Amasty Elastic Search vs. Mirasvit Elasticsearch for Magento 2

Provide your visitors with a convenient search and convert them into customers by guiding them to the relevant search results.
  • autocomplete and spell corrections
  • synonyms and stop-words
  • multi-language search
  • search by any product attribute
  • mobile-friendly design
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To find a perfect solution for your store, you need to research, analyze and compare multiple options. This time, we made all the hard work for you and created this comparison page for the 2 most popular search extensions working on the Elasticsearch engine: Mirasvit and Amasty.

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Mirasvit Search for Magento 2 includes all the basic functionality you may need. The main advantage of this extension is the high-speed autocomplete feature. When the user starts typing the first letters of the product name in the search window, it not only suggests autocomplete options but also offers relevant products. And you can define what type of product information will be included in the search autocomplete.

Website search

With the plugin by Mirasvit, users search through all Magento 2 pages like categories, CMS pages, blogs, etc. Thus, they can find any content they need.

Highlight specific products

You can customize the search results page to promote specific products or brands by displaying them on the top positions for a specific keyword or a set of search queries.

Long-tail search

The Magento 2 extension Elasticsearch by Mirasvit supports long-tail search. That means customers can search products not only by their names but also by SKU, ISBN, abbreviations, or any other code.

Synonyms and stop words

You can set up a list of synonyms and stop words, so the search will understand what users are looking for regardless of which words they use. As a consequence, visitors will always get the correct search results.

Multi-language support

This extension supports all the languages and provides the same quality of results for all users. Moreover, it uses morphology preprocessors to understand both singular and plural and other word forms. Finally, this plugin can correct misspelled search queries and help users find what they are looking for no matter what.

Search landing pages

If you have a large catalog and want to improve your SEO by covering specific keywords, you can create separate landing pages for specific search requests on your website. These pages look like a regular catalog page, but it includes products that match the search query. For search landings, you can set up SEO-friendly URLs, titles, and meta tags.


This extension supports 3 redirect types:

  • Error 404. If the user found your outdated product page in Google, instead of displaying a 404 error page, you can redirect them to the corresponding search result page.
  • Single product search result. If the search query has only one suitable product in your store, this plugin will redirect it to this product page without displaying search results.
  • Search redirects. You can redirect users to the landing page instead of the regular search results when they are using specific keywords.


Basic functionality

Amasty Elastic Search extension includes all the basic features like:

  • Autocomplete
  • Website search
  • Long-tail search
  • Synonyms and stop words
  • Multi-language support
  • Spelling corrections
  • Search landing pages
  • Redirects
  • And others.

But it also includes multiple advanced features.

Customizable autocomplete window

With this extension, you can customize the autocomplete window, change its color scheme, size, and other parameters.

Browsing history

You can enable the browsing history feature, so this plugin saves users’ search history. Thus, they can have quick access to their recent search results anytime. 

Display the search box on any page

This search module includes the search bar widget that you can place on any page of your website. You can place it on the sidebar, footer, mini cart, or CMS page.

Weights for product attributes

With this extension, you can include any product attributes into the search algorithm and set their weight from 1 to 10, a.k.a. priority. As a result, your search will be more accurate. How does it work? Say you have 2 product attributes: color with weight 10 and description with weight 5. So if the users will type into the search box the word “blue”, the algorithm will prioritize the color attribute before description.

Character mapping

Say, you sell Lancôme perfumes. With the character mapping, your shoppers don’t need to find the ô character to get relevant information. They can use o instead, type Lancome and get the same search results.

Advanced search query settings

Amasty Elastic Search has 3 additional settings that you can apply to any product attribute included in the search algorithm:

  • Spell Correction. It corrects errors and typos in search queries.
  • Wildcard. If this setting is enabled, users can enter the beginning of the word and get a relevant result.
  • Match Mode. This setting defines how the words in a search query are combined. If you set the AND mode, the search engine will look for products that include all the words from the search query. And if you use the OR mode, the search engine will display products that contain any words on the result page.

Features comparison

Key FeaturesMirasvit searchAmasty search
Full site content search
Popular searches display
Responsive design
Sort by relevance
Highlight featured products
Language morphology support
Long-tail searches
Synonyms and stop words dictionary
Spelling corrections
Fallback search
Multi-language support
404 redirect
Single-result redirect
Search landing pages
Google site links search
Short URLs
Customizable autocomplete layout
Browsing history
Product attribute prioritization
Search bar widget
Character mapping
Advanced search query settings
Cron tasks list

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Version 2.2.0
Last Update: Jun 18, 2024
2.2.0 - Jun 18, 2024
  • Improvement:we added case sensitivity for synonyms and stop words
  • Fix we fixed the issue with sorting 'Yes/No' type attributes
  • Fix we solved the issue with adding Bundle products to the cart from the search popup (Please note: compatibility with Magento versions up to 2.4.3 is no longer supported)
  • Fix we eliminated the problem with the loading speed of the search popup when the 'Enable Indexation for Autocomplete Popup' setting is enabled
Version 2.1.0
Last Update: Mar 13, 2024
2.1.0 - Mar 13, 2024
  • New we added the capability to use the new Elasticsearch Tokenizer 'Standard' for Pro and Premium versions (Note: the compatibility is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • Fix we fixed the 'amasty_elastic_opensearch' search engine issue that caused warning messages in the module
  • Fix we resolved compatibility issues with PHP 8.0 and higher so searching now works as intended
  • Fix we solved the issue where incorrect store views attribute options were included in the reindexing process
Version 2.0.1
Last Update: Nov 13, 2023
2.0.1 - Nov 13, 2023
  • Fix we fixed the error occurred during Popup Data indexation process running
  • Fix we fixed an undefined array key that caused filtration issues
2.0.0 - Aug 16, 2023
  • Compatibility now the extension is compatible with the Elasticsearch 8 version
  • Compatibility the compatibility with the OpenSearch 2 version was added
  • Refactoring the code was refactored to make it compatible with the Elasticsearch 8 version and OpenSearch 2 version (Please note: after update third party customizations may be incompatible with the new version)
  • Fix we fixed the errors occurred during the Catalog Search indexing process
  • Fix we replaced the Zend classes with the Laminas
  • Fix we eliminated the price sorting and filtering issues on Categories Pages
Version 1.17.0
Last Update: May 31, 2023
1.17.0 - May 31, 2023
  • Fix we fixed the compatibility issues with Elasticsearch starting from the version 7.10.0 so now the reindexation runs without errors
Version 1.16.3
Last Update: May 05, 2023
1.16.3 - May 05, 2023
  • Improvement we improved the module performance in case there are no active relevance rules
  • Improvement now Magento GraphQL queries work correctly with Amasty Elastic Search
  • Fix we fixed the error occurred during  the reindexation process
  • Fix we fixed the incorrect sorting by attribute options value issue on category pages
  • Fix we solved the problem with the incorrect operation of the price filter which caused an error on the category pages
  • Fix we corrected the error occurred when Automatic Price Navigation Step Calculation is enabled
  • Fix we solved the issue related to the incorrect display of search results when Allow to Search Within Results (Desktop) is enabled
1.16.2 - Mar 20, 2023
  • Compatibility now the extension is compatible with Magento 2.4.5-p2, 2.4.6
  • Fix we resolved the issues occurred once patch ACSD-48234 was applied
1.16.1 - Jan 20, 2023
  • Improvement we added the possibility to clear data from the amasty_xsearch_users_search table. Now when deleting data from Magento search_query table the data from amasty_xsearch_users_search will also be deleted
  • Improvement we improved search on CMS pages so now it is first of all carried out by the titles
  • Improvement we optimized the data loading process for the Search Popup
  • Fix the issue with 'product name' and 'product url key' null values in search results via GraphQL was resolved
  • Fix we corrected the sorting by name from product listing in case when a product name contains a comma
  • Fix we fixed the error occurred after the module general configuration saving
  • Fix now the counter on the Category pages shows the correct number of products
  • Fix the issue with incorrect class namespace was resolved
  • Fix now the colors on the Analytics Dashboard are displayed according to the diagram legend
  • Fix we fixed the problem with the message displaying when there are no search results
  • Fix now when using Google Chrome on Android OS the search is triggered when the 'Next' button is clicked
  • Fix we solved the problem with incorrect search results when the search query contains an ampersand
  • Fix we resolved the problem with adapting the Search Popup to the window size
  • Fix we eliminated the problem with two URLs containing in the page base URL in case of a multiple store
  • Fix we fixed the incorrect search sequence
1.16.0 - Oct 18, 2022
  • Compatibility we added compatibility with OpenSearch
  • Improvement now our module handles multi-word synonyms search
  • Improvement the ability to handle the direct API requests for searching was added
Version 1.15.2
Last Update: Jun 16, 2022
1.15.2 - Jun 16, 2022
  • Compatibility a new package for Adobe Commerce Shared Catalog compatibility was added
1.15.1 - May 11, 2022
  • Compatibility now the extension is compatible with Amasty Meta Tags Templates
  • Fix now the extension works properly in combination with Amasty Grouped Options
1.15.0 - Apr 29, 2022
  • Improvement we moved the module to the UI components. CSS selectors were refactored and part of the searching logic was moved to the frontend and (Please note: if your store uses any third party extensions for our amasty/xsearch your custom styles might be changed after the update)
  • Compatibility we improved compatibility with Magento 2.4.4
  • New now it is possible to enable the fullscreen mode for the search pop-up. Using fullscreen will allow you to take full advantage of custom blocks and customers to fully focus on search results
  • New we introduced an option to delay search execution. Using this feature will allow you to give customers the time to fully enter search query before triggering the search as well as resulting in more refined search terms reports
  • New we added setting to display SKU for products in the search pop-up
  • New now it is possible to choose between Grid and List views for product results block
  • New we added an option to display standalone search button
  • Improvement we adjusted empty results phrase to include search query
  • Improvement we reworked relevance calculation for categories block in the search pop-up. Now you should be able to see better results when searching for a particular category
  • Improvement we refactored Search Analytics graph to avoid clutter with dates values
  • Improvement we introduced option to expand/collapse search pop-up custom tabs on mobile
  • Improvement minor visual improvements
  • Compatibility compatibility with Magento Page Builder was improved
  • Compatibility compatibility with Amasty Blog Pro was improved
  • Compatibility compatibility with Amasty FAQ and Product Questions was improved
  • Fix we resolved the issue with search results page when using “Custom URL Key for Default Search Results Page” setting
  • Fix we corrected the issue with search pop-up translations when “Enable Indexation for Autocomplete Popup” setting is set to Yes
  • Fix we fixed the issue with missing special price in the search pop-up
  • Fix we adjusted the way extension values “Search Weight” attribute value
Version 1.14.1
Last Update: Apr 12, 2022
1.14.1 - Apr 12, 2022
  • Compatibility we improved compatibility with Magento 2.4.4
1.14.0 - Mar 24, 2022
  • New we introduced an option to enable additional search field on desktop search results page. It allows to refine search results further using two search queries instead of one
  • Improvement we refactored the way extension handles spelling errors. Now spell correction handles more cases allowing greater number of successful searches
  • Compatibility compatibility with Amasty Improved Sorting was added. Now you can create relevance rules based on Amasty Improved Sorting bestsellers data
  • Compatibility compatibility with Amasty Meta Tag Templates was added. Now search will take Amasty Meta Tags category templates data into consideration when using search
  • Fix characters case no longer affects sorting with Elastic Search enabled
  • Fix we resolved the issue with synonyms not working as intended when wild card are enabled
Version 1.13.3
Last Update: Nov 18, 2021
1.13.3 - Nov 18, 2021
  • Improvement we removed the 'Max Number of Search Results' setting. Now the extension works according to default Magento limitations
  • Fix now 'Search Query Settings' values correctly work with Store View scope
  • Fix we resolved the issue with indexing when using dynamic price filter ranges
1.13.2 - Aug 24, 2021
  • Compatibility we improved compatibility with Amasty Blog Pro extension
  • Fix we resolved the issue with configurable dropdown options on PDP in case Recently Viewed or Bestsellers block is enabled in an autocomplete popup
  • Fix we adjusted the filtration by out of stock options in case MSI is disabled
1.13.1 - Jul 07, 2021
  • Compatibility the Amasty Preorder button replaces Add to Cart button in the autocomplete popup if applicable
  • Bug we corrected the display of View All link
  • Bug now the currency is cached correctly per store in the search autocomplete popup
1.13.0 - Apr 13, 2021
  • New now Relevance Rules can be configured to work in autocomplete search popup as well
  • New now you can preview products a Relevance Rule will be applied to
  • Improvement we implemented significant modifications to the Relevance Rules functionality - now rules' data is indexed by Elastic
  • Fix we corrected the filtration on Most Wanted Search Terms and Recent Activity grids
  • Fix we fixed the exclusion of CMS Pages
Version 1.12.2
Last Update: Mar 23, 2021
1.12.2 - Mar 23, 2021
  • Compatibility we improved compatibility with other Amasty extensions that utilize the jQuery Slick library
  • Fix we resolved the issue with GraphQL search queries returning empty results
1.12.1 - Feb 23, 2021
  • New we implemented the Elastic Search indexing for Categories, CMS, Amasty Blog, Landing, Brand and FAQ pages
1.12.0 - Jan 27, 2021
  • New now you can modify an empty search results page by inserting any CMS block with a custom content instead of the default message
  • New we designed an option to show latest search queries for logged in customers for more convenient and less time-consuming repeat searches
  • New we added a new block to an autocomplete popup to show customer’s recently visited products
  • New we designed an integration with Amasty Improved Sorting extension: now you can display Bestsellers block right in the search popup to acquaint visitors with the most popular products of your store before they start searching
  • Compatibility now customers can choose a wishlist for adding products from an autocomplete popup if multiple wishlist functionality is enabled on Magento Commerce
  • Improvement now the creation of synonyms supports both upper and lowercase words
  • Improvement we rechecked and established correct dependency on jQuery UI library
Version 1.11.2
Last Update: Nov 02, 2020
1.11.2 - Nov 02, 2020
  • Compatibility we updated and refactored extension’s GraphQL
  • Fix we resolved the issue with missing images in the autocomplete popup
1.11.1 - Oct 15, 2020
  • Fix the extension works smoothly on all Magento 2.3.x versions taking into consideration the changes made by Magento in Advanced Search Collection starting from v2.3.4
1.11.0 - Oct 13, 2020
  • New GraphQL read compatibility was added
  • Compatibility now the extension is compatible with Magento 2.4.1
Version 1.10.0
Last Update: Sep 23, 2020
1.10.0 - Sep 23, 2020
  • New we created a search widget which allows you to place additional search field with full searching functionality at any place on the store pages
  • Fix we corrected the issue with searching by category if the search query is present in several category attributes
  • Fix we corrected the functioning of ‘Show \"Out of Stock\" Products Last’ feature in case items are searched by the same search query
  • Fix we corrected the applying of relevance rules upon GraphQl product searching
Version 1.9.1
Last Update: Sep 09, 2020
1.9.1 - Sep 09, 2020
  • Improvement now MFTF tests consider the differences between approaches in Magento 2.3.5+ and Magento 2.4.0+ and are provided in separate packages via composer 'suggest'
1.9.0 - Aug 25, 2020
  • New we added character filter mapping to convert specified keys to specified values upon searching
  • Compatibility we improved compatibility with MSI
  • Compatibility we enhanced compatibility with Amasty extensions which have searchable entities
  • Improvement we improved the design of autocomplete window
  • Improvement we enhanced the usability of extension configuration by adding dependencies and comments
  • Fix we resolved the issue occurred on the storefront if any of the custom layout fields is empty
  • Fix we corrected the adding of search terms
  • Fix we adjusted the issue with incorrect quantity of products on search results page
Version 1.8.6
Last Update: Jun 11, 2020
1.8.6 - Jun 11, 2020
  • Fix we resolved the issue with incorrect counting of products depending on their stock
1.8.5 - Jun 09, 2020
  • Improvement now you can programmatically add any custom analyzer to extend the search functionality
1.8.4 - May 07, 2020
  • Fix we corrected extension's indexation in case of using ElasticSearch 5.x
  • Fix we resolved the issue with ElasticSearch index prefix
1.8.3 - Apr 17, 2020
  • Compatibility compatibility with Amasty Shop by Brand extension was improved
  • Improvement we implemented minor enhancements to extension's indexation
  • Improvement we added a notifying warning in case of hardcoded Elastic Engine on the server
  • Fix we corrected the display conditions of Test Connection button
1.8.2 - Mar 02, 2020
  • Fix we resolved issue with missing products in search popup with popup indexation enabled
1.8.1 - Feb 17, 2020
  • Improvement Advanced Search part of the extension is now covered by MFTF aimed at quality and stability enhancement
1.8.0 - Feb 12, 2020
  • New now searching by SKU of child product which is not visible individually will show associated parent product as a result
  • Compatibility we enhanced compatibility with Magento MSI
  • Compatibility compatibility with Magento 2.3.4 was improved
  • Improvement we implemented enhancement of Autocomplete Popup indexation to avoid memory issues in case of large catalogs
  • Fix we corrected the relevance rules implementation
  • Fix we resolved the issue with search requests containing quote marks
Version 1.7.2
Last Update: Dec 10, 2019
1.7.2 - Dec 10, 2019
  • Compatibility we enhanced the compatibility of extension with custom themes
  • Improvement we added validations for Elastic Search Server configuration
  • Improvement we added a new option that allows you to control search field width - now you the field can keep the same width during searching process and doesn't get resized according to the width of autocomplete window
  • Fix we resolved issues which caused the malfunctioning of GraphQL function
1.7.1 - Nov 28, 2019
  • Compatibility compatibility with Amasty Shop by Brand was improved
1.7.0 - Nov 11, 2019
  • New we covered the majority of plugin's features with MFTF tests. It will help to improve quality and stability of our extension.
  • Compatibility compatibility with the \"Shared Catalogs\" feature was improved
Version 1.6.5
Last Update: Oct 31, 2019
1.6.5 - Oct 31, 2019
  • Fix we have fixed issue with using stop words
1.6.4 - Oct 24, 2019
  • Improvement we added whitespaces validation to Stop Words functionality to avoid issues during indexation
  • Improvement we reviewed and enhanced the logic of Popular Searches block in autocomplete popup
  • Fix we corrected the issue with products sorting by stock in autocomplete popup
  • Fix we resolved the incorrect behavior of search popup on mobile devices
  • Fix we fixed the issue with incorrect URLs in autocomplete popup in case of 'Add Store Code to Urls' setting enabled
  • Fix minor fixes were implemented
1.6.3 - Sep 30, 2019
  • New we introduced a new functionality which adds related search queries to search result page
  • Improvement we improved frontend user experience in case of elastic engine unavailability. If elastic engine suddenly gets off on your server, customer will see a user-friendly notification instead of error
  • Improvement we improved search popup first byte time, which speeded up search and autocomplete window displaying
  • Improvement we improved the redirect from 404 to search result page
  • Compatibility we added compatibility with Amasty FAQ and Product Questions plugin. If search terms are included into existing FAQ categories and questions, corresponding findings will be shown in search autocomplete window and under separate tab on search results page
  • Fix we resolved the issue with elastic mapping creation for new categories
  • Fix the problem related to multi-threading indexation was resolved
  • Fix the issue related to displaying of irrelevant search results using Stemming was fixed
1.6.2 - Aug 27, 2019
  • Fix issue with conflict between full and partial indexation was resolved
1.6.1 - Aug 23, 2019
  • Improvement we removed an overlay for autocomplete pop-up for better user experience
  • Fix we fixed the problem with 'Add to compare' functionality in the search pop-up
  • Fix we resolved an issue with sku with special characters missing in results on the search page
  • Fix we resolved minor issue with 'Most Wanted Search Terms' grid pagination
1.6.0 - Aug 20, 2019
  • New we added a new feature to use Stemming Search with singular/plural words
  • New we added a possibility to use additional analyses: Japanese (kuromoji) Analysis Plugin, Smart Chinese Analysis Plugin, Korean analysis plugin. Please note that installation of additional plugins is required
  • Fix fixes with indexation, compatibility issues with Advanced Search and Search Popup were resolved
Version 1.5.6
Last Update: Aug 15, 2019
1.5.6 - Aug 15, 2019
  • Compatibility compatibility with Magento 2.3.2 and product sorting was improved
1.5.4 - Jul 09, 2019
  • Compatibility compatibility with Amasty Improved Layered Navigation was enhanced
  • Compatibility compatibility with Elastic Search 7.0 was fixed
1.5.3 - Jul 03, 2019
  • Compatibility the compatibility with Magento v2.3.2 EE was enhanced
1.5.2 - Jun 27, 2019
  • Compatibility the compatibility with Magento v2.3.2 was enhanced
1.5.1 - May 14, 2019
  • Improvement the possibility of logging elastic search queries was added
1.5.0 - Mar 27, 2019
  • New the Most Wanted Search Terms and Recent Activity (Search Volume) grids data were added in backend
  • Improvement minor enhancements and fixes were made
  • Compatibility compatibility with the 3rd party extensions was enhanced
  • Compatibility the compatibility with Magento 2.3.0 was enhanced
  • Compatibility the compatibility with Amasty Ajax Shopping Cart extension was added
  • Improvement ability to enable indexation for autocomplete popup via backend setting was added
  • Improvement the Engagement statistics now includes the page jumps to Brands, Categories, Blog, CMS & Landing pages
  • New ability to manage all existing cron tasks on a Cron Tasks List grid in backend was added. Run cron tasks and generate their schedule by clicking the ‘Run Cron’ button. Also, delete tasks in bulk, apply filtering and sorting options when it is needed
Version 1.4.0
Last Update: Feb 04, 2019
1.4.0 - Feb 04, 2019
  • New new search autocomplete pop-up design was introduced
  • New the Analytics Dashboard was added to provide admin with the report about the search volume based on users recent activity. Also admin is able to track the most popular search terms in the store
  • Fix an issue with category index for multiple stores was resolved
  • Fix an issue with product images missing in the autocomplete pop-up was resolved
  • Fix an issue with 'More Products' count in the autocomplete pop-up was resolved
  • Fix an issue with synonyms when using special chars on ElasticSearch 5.x was resolved
  • Compatibility compatibility with Magento Commerce was enhanced
  • Improvement the Popular and Recent search results in the autocomplete pop-up was enhanced
Version 1.3.9
Last Update: Dec 22, 2018
1.3.9 - Dec 22, 2018
  • Fix an issue with 'More results' in autocomplete pop-up was resolved
  • Fix an issue with search by Boolean option was resolved
  • Fix an issue with filtering by '0' value was resolved
  • Fix an issue with reindex with Elasticsearch 5.x if no synonyms was resolved
  • Improvement the configuration settings were enhanced
1.3.8 - Dec 11, 2018
  • Improvement the synonyms and stopword work was enhanced
  • Fix an issue with filtering on Magento 2.1 was resolved
  • Compatibility compatibility with Magento 2.3.0 was added
  • Improvement ability to add external entity to the elastic search index was added
1.3.7 - Nov 06, 2018
  • Fix the issue with saving system configuration was resolved
1.3.6 - Oct 31, 2018
  • Fix an issue with search by sku value was resolved
  • Fix an issue with showing Out of stock simples of configurable product was resolved
  • Improvement the secure connection support
1.3.5 - Oct 23, 2018
  • Fix the issue with the search results page when searching by SKU was resolved
  • Fix the issue with not trimmed synonyms in the backend was resolved
  • Improvement the performance of search results based on Relevance Rules was enhanced
1.3.4 - Aug 31, 2018
  • Improvement the back-end settings view was corrected
  • Fix the issue related to not relevant results using AND mode was fixed
  • Fix the issue with showing composite products was fixed
1.3.3 - Aug 02, 2018
  • Fix the issue on magento commerce cloud with required writing permissions for the file system was resolved.
  • Fix the design issue with the Improved Layered Navigation slider elements over search popup was resolved
  • Improvement the total results count added to the search popup
  • New a separate tab on the Search result page for Brand pages was added
1.3.2 - Jul 20, 2018
  • Compatibility compatibility with Amasty Customer Group Catalog extension was enhanced
1.3.1 - Jul 13, 2018
  • Compatibility compatibility with Magento 2.2.5 was improved
1.3.0 - Jul 06, 2018
  • Improvement set FOLLOW for catalog search result page and advanced search result page
  • Improvement if one product has been found in autocomplete popup it redirects to the product page by 'Enter' button click only
  • New separate tabs on the Search result page for Category, CMS and Landing pages were added
  • New the search by brand pages created with Amasty Shop by Brand extension was added
  • New the ability to create rules to boost the products in the search results for better merchandising was added
  • Compatibility compatibility with ElasticSearch 6.3 was improved
Version 1.2.0
Last Update: Jun 15, 2018
1.2.0 - Jun 15, 2018
  • New introducing the 'Long Tail' Search for words that contain hyphens, slashes or any other non-alphabetic symbols and highly specific search phrases
  • Fix an issue with the products block position on mobile was resolved
  • Compatibility compatibility with Magento 2.1 and lower was enhanced
  • Improvement configuration settings and comments was enhanced
  • Improvement ability to include CSS style when the standard LESS functionality is missing was added
  • New allows to configure SEO URL Key for the default search results page
Version 1.1.1
Last Update: Jun 12, 2018
1.1.1 - Jun 12, 2018
  • Fix an issue related to elasticsearch library dependency was resolved
  • Fix an issue with exception class does not exist was resolved
1.1.0 - Jun 01, 2018
  • Fix an issue with the installation via composer was resolved
  • Fix an issue with caching Recent and Popular search results on M2.1.9 was resolved
  • Improvement now the full category path is visible on mouse over the category search result
  • Improvement enhanced the full text results within CMS pages and blocks
  • New move 'out of stock' items to the end of the search result and show products which are available for purchase first
Version 1.0.2
Last Update: May 29, 2018
1.0.2 - May 29, 2018
  • Fix an issue with dependency in config was resolved
1.0.1 - May 28, 2018
  • Fix an issue with the list of wildcard attributes in configuration settings was resolved
  • Compatibility added compatibility with Amasty Parts Finder extension
  • Improvement search result based on attributes weights was enhanced
  • Improvement added reindexing to install data script
  • Improvement search by Amasty Landing Pages was enhanced

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