Updating an Amasty extension follows the same process as installing a module.
To update a single extension:
Run the following command to update a specific Amasty extension:
composer update amasty/<module-name>
To update multiple extensions:
You can update multiple Amasty extensions at once with this command:
composer update amasty/module-name-a amasty/module-name-b amasty/module-name-c
To update the full version (including dependencies):
By default, the composer update command updates only the last version digit (e.g., from 1.2.x to 1.2.y). To update an extension to a higher minor or major version (e.g., 1.x.x to 2.x.x), use the following command:
composer require amasty/module-name --update-with-dependencies (or -w)
To update all Amasty extensions:
To update all Amasty extensions installed on your Magento instance, use:
composer update amasty/*
To update all Magento modules:
If needed, you can update all modules installed on Magento with the command:
composer update
To finish the update process:
After updating the extension(s), execute the following Magento setup commands to complete the process:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy [your-locale]
→ To learn more about installing, updating, and deleting Amasty extensions, check out our user guide.
If you would like to check the extension version via the files, please keep in mind that the relevant extension version is specified in the composer.json file of the extension folder. The version in etc/module.xml is NOT the extension version but the version of installation scripts.
In order to check the current extension version, proceed to Stores > Configuration > Amasty Extensions > Extensions & Notifications > Installed Extensions.
Need help with extension configuration? Check out our configuration service →
Also, free installation and configuration by the Amasty team is available with any advanced support subscription (Pro, Premium, and Amasty One).
See also how to update Magento 1 extensions by Amasty.
Update magento 2 to latest version (be it Magento Community latest version or Magento 2 Enterprise latest version): Get your Magento upgraded to the Magento 2 latest stable version and stay protected from security breaches while benefiting from new features with the Magento 2 Upgrade Service. Magento latest version now is 2.4.x.
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