Development Hacks

E-commerce ADA Compliance

A Guide to E-commerce ADA Compliance

Running a modern e-commerce business means having a picture-perfect website that facilitates an ideal online user experience. UX is optimized when as many people as possible can use an e-commerce website with minimal friction. And according to the e-commerce laws, “as many people as possible” includes those with disabilities. This means, that your store's UX should be ADA-friendly.

September 7, 2021
outsource fullstack developer

What Do you Need to Know to Be a Full-Stack Developer?

Because of great career perspectives and high market demand, more and more people want to join the software engineering arena, learn Java and other popular programming languages. There are many different directions in programming, but full-stack developers who can work on both backend and frontend sides are always in demand with Java as one of the most suitable languages for universal use. So, ...
May 21, 2021
6 tips for businesses struggling to organize remote employees

6 Tips For Effective Remote Management

With the many advancements in technology, more and more businesses have begun to take advantage of remote work arrangements. In fact, it was found by that between 2000 and 2010, there was a 35% increase in employees who worked remotely. These trends will only continue to grow. For many, working from home has its advantages. Money is saved on commuting, there is more choice for lunc...
November 11, 2020
Test Design Techniques to Use in Magento 2

Test Design Techniques to Use in Magento 2

Hello, reader! So you need to test a feature/fix/customization, but there’s no free QA specialist around? It happens. :( In the article below we describe basic testing techniques that’ll help you resolve these situations independently. Here is one of the 7 principles of testing: Exhaustive testing is impossible Cem Kaner Why so? The thing is, for any real-life application, the number of possib...
July 30, 2019
Tutorial: How to debug network problems

Tutorial: How to debug network problems

Sometimes Magento website uses connections to external resources, which are initiated from the server side. This might be caused by using fopen, curl, sockets, xmlrpc, etc. This Magento SMTP extension is a bright example of the use of these external connections. In any case unavailability or partial availability of external resources might lead to unexpected website behavior. For example if th...
August 22, 2014
Amasty research: Full Page Cache vs Varnish Cache

Amasty Research | Full Page Cache vs. Varnish Cache

Amasty Team has recently issued a new extension Full Page Cache, aimed to speed up Magento store pages, known for their huge weight. Full Page Cache is a great success, it considerably reduces page load time and offers a number of other cool features. But actions speak louder than words. And statistics speak even louder. Check Amasty's new research on how fast can Magento be with Full Page Cach...
June 5, 2014

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This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro