works on M-Commerce using Ionic Framework. And at last, there is a lot of fun at Envision apart from work, come and see our Faceboook Page!

    – What is your company’s core advantage when it comes to e-commerce development and services?

    The biggest advantage of Envision Ecommerce when it comes to e-commerce development and service is that we believe in providing a solution that helps the hardest working employees in the e-commerce fiield. We know (with our experience) what it takes to make a ROI driven Ecommerce solution and that is what we aim to produce. We ensure with our strategies that the solution developed is Scalable, Sustainable and on top of all Profitable for the customer.

    – Do you remember how and why your company has started working with Magento?

    As you can make out from our name, the aim to start this company was to have a focused Magento Ecommerce Consultancy where the clients can just bring their idea and leave the rest to the team to manage. Gone are the days where people needed just developers, now everyone wants an expert and that is what Envision Ecommerce aims to be in the field of e-commerce. Whether it is Scope Discussion, Architecture Planning, Database design, Implementation, Go to Market Strategy, After launch Maintenance and at last Sales using Optimal Digital Marketing, we ensure to deliver the optimal solution. I personally have been working on Magento since its inception in 2008 (in fact before that on beta version) and am a Diehard Magento Enthusiast. This certainly is another reason for starting this company and we are being focused for Magento.

    – Can you share the most unusual project you’ve worked on?

    Well will not term it as unusual but we are working on a Magento 2 store that has around 3000+ visits daily, it already has over $3,50,000 sales in last seven month. Some day we see a traffic of 10,000+ when there is membership registration open on the website. The reason it is challenging is that we choose Magento 2 as the technology stack for it as it was termed as stable. I personally knew that our team would face challenges but that is how you learn and make mark for yourselves. The store is doing awesome in terms of visibility and sales. There are challenges like speed, regular upgrade and stability (considering that Magento 2 still has over 1000 known bugs posted on GitHub). It’s great to see our team achieving something of such sort in Magento 2.

    – Can you share the most difficult project you’ve worked on?

    We recently got opportunity to work with a Fortune 10 client, a giant in its industry. The project was certainly a tough one for a company like us, not technically but due to the timeline it had. We were to build multiple store fronts with lots of third party integration and checks. We are glad that we took the partnership with Amasty on time and used many of Amasty’s plugins and extensions in that store. The difficulties become easier when you got the right planning, the right solutioning and precise implementation. With our experience, capable team and different custom and third party extensions, we not only delivered the project successfully on time but also were able to generate repeated business and referrals from the client.

     – When did you start working with Magento 2 and where are you now in this area of development?

    As mentioned above, we started working with Magento 2 in March this year. We have been developing Magento 2 extensions (one of which is already live on Marketplace) and a couple of others are in review. Apart from that, we took the challenge to start a multistore website on Magento 2 which has been a roller coaster ride but so far has yield good results. The journey has just begun for Magento 2 and there is still a lot to be done in it. We are also publishing a series of tutorials via our blog related to different “How To Do” in Magento 2.

    – Based on experience of your company, do you feel continuous and raising demand of Magento 2 services, especially when it comes to transition from M1 to M2? Or are the merchants still hesitant about switching their platforms en masse?

    I see that the merchants are more inclined towards Magento 2. But I believe that it is us (technical solution architects) who are supposed to help them with this decision. Magento 2 is still not ready for massive development (which we have already seen with our experience), unless you are ready to take up the challenge of doing custom plugins development in it. There are many hurdles still in Magento 2. For a new start-up store, it should certainly be something that we should be educating the merchant with to take a right decision on platform selection. Regarding the transition from M1 to M2, well, we recently performed that too for a smaller Magento 1 store. There are challenges, big ones. The biggest of them is that old stores are using some extensions for a particular set of tasks which is not yet possible in Magento 2. Now not all merchants understand that Magento 2 is still an upcoming technology and its marketplace is yet not stable as of Magento 1. So the biggest challenge comes to explain why Magento 2 migration or store creation will take more time than what Magento 1 would have taken. Technical challenges are still there. Thanks to the grown up Magento community, learning and adopting Magento 2 is way much quicker than what it used to back in the days when Magento 1 was launched. My personal advice to merchants is to wait for some more time before planning to move to Magento 2 with their existing store. For merchants seeking for a new store development, well, the advice is: do listen to an Architect and a Consultant. Magento 2 is certainly the latest but it will take time to reach where Magento 1 has in past 8 years.

    We thank Vikrant for sharing his thoughts about the market and telling us about the company! Looking forward to fruitful partnership, as always.

    Today we’re announcing partnership with Alinga, a Magento e-commerce agency, which shares their vast Magento experience and provides Magento training for merchants.

    About Alinga

    Alinga is a creative website design and development company with expertise in online marketing. Specializing in Magento e-commerce website design, the company delivers high impact, innovative websites that stand out and help clients maximize sales opportunities online. A talented team of MCSS and Certified Developers provides e-commerce solutions to Brisbane, Sydney,  and Melbourne merchants.

    Magento for merchants training from Alinga

    The training provides merchants with the knowledge on how to optimize Magento stores, attract new customers and increase conversion. The workshop was created for Magento merchants or anyone running or planning to establish an online presence. It also covers Magento store configuration and management, including shipping, emails, creating and managing products, attributes and customers, pricing and sales, Magento 2 platform and much more. To see the upcoming Magento training courses and all the details, please visit the official page.

    Amasty partners with Alinga

    Amasty partners with Alinga as an official extensions provider. It means that we offer a 15% one-time discount on Amasty extensions for each Alinga course participant. We do this to support merchants that are eager to expand their online stores and to educate themselves, to implement the received knowledge right away and to eventually boost their e-commerce business. Good luck to Alinga training and the future merchants!

    Here are the guys that joined Amasty Partnership program during the last months:

    shopstack.asia – Shopstack is an engineering company focused purely on helping companies succeed selling online.
    diztinct.com– the company’s mission is to design and develop e-commerce websites that are built to succeed.
    snarkteam.com carry out a full-range of works of the development of online shops of any complexity based on Magento.
    at-vise.nl – an online marketing agency that is characterized by personal client approach, where the customer comes first.
    kraftmedia.no – simple, fast and safe Magento hosting.
    ontapgroup.com  – Magento services from the UK’s longest serving Magento Gold Solution partner.

    tallium.com – Tallium’s team has many years of senior experience executing custom functionality for the large enterprise environments as well as custom web and mobile projects.

    smartsites.com – a team of over a dozen designers, developers, writers, marketers, and problem solvers who work together to make websites successful.

    uxmaze.com create Magento e-commerce solutions for brands, retailers and wholesalers.cgi.com – business consulting, systems integration and IT outsourcing services.

    imaginemage.com – an ever-expanding e-commerce solutions provider.

    mavitech.com – a full-cycle e-commerce digital agency.

    envisionecommerce.com – a team of passionate & creative Envisionaries whose ambition is to create innovative e-commerce solutions that not only gratify the present needs but also are compatible with the future e-commerce innovations.

    Companies that have recently joined Amasty partnership program

    VT Netzwelt is an internationally-recognized brand for the development of sophisticated web and mobile applications. VT Netzwelt is officially ISO 9001 certified and possesses technical certifications in Project Management (e.g. Certified Scrum Master, Certified Associate of Project Management, ITIL certification, etc), Technical Development (e.g. Magento Certified Solution Specialist, Magento Certified Developer, etc) and Quality Assurance (e.g. CTFL issued by ISTQB).

    Ivisual Interactive is a full-service creative design bureau which develops solutions for web and print. The company is specialized in development of WordPress and Magento websites/shops, graphic design and video-editing.
    welters.de deals with open source software and helps you with installation, configuration operation and updates of many technologies, such as VPN gateways, Apache, PHP, MySQL, WordPress, Joomla, Magento, IMAP, Redmine, and more.
    M-Connect Solutions is a web development company offering fully fledged user centric solutions for web and mobile development. It’s enveloping all characteristic aspects of application development including design, development, testing, deployment and maintenance.
    Forix is an 100+ person digital agency, specializing in e-commerce, mobile app development and custom application design. As an official Magento Solution Partner, the e-commerce department alone has one of the largest collections of Magento Certified Plus developers, specializing in Enterprise Edition development.
    Web 2 Market has grown into a large e-commerce development and hosting firm. They work with the Magento and AbleCommerce platforms to create sites that deliver competitive advantage.
    121eCommerce is a company specializing in eCommerce website development and customization. The areas of expertise include web, mobile, and application development for eCommerce as well as front end design and website optimization.
    Basiliko creates, designs, develops and promotes innovative Magento eCommerce solutions. This is an ecommerce full service agency based in Modena, Italy. The company brings together the skills and a continuous research in new technologies, with a pinch of creative soul.
    Crimson Agility is a full service Magento firm with a broad set of design, development, integration and marketing skills, as well as years of industry experience and successful implementations. The company’s Magento consultants and developers are experts when it comes to working with Magento and implementing e-commerce.
    Rainstorm studio is an Australian based eCommerce solution provider. They are specialized in eBay design, Magento 2, Bigcommerce, Shopify, Neto, WordPress & Woocommerce and are crafting customized & unique designs.
    Velocity e-commerce agency delivers modern and practical IT systems, transparent websites, online shops and mobile applications. The keys of their success are years of experience, a team of the best specialists, excellent tools and constant skills upgrading.
    HBS is proud to provide business, web and IT solutions to companies using Macs, PCs or cross platform infrastructures. The venture has built a wealth of commercial knowledge and experience available to all their clients.

    Partners that joined us in 2015

    • Ripen Ecommerce
    • Lyons Consulting Group
    • Soprano Group
    • Medcapz
    • Exormedia
    • Fast White Cat
    • Cti Digital
    • Michel Arteta

    Here are the guys that joined Amasty Partnership program during the last months:

    • ashridgetrees.co.uk – a high quality mail order plant nursery where you can easily buy plants from us online safely and conveniently
    • hhdgroup.net
    • panamerik.com – Magento CE and EE development
    • eboundhost.com – trusted and reliable hosting
    • ivisual.nl – web&design agency specializing on Magento websites
    • welters.de – numerous services, such as server setup, administration and migration, hosting services, and more
    • mconnectsolutions.com – strategic IT solutions for eCommerce, B2B and B2C portal, content management systems, social media and networks, online marketing and mobile applications
    • medeka.nl – Magento e-commerce specialists
    • sgme.dk – a marketing and business consulting and media company
    • emizentech.com – Magento, PHP and apps development
    • orot-technologies.co.il – Magento e-commerce development, storage and mirgation services, and more
    • intoto.nl – facilities in the field of web sites, web hosting, desktop management and server, as well as cloud services and VoIP telephony
    • optima.com.my offers the most complete suite of online services
    • mdlonline.nl  – Magento development, customization, optimization, and consultancy
    • codeaxa.com – web development specialists focusing on all aspects of building e-commerce and content websites
    • webmasterei-prange.de – web design and marketing specialists
    • pm-it.nl – web, e-commerce, mobile and network solutions
    • bubbleup.net – an award-winning marketing agency
    • dredd.fr – e-commerce websites creation, conversion optimization and traffic solutions
    • colourways.co.uk – a creative agency and Magento experts
    • bestresponsemedia.co.uk – a digital marketing agency with experience in creating beautiful and functional Magento websites
    • rawdigital.nyc is dedicated to designing, developing, hosting, and supporting Magento eCommerce websites

    Partners that joined us in 2014

    Amasty Team is glad its Partnership Program keeps flourishing and attracting more and more Partners from all over the world. With this article we welcome 1604lab company, which decided to join the program in July and now is ready to share its experience and ideas about Amasty Partner Program in our exclusive interview.

    What does your company specialize in?

    1604lab is full web agency specialized in web design and  eCommerce solution company specialized in creating online stores with Magento for small, medium and big company.   Our team members are also Magento Certified developers and this to ensure our customers our professionality and quality of the work. We also design and develop custom Magento themes and we are going to organize soon Magento Training lessons here in Rome, in the hearth of  Italy.

    Why did you decide to join Amasty partner program?

    We decided to establish this collaboration because Amasty is a leading provider of products and specific support for Magento. We used a lot of time the extensions created by Amasty for a lot of our customer and we can say that the are well documented and created with professionalism. We decided to become their partners in order to provide to our customers the most complete ecommerce solutions thanks to the extensions and the support offered by the Amasty Team.

    What is your favorite benefit in Amasty partner program?

    Surely access to all of the extensions is a great advantage because it allows us to have effective tools to create cutting-edge e-commerce sites. Even the possibility of exploiting the priority support is certainly advantageous because it warrants that you have a solution to any problem may arise in the field of e-commerce.

    What are your expectations from Amasty partner program?

    We believe that this partnership will bring us new experiences and new possibilities to achieve the best and increasingly successful e-commerce, which reflective and satisfy more and more our customers.

    Would you recommend to join Amasty partner program?

    We think that Amasty is a very important resource for the Magento community and be able to become a partner of this really means ecommerce products provide more valid. So yes, 1604lab recommended Amasty Partner Program.

    Amasty Partner Program offers a great chance to earn more, increase your online presence and gain a reliable friend in the world of E-commerce. Amasty is glad to provide its Partners with a huge number of pleasant and profitable benefits including up to 50% discount on extensions and leads for custom development services. Find more information here and enjoy our new partners: We are glad to congratulate the following companies with their new status – the status of Amasty Partner:

    Amasty Partner Program is a great chance for any company dealing with Magento extensions to increase sales and save some money. Plenty of companies have already joined the Partner Program to attain better results and provide their customers with a wider choice of high-quality extensions. Amasty Partner Program lets you receive up to 50% discount on all Amasty extensions, reach more potential clients, stimulate interest and awareness of your services and a lot more. We would like to welcome aboard the following companies and say them thank you for joining us once again:

    • Nnpro
    • Webomania
    • Etail minds
    • Yoma
    • Easycomtech
    • Snowdog
    • Creativestyle
    • Promodo

    March has brought Amasty the following Partners:

    • Iweb
    • Webjump
    • Schawel & Coles
    • Elsner Technologies pvt ltd 
    • Agoge partners
    • Sevenlike
    • 2Office
    • Zello Partners 

    Say “Hi!” to the following new Amasty Partners:

    Check the websites of our Partners offer and maybe you will find great offers suitable for you:

    • Earlyweb
    • Redstar
    • GL&GF
    • Detailgetreu
    • Elevateweb 

    Here come the Partners of June 2014:

    • Robin eCommerce Solutions
    • Comerciovanilla
    • Guapamedia 
    • Speroteck
    • Something Digital 

    Here are the guys that joined Amasty Partnership program during the last months:

    • Shopstack is an engineering company focused purely on helping companies succeed selling online.
    • diztinct.com – the company’s mission is to design and develop e-commerce websites that are built to succeed.
    • snarkteam.com carry out a full-range of works of the development of online shops of any complexity based on Magento.
    • at-vise.nl – an online marketing agency that is characterized by personal client approach, where the customer comes first.
    • kraftmedia.no – simple, fast and safe Magento hosting.
    • ontapgroup.com  – Magento services from the UK’s longest serving Magento Gold Solution partner.
    • tallium.com – Tallium’s team has many years of senior experience executing custom functionality for the large enterprise environments as well as custom web and mobile projects.
    • smartsites.com – a team of over a dozen designers, developers, writers, marketers, and problem solvers who work together to make websites successful.
    • uxmaze.com create Magento e-commerce solutions for brands, retailers and wholesalers.
    • cgi.com – business consulting, systems integration and IT outsourcing services.
    • imaginemage.com – an ever-expanding e-commerce solutions provider.
    • mavitech.com – a full-cycle e-commerce digital agency.

    envisionecommerce.com – a team of passionate & creative Envisionaries whose ambition is to create innovative e-commerce solutions that not only gratify the present needs but also are compatible with the future e-commerce innovations.

    This is a great day for Amasty Partner Program: we have reached 50 Partners milestone and are happy to celebrate this event with our grand Magento Partners Infographics and a special discount on our Partner Program. Want to learn more about the lucky 52 Companies that are already enjoying all the bonuses of our Program? Get inside and check our infographics and a coupon code for joining Amasty Partner Program.

    Amasty Team cherishes every Partner that joins our Program. We have 3 service plans that allow you to get up to 50% discount on all our Magento extensions. To get a $50 discount on joining our Partner Program drop a line to our Partnership Development Manager Dmitry Koteshov and mention a code word AMASTY50. Hurry up, the offer is valid only till May, 19.

    And now let’s get back to our existing Partners. Check Magento infographics to learn more about them.

    Want to join the good company?

    Amasty is ready for cooperation with companies of any size, including freelancers.

    Don’t miss the chance to enjoy these benefits:

    • up to 50% discounts for Amasty products;
    • leads for custom development services;
    • extensions support;
    • personal partner manager advice;
    • official partners catalog listing and badge;
    • PR in Amasty media channels and social media.

    Sounds good? Join our Partner Program right now!

    July 8, 2019
    July 12, 2019
    July 2, 2019
    July 12, 2019
    Hi! Button “June 2019” doesn't work!!!
    Polina Litreyeva
    July 25, 2019
    Hello, Alexa! Thank you for reading and noticing this mistake. We have already fixed it.
    J. K. Brown
    July 25, 2019
    Hi! How to become your partner?
    Polina Litreyeva
    July 25, 2019
    Hello! To join our partnership program, please go to our website: https://amasty.com/partnership-program.html
    Jellyfish Technologies
    August 7, 2019
    Polina Litreyeva
    August 23, 2019
    Hi! Thanks for sharing your opinion.
    Alexandra touloumi
    September 22, 2019
    Great site thanks a lot for the informations
    Polina Litreyeva
    September 23, 2019
    Hello, Alexandra! We are glad to be helpful. Thank you for reading!
    March 26, 2021
    Great info. Thanks for the sharing.
    Vladimir Derachits
    March 26, 2021
    Hi there! Thank you for reading and sharing your opinion. We are glad that you liked the article.
    Ethan Goad
    May 4, 2021
    That's great. The article is really insightful thanks for sharing.
    Vladimir Derachits
    May 15, 2021
    Hi Ethan! Thanks for your feedback! We are glad to share our experience and be helpful.
    Jigyasa sewkani
    October 25, 2021
    Great Information thanks for sharing such helpful content.
    Mohan Sharma
    September 7, 2023
    Nice Article! Thanks, we are glad to hear that.
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