Amasty GDPR vs. Mageplaza GDPR for Magento 2

Get your Magento 2 store GDPR compliant and protect customers’ data according to the latest EU requirements.
  • Let users delete their accounts
  • Get cookie consents
  • Allow customers to download their personal data
  • Delete customer accounts automatically
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To find a perfect solution for your store, you need to research, analyze and compare multiple options. This time, we did all the hard work for you and created this comparison page for the 2 most popular GDPR extensions: Mageplaza and Amasty. Mageplaza extension has different pricing options, we’ll take the most feature-rich plan.

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Features of Mageplaza GDPR Pro for Magento 2

Features of Amasty GDPR

Deleting customer account

Mageplaza extension allows your customers to delete their accounts from the frontend. To confirm this action, they can use a password or email. Moreover, the extension can delete customer accounts automatically after a specified period of time.

Anonymization of personal data

Users have the right to stay anonymous, even when they make purchases. This extension allows them to anonymize their information, including names, phone, addresses, by replacing it with random symbols.

Basic functionality

Our extension comes with all the basic functionality that you need to comply with the GDPR:
deleting customer account
anonymization of personal data
cookie restriction
downloadable personal data
But it also has some advanced features that may come in handy.

Customizable design

This extension has 3 different bar styles:
the classic bar at the top or footer
pop-up window
sidebar with toggles
Moreover, you can customize its color, text, and buttons without creating custom CSS styles. It is possible to add detailed information about each cookie to a popup.

Cookie restriction

According to the law, you are obligated to get consent to the processing of personal data using cookies. Mageplaza extension allows you not only to customize a message and its position using HTML but also hide it in certain areas or countries.

Downloadable personal data

The Pro version of the extension lets customers download all their personal information in CSV or XML formats. This way, they can check what data you store and transfer it if needed.

Multiple policy consents

Amasty GDPR extension allows you to add multiple checkboxes and gather several policy consents separately. You can display these checkboxes on the Contact Us and Registration pages, and while subscribing to the newsletter.

Privacy consent pop-up window

Using this extension, you can display the detailed text of the policy in a pop-up window. Thus, users don’t need to open a separate CMS page in a new tab to read what they agree to.

Delete customer’s addresses

With the help of this extension, users can delete their default billing and shipping addresses right in their customer accounts.

Advanced features in the customer account

According to the law, customers have the right to contact a data protection officer. To comply with this rule, admins can enter the contact information of DPO, and it will be displayed right in the customer account. Thus, users will have access to this information at any time.

Also, our extension allows your customers to change their minds and revoke given consent right in their customer account.

Manage customers’ data from the backend

Amasty GDPR extension has multiple features for admins so they can work with customers’ data right from the backend. It gathers all the given consents from registered and guest users on a separate grid. Also, you can cave customer data in some specific documents to have easier tax control. Finally, if the customer doesn’t have access to their account but they have an urgent need to anonymize, delete, or download their personal data, admins can do it from the backend.

Features comparison

Key FeaturesAmasty GDPRMageplaza GDPR Pro
Deleting customer account from the frontend
Auto-deleting of customers data
Anonymization of personal data
Cookie restriction
Different cookie bar styles
Downloadable personal data
Delete customer’s addresses
Consent checkboxes
Multiple policy consents
Privacy consent pop-up
Possibility to manage customers data from the backend
DPO contact info
GraphQL compatibility
Possibility to revoke given consent

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Version 2.10.2
Last Update: Jun 28, 2024
2.10.2 - Jun 28, 2024
  • Fix we fixed compatibility with Amasty Product Labels, so now the labels are not displayed in the cookie popup, as they should be
  • Fix we resolved the issue where customers could be logged out while they were on the website
  • Fix we fixed compatibility with Magento Enterprise 2.4.4-p6
2.10.1 - Apr 18, 2024
  • 2.10.1
  • Compatibility now the extension is compatible with Magento 2.4.7
2.10.0 - Feb 29, 2024
  • Improvement we added the ability to use wildcard symbol in Cookie names
  • Improvement now it is possible to anonymize data for orders placed by website guests from the admin panel
  • Improvement the ability to restrict the display of the Privacy Policy popup by countries was added
  • Fix the issue with recording data in the log when the 'Enable Cookie Policy Bar' setting is disabled was resolved
Version 2.9.7
Last Update: Dec 06, 2023
2.9.7 - Dec 06, 2023
  • Compatibility now the extension fully complies with WCAG 2.1 level AA requirements
  • Fix now 'Abandoned Customer’s Accounts Automatic Deletion Period (Days)' setting works as intended
  • Fix we resolved the issue with saving Google Analytics 4 Cookies consent that was set
  • Fix we solved the problem with displaying 'Read Cookie Policy' link in the Customer accounts
  • Fix we eliminated Cookie Setting Popup title translating issue
  • Fix we fixed an issue with filtering the Action Log grid by dates
  • Fix we fixed the error occurred during the setup:upgrade command running
  • Fix we added a script to avoid problems with caching an empty tag in the Google Analytics 4 cookie script
2.9.6 - Sep 12, 2023
  • Fix we fixed a personal data anonymizing issues
  • Fix we eliminated a popup closing problem when it contain a checkbox with a CMS page link
  • Fix we solved the problem the HTML text issue in the Notification Text in the Cookie Bar Pop Up
  • Fix we corrected the Cookie Policy popup opening from the My Account Privacy Settings page
2.9.5 - Jun 19, 2023
  • Improvement we improved the German translation of the module
2.9.4 - Mar 02, 2023
  • Compatibility the extension is now compatible with Magento 2.4.6
2.9.3 - Nov 23, 2022
  • Improvement we improved the German translation of the module
  • Improvement now it is possible to add html into Cookie and Cookies Group descriptions
  • Improvement minor UI improvements according to the GDPR standards
  • Fix the issue with customer’s names displaying on the Consent Log was resolved
  • Fix now the customers who had no orders are displayed in the Delete Requests' grid
  • Fix now Cookie Side Bar is displayed on the mobile version as it should
  • Fix we corrected the Billing and Shipping Addresses data anonymization process
  • Fix we fixed Cookie Side Bar buttons displaying
  • Fix we corrected Cookie Popup displaying according to the countries specified in the settings
2.9.2 - Sep 20, 2022
  • Compatibility we resolved the compatibility issue with Amasty Jet Theme newsletter form
  • Improvement now you can exclude the optional fields from personal data download
2.9.1 - Aug 23, 2022
  • Fix we corrected composer json file
2.9.0 - Aug 05, 2022
  • Compatibility we added compatibility with Hyvä Theme. You can find the 'amasty/module-gdpr-hyva' package for installing in composer suggest (Note: the compatibility is available as part of an active product subscription or Support Subscription)
Version 2.8.4
Last Update: May 23, 2022
2.8.4 - May 23, 2022
  • Improvement now the extension fully complies with WCAG requirements
  • Improvement we added the possibility to track the personal data anonymization by site guests
  • Improvement we added translation of module content in German. Sample files for Privacy policy can be found in the user guide
  • Fix fixed the data anonymization problem when Date attribute was used
  • Fix we resolved the issue with proxy classes generation when module deploying to Adobe Commerce Cloud
2.8.3 - Mar 17, 2022
  • Improvement we optimized the layout of UI elements in the ‘Privacy Settings’ section in customer account
2.8.2 - Mar 11, 2022
  • New we added the ability to specify the email of the DPO, so now your customers can contact him through the \"Send Email\" button in Data Protection Officer’s section
  • New now the extension comes with a new UI for Privacy Settings section in customer’s account to make the experience better for your customers
  • Fix we fixed the issue with displaying and translating setting descriptions in the Privacy settings section
2.8.1 - Feb 23, 2022
  • Compatibility now the extension is compatible with Magento 2.4.4
  • Improvement we added the possibility of email automatic sending to customers once the Privacy Policy is changed
2.8.0 - Feb 09, 2022
  • Сompatibility: we improved compatibility with Amasty FAQ and Products Questions, so now you can add GDPR checkboxes on the FAQ Ask Question form. Moreover, we added Amasty GDPR Privacy Settings page to widgets layout for you to place FAQ widget on the Privacy Settings page and display frequently asked questions based on GDPR in customer accounts
  • Improvement we added a new option for downloading personal data, now your customers can download it as a ZIP archive with information divided into CSV files
Version 2.7.0
Last Update: Jan 25, 2022
2.7.0 - Jan 25, 2022
  • Improvement we added a new action ‘Personal Data Downloaded By Customer’ to the Action Log, so you can see customers' personal data download history
  • Improvement we added a new privacy setting, so now you can disable the policies text section in the customer account
  • Improvement we improved ‘Customer’s Account Privacy Settings’, so now you can rename the section ‘Privacy Settings’ in the customer account
  • Improvement now you can disable sending an email when customers anonymize personal data or in case of confirmation or rejection of customer account deletion
  • Fix we resolved the problem with personal data anonymization, now only the filled customer’s data fields are anonymized
  • Fix we fixed the issue with the ‘Deletion Request' email sending address
Version 2.6.9
Last Update: Jan 03, 2022
2.6.9 - Jan 03, 2022
  • Compatibility we improved compatibility with Amasty Jet Theme
2.6.8 - Nov 16, 2021
  • Fix we resolved the problem with sending emails from the default store
2.6.7 - Aug 13, 2021
  • Fix we fixed the issue with the GDPR grids in scrolling
2.6.6 - Aug 04, 2021
  • Fix we fixed the issue with logging when optional checkboxes were declined
2.6.5 - Jul 22, 2021
  • Fix we resolved the error that occurred at checkout
  • Fix we fixed the issue with the popup header on the page when the extension is disabled
2.6.4 - Jul 13, 2021
  • Compatibility we improved compatibility with Amasty One Step Checkout
  • Improvement we enhanced the GraphQl extension and covered the missing settings and mutation
  • Fix we resolved the cache issues that occurred after giving users' consent to checkboxes
  • Fix we fixed the issue with consent validation on backend
  • Fix we corrected the issue with 'Anonymise personal data' section on the order view page
2.6.3 - Mar 29, 2021
  • Compatibility now the extension is compatible with Amasty Jet Theme
2.6.2 - Mar 17, 2021
  • Improvement code was refactored according to Magento Marketplace standards
2.6.1 - Mar 03, 2021
  • Fix we fixed the issue with emails sent from Default Store View when approving or denying delete requests
2.6.0 - Feb 22, 2021
  • Compatibility now the module is read GraphQL compatible
  • Improvement we improved the security of the anonymization process and downloading of customer information as well
  • Fix we fixed the issue with approving of customer account deletion after changing the list of allowed countries in General Configuration
Version 2.5.5
Last Update: Feb 01, 2021
2.5.5 - Feb 01, 2021
  • Fix we resolved the problem with the privacy policy popup content displayed on different store views
2.5.4 - Jan 21, 2021
  • New we added a new section ‘Policies text’ to customer account, so your customers can find and read Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy more easily
2.5.3 - Dec 23, 2020
  • Improvement we added a new setting, so you can download fields with only filled customer’s data
  • Fix we resolved the problem with the content displaying on checkout privacy policy popup
  • Fix we fixed the issue with privacy settings in customer account when consent checkboxes are set for different store views
  • Fix we resolved the problem with PageBuilder elements configuration
2.5.2 - Nov 03, 2020
  • Improvement we added the automatic translation of email templates
  • Fix we fixed the issue with filtering by guests' email addresses in Consent Log grid
  • Fix we resolved the problem with emails deleted in recent documents after customers' deletion
2.5.1 - Oct 29, 2020
  • Improvement the extension stability was increased
2.5.0 - Oct 27, 2020
  • New we added the option to ‘Orders and Returns’ page for guests to download their personal information given when placing orders
  • Improvement we added the status ‘Delete Request Denied’ to the Action Log, so you can manage the denied requests
Version 2.4.0
Last Update: Oct 19, 2020
2.4.0 - Oct 19, 2020
  • New we developed the setting for you to enable a new section at customer accounts with Data Protection Officer information
  • New we added a new option to Customer Account page, so you can anonymize and delete customer's personal data from Admin panel
  • New now the extension comes with the option that allows your customers to open with popup a CMS page link added to consent checkbox
  • New we developed a new option for you to display Privacy Policy popup when a new customer opens the website. Moreover, the option allows you to display a popup with a new version of Privacy Policy to those users who have not accepted the policy yet
  • Compatibility now the extension is compatible with Magento 2.4.1
  • Compatibility compatibility with Amasty Jet Theme was enhanced
  • Improvement we improved the text for the default Privacy Policy sample page, so you can just replace the highlighted text with the data corresponding to your website by visiting the Privacy Policy section in the backend
  • Fix we fixed the issue with anonymization and deletion when customers have gift registries
Version 2.3.8
Last Update: Sep 23, 2020
2.3.8 - Sep 23, 2020
  • Fix we resolved the issue with anonymizing VAT number in billing address details
2.3.7 - Sep 08, 2020
  • Compatibility compatibility with Amasty CCPA extension was enhanced
2.3.6 - Aug 27, 2020
  • Improvement minor code improvements were implemented to enhance the extension security
2.3.5 - Aug 25, 2020
  • Improvement we enhanced the work of filtration at Consent Log and presented it as a tree structure
2.3.4 - Aug 04, 2020
  • Improvement we added new MFTF tests to the plugin's package
  • Fix we fixed the issue with the settings were not saved on store view level after updating to 2.0.0
2.3.3 - Jul 31, 2020
  • Improvement we updated the extension name as our extension meets not only the GDPR requirements, but also the requirements of other laws based on personal data protection in other countries of the world
  • Fix we fixed the issue appeared on checkout when the extension was disabled
2.3.2 - Jul 29, 2020
  • Compatibility the compatibility with Magento 2.4 was added
2.3.1 - Jul 20, 2020
  • Compatibility now the extension is compatible with Amasty Jet Theme
  • Compatibility we improved compatibility with third-party extensions
  • Fix we fixed the issue appeared on ‘Delete Requests’ grid after sending a 'Delete account' request
2.3.0 - Jul 10, 2020
  • New now the extension includes new functionality that lets you record and collect each consent given by guest users
Version 2.2.0
Last Update: Jun 08, 2020
2.2.0 - Jun 08, 2020
  • New the extension is now covered with MFTF tests. It will help to enhance the extension quality and stability
Version 2.1.1
Last Update: Jun 02, 2020
2.1.1 - Jun 02, 2020
  • Improvement code was refactored according to Magento Marketplace standards
2.1.0 - May 26, 2020
  • New now the extension includes new functionality that lets your customers opt-in or opt-out from optional consent at their accounts
  • Improvement we developed a universal compatibility mechanism with our extensions
  • Compatibility now the extension is fully compatible with Amasty Social Login. Customers will be asked to accept the Privacy Policy while creating account via social buttons. The action will be saved in the Consent Log.
Version 2.0.2
Last Update: Mar 19, 2020
2.0.2 - Mar 19, 2020
  • Fix we fixed code duplication in di.xml
2.0.1 - Mar 10, 2020
  • Fix we solved the issue with ACL for the 2.0.0 version
2.0.0 - Mar 03, 2020
  • New We significantly reworked the consent checkboxes display mechanism. Now it is possible to create multiple checkboxes on a form with their own settings. Please navigate to 'Amasty > GDPR > Consent Checkboxes' grid to add new checkboxes
  • New Now a website manager is able to download a CSV file with a customer's personal data. We added a download button to a customer details page in the admin area. This feature will help managers when customers submit requests to pass their personal data to 3rd parties
  • New Introducing an Automatic Personal Data Deletion for customers that stopped using your website. You can set up the time interval from the last customer's order in days, and after it expires the extension will automatically create a deletion request on the 'Delete Requests' grid
  • New Now it is possible to get customers' consent every time they visit the website. The other option is when customers will not see the checkboxes after they left their consent until the release of a new version of Privacy Policy. It can be set separately for each checkbox now
  • New we added the feature for automatic log cleaning of the records that were stored for the set period of time
  • New now it is possible to see the number of submitted delete requests in the sidebar menu (Customers > Delete Requests)
  • New now it is possible to process delete requests via API
  • Improvement We removed the following functionality from the extension: 'Customers with Consent' grid, 'Customers without Consent' grid, sending email to customers when a new version of the Privacy Policy is released. There is no need for these features with the new ones from the same release. Please contact our support if your business requires the removed features
  • Improvement Now the Cookie Consent extension is a suggested module in the GDPR extension package. After you install or update the GDPR extension via composer, you should install Cookie Consent with the separate command: composer require amasty/gdpr-cookie
  • Improvement we improved the consent log process by adding new information such as checkbox place, action, and website
  • Improvement we reworked the extension's admin area to make it more comprehensive
  • Improvement we added more data to the CSV export file with customer information
  • Improvement we removed unnecessary actions and status from 'Consent Log' grid
  • Fix we fixed error 'An error has occurred' during anonymization process, initiated from customers' dashboard
  • Fix we fixed the issue with showing privacy settings section in the customer dashboard
  • Fix we solved the problem with order data anonymization
  • Fix we fixed the issue with Amasty Social Login compatibility
Version 1.6.6
Last Update: Jan 16, 2020
1.6.6 - Jan 16, 2020
  • Fix we solved the problem with hash generation using libsodium library
1.6.5 - Dec 17, 2019
  • Improvement we implemented a stability enhancement for Amasty One Step Checkout extensoin
1.6.4 - Oct 14, 2019
  • Improvement now, for the reason of better SEO, the extension will display the cookie policy using AJAX.
1.6.3 - Sep 30, 2019
  • Improvement now, the feature of CSV exporting including more customers data
  • Improvement we corrected the work of the anonymization feature
1.6.2 - Aug 26, 2019
  • Compatibility with Amasty One Step Checkout was enhanced
  • Fix the issue with missing package after installing through composer was resolved
1.6.1 - Jul 04, 2019
  • Improvement we added the field with allowed URLs for the feature that disallows customer interaction with the website before accepting the cookie policy. Thus some pages could be accessible by customers
  • Compatibility we enhanced the compatibility with the third-party extensions
1.6.0 - Jun 11, 2019
  • New unit tests were added to the Geo IP Data module
  • Improvement the code of the Geo IP Data module was refactored
Version 1.5.6
Last Update: Jun 11, 2019
1.5.6 - Jun 11, 2019
  • Fix the issue with text color of Cookie Policy Bar affected to other text in Magento was resolved
1.5.5 - Jun 04, 2019
  • Fix the issue with Privacy Policy text for different store views after cloning an existing policy was resolved
1.5.4 - May 15, 2019
  • Fix the issue with changing the status of privacy policy was resolved
1.5.3 - Apr 11, 2019
  • Compatibility the compatibility of Geo IP Data module with Magento 2.1.x was enhanced
  • Improvement the Privacy Police checkbox validation process was enhanced, solving possible issues on the checkout page
  • Fix the issue with clicking on the privacy policy checkbox label without checking the checkbox was resolved
  • Fix the issue with the translation of the privacy policy popup button text was resolved
  • Fix the issue with the translation of the checkout page Privacy Policy checkbox title was resolved
1.5.2 - Mar 26, 2019
  • Improvement IPv6 support was added to Geo IP detection.
  • Improvement the possibility to upload the latest Geo IP Database was added
1.5.1 - Mar 06, 2019
  • Fix error on the policy grid was fixed
1.5.0 - Mar 05, 2019
  • New introducing a Cookie Management page. Now a user is able to activate or deactivate certain cookie groups. Admin is able to create new groups for cookies.
  • Improvement consent validation at the checkout page was improved. Possible issues on the payment step were resolved
  • New added setting to enable/disable extension
Version 1.4.8
Last Update: Feb 05, 2019
1.4.8 - Feb 05, 2019
  • New now it is possible to create a link to the Privacy Policy via the 'Amasty Privacy Policy' widget.
  • New we have added Ajax to the allowing/disallowing cookies. No page reload will happen after action with cookies.
1.4.7 - Jan 17, 2019
  • Fix the issue with two checkboxes at the Contact Us page was resolved
  • Fix the issue with deletion of account if the DoB and the Gender are required fields was resolved
1.4.6 - Jan 10, 2019
  • Improvement the translation of the Current Password label was added
  • Fix the issue with disabling all privacy policies was resolved
1.4.5 - Dec 21, 2018
  • Improvement the privacy policy popup load process was improved reducing the total page size
  • Compatibility the compatibility with Magento 2.1.9 Enterprise was enhanced. The error while opening the privacy policy grid in the admin panel was fixed.
  • Fix the issue with not including multiple addresses in a customer information file was resolved
  • Fix the issue with sending the text of the privacy policy for the wrong store view in the customer consent request email was resolved
1.4.4 - Dec 06, 2018
  • Improvement the inline edit was added to the privacy policy grid.
1.4.3 - Nov 27, 2018
  • Fix the \"Element with ID 'amasty_gdpr_checkbox' already exists\" issue on the contact page wile submission was resolved
1.4.2 - Nov 19, 2018
  • Fix the issue with wrong geolocation detection was resolved
1.4.1 - Oct 29, 2018
  • Fix the issue with the possible error on the Cookie Policy Consents page was resolved
1.4.0 - Oct 25, 2018
  • Improvement the extension's cooperation with Full Page Cache was improved
  • New introducing the cookie policy consents grid. When a customer allows, disallows or revokes cookie policy, the action is recorded to the grid with all accompanying data
Version 1.3.0
Last Update: Oct 19, 2018
1.3.0 - Oct 19, 2018
  • New the ability to revoke the cookie concent was added
  • New the ability to restrict the access to the website until the cookie consent is given was added
  • New the notification for an admin on the customer's personal data delete request was added
  • New now the \"customers with consent\" grid contains more data: the website/store view, the place of the given consent and the IP address of the customer
  • New the new privacy policy state \"Draft\" was added
  • Improvement the personal data anonymization process was improved for the Invoice/Shipment grids
  • Improvement the email on the privacy policy update was enhanced
Version 1.2.2
Last Update: Oct 17, 2018
1.2.2 - Oct 17, 2018
  • Fix the possible issues with not working consent checkbox on the checkout page were resolved
1.2.1 - Oct 01, 2018
  • New now the list of EU countries is editable from the admin panel
  • New now the cookie bar can be placed at the top of the screen
  • Improvement the process of saving a customer's consent was improved
1.2.0 - Sep 27, 2018
  • Improvement now, when a customer accepts the actual version of the privacy policy, he will not be asked to accept it again until the new version of the policy will be released. The update reduces the number of actions for registered customers to purchase products as
  • New the ability to switch ON/OFF personal data anonymization, deletion and download actions for customers was added
  • New The ability to show privacy Policy confirmation checkboxes on the \"Contact Us\" and \"Newsletter Subscription\" forms were added.
  • New the ability to anonymize personal data of an order made by a guest was added
  • Improvement the possibility to edit an active privacy policy was disabled
  • Improvement Now a privacy policy sample is created during the extension's installation process
Version 1.1.7
Last Update: Sep 03, 2018
1.1.7 - Sep 03, 2018
  • New the ability to adjust the cookie policy bar style was added
  • Improvement the ability to anonymize the 3rd party extension customer attributes was added
1.1.6 - Aug 27, 2018
  • Improvement now, a customer can download, anonymize or delete its personal data only after entering the password
1.1.5 - Aug 20, 2018
  • Improvement the notification for a customer when an account has been deleted was improved
1.1.4 - Aug 13, 2018
  • Fix the issue with the email language was resolved
  • Fix the issue with the customer login URL in the consent emails was resolved
1.1.3 - Aug 02, 2018
  • Improvement the stability enhancement was implemented
  • Fix the possibility of appearing JS errors was resolved
  • Fix the issue with cookie policy bar links was resolved
1.1.2 - Jul 26, 2018
  • Improvement the extension settings was slightly improved
  • Improvement the stability enhancement was implemented
1.1.1 - Jul 17, 2018
  • Fix the issue with the page reload when clicking on the policy was fixed
  • Compatibility the compatibility with the 3rd party checkout extensions was improved
1.1.0 - Jul 16, 2018
  • New the ability to manage the cookie policy bar was added
  • New the ability to disallow optional cookies was added
Version 1.0.2
Last Update: Jul 05, 2018
1.0.2 - Jul 05, 2018
  • Improvement the location detection via GeoIP data was improved
1.0.1 - Jun 21, 2018
  • Improvement the extension's translation file was enhanced

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