12 ways to overcome the COVID-19 crisis and remain in online business

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covid 19 crisis effect
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Leading economists say the pandemic brought us about the deepest economic shock ever.

This is an economic tsunami.


The rest of it is more like a natural disaster, where the government’s role is to help families avoid economic hardship, not put them back to work.


Well, let's just talk this through!

The Great Depression took 3 years to break out, the current crisis took 3 weeks.

Economic gurus don’t even compare it to the 2008 global financial crisis. Nothing can be compared with the crisis of this extent.

While most analysts anticipated V-, U- or L-shaped downturn, it's now clear the economic downturn will be followed by stagnation. And the best-case outcome for the crisis will be a positive growth at the Q4 of 2020.

To reach this point, we need to halt the spread of the coronavirus addressing it through responsible international cooperation and taking the measures:

  • make public COVID-19 testing
  • establish quarantines and self-isolation
  • support health care

The conditions may take up to 18 months for vaccine development and massive testing.

vaccine development anticrisis measures

One thing is for certain unless we stop the pandemic, the economy will continue the freefall.

how to overcome econimic decline

Under the present circumstances, many small businesses go into the red, can’t pay back and end up being put out of business. No means all businesses timely receive government support for recovery.

move business into online with amasty

The crisis will hurt face-to-face services, the way out is to move your business online. The pandemic tests our collective capacity to respond. And here at Amasty, we’ve already thought this through and worked out a kit of solutions to keep your business profitable.


12 Ways to overcome the COVID-19 crisis

Are your businesses involved in the distribution of essential goods and medical supplies? Contact us to discuss individual purchase conditions.

Way #1. Move your offline business to online

If you run an offline business - we are ready to help you with transferring it into digital.

We’ve been working with projects of different complexity for 11+ years and guarantee high coding standards. We offer:

  • Magento integrations and customizations,
  • full-cycle Magento development,
  • mobile development for iOS and Android platforms,
  • turn-key website development,
  • and services of developers, QAs, designers, etc.

Talk to our expert or learn more about the conditions from the custom development page >>


Way #2. Prevent stockouts with M2 Advanced MSI/Multi Warehouse Inventory

We can discuss stock replenishment methods for hours. However, if you can't manage your local inventory, you’ll inevitably lose revenue and refill the deadstock.

Find out how to set up local inventory >>


Way #3. Save on warehouses management with dropshipping

Move your business into the dropshipping model. Save on warehouses management to keep your business profitable.

See how to set up dropshipping in Magento 2 >>


Way #4. Show when in-demand products will be back in stock

Given established, any replenishment system can go wrong and you’ll run out of most in-demand products. While they’re being shipped, notify your shoppers of the date they will be available for purchasing.

See how to set up the out-of-stock notification >> 


Way #5. Let shoppers calculate the shipping cost on product pages

To save money on delivery, many shoppers order products to pick them at delivery points. Thus, they endanger not only their but also your employee’s health. Place the shipping cost calculator to your product pages to let them see the final price before checking out and motivate them to stay at home.

See how to add a shipping calculator to your product pages >>


Way #6. Show how much left to spend to get free shipping

Increase your average check size by offering free delivery for a definite amount spent.

See how to add a free-shipping banner to your storefront >>


Way #7. Reduce delivery workload offering pre-orders

Let shoppers pre order products to estimate the load of shipping service and avoid bottlenecks in delivery.

See how to add a pre-order option to your store >>


Way #8. Establish a unique delivery schedule

Provide your shoppers with convenient delivery options, let them see your delivery schedule before purchasing, choose a desired date and time and write delivery comments like: "Leave my package at the door, please" to maintain their good health.

See how to set up your delivery schedule >>


Way #9. Add contactless delivery option to your store

Notify users on registration and log-in forms about the contactless delivery option at your store.

See how to add a no-contact delivery to your store >>


Way #10. Let users order products online and pick them at a store

Given your country hasn't introduced yet a strict quarantine, you can offer your users a store pickup. Let them choose the nearest brick-and-mortar store and take their products at less busy hours.

See how to add a store-pickup map to your Magento 2 >>


Way #11. Restrict delivery outside your country, enable free shipping for particular products

Offer a wide range of shipping options to let shoppers keep social distance and prevent the spread of the disease.

Find out how to apply different shipping rules at your Magento 2 >>


Way #12. Inform customers on the status of their orders

Allay shoppers’ concerns and reduce your support workload. Add custom order statuses and ‘lead customers by their hands’ from the landing page to the reviews page where they’ll thank you for the excellent work.

See how to add custom order statuses to your store >>




If you trade in medical supplies or essentials and need urgent help, contact us via [email protected] and we'll discuss individual purchase conditions.

April 3, 2020
April 16, 2020
March 25, 2020
April 4, 2020
Hello to all In this puzzling forthwith, I disposition you all Appreciate your family and friends
Polina Litreyeva
April 6, 2020
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