Magento 101: How to’s & Guides


Speed Up Your Magento 2 Store: 19 Magento Optimization Tips

If your page loads longer than 3 seconds, 53 out of 100 visitors will irretrievably leave your page. When users quickly leave your pages, your website's bounce rate grows. Ultimately, Google views your site not only as "too slow" but also as one with poor-quality content and, therefore, ranks you lower than expected.
April 21, 2020

Magento 2 Open Source, Commerce, and Commerce Cloud | Advantages, Disadvantages, Drawbacks

Once you have decided to open an online e-commerce store powered by Magento 2, you have to choose the most suitable edition: Open Source, Commerce, or Commerce Cloud. Each edition provides users with a specific set of features. So, the sure method to select a relevant edition is to identify your requirements and to relate them to the capabilities of Magento 2 Open Source, Commerce, and Commerce...
January 29, 2020
IS in conditions - wrong variant

Magento/Magento 2 Rules: Common Mistakes [Updated in 2019]

Setting Magento Table Rates, Promotions and various restrictions is an important part of managing a fully-functional Magento/Magento 2 shop. That's why our clients ask questions about Amasty module rules very often, and to help them use the rules logic properly, we collected several mistakes that are most often found in Amasty support queries. Magento 2 Rules: Avoid Common ‘Rules Conflic...
July 17, 2019

One, two, three to prevent Magento 2 compatibility issues

Every new module is a welcomed challenge for the Amasty software testing team. We put maximum effort in testing extensions for bugs, errors, and convenience to make sure each new module is easy to run and smoothly integrates into a Magento-powered store. Still, from time to time customers can have compatibility problems even with perfect modules. That is why today, we will learn what to do,...
September 12, 2018

From theory to practice: using Sections in Magento 2 [Part 2]

Hello to Amasty blog readers! Last time we talked about Magento 2 UI components. Actually, there is one more new capability of Magento 2, sections, on which we will focus today. They are meant to sync data between the client and web server to keep it always up-to-date. To illustrate how sections work and how to use them in Magento 2, let’s consider the example of a Magento 2 standard module...
June 26, 2018

Magento 2 LESS vs. CSS [starter guide]

Hey to Amasty blog readers! Today we are going to talk about LESS preprocessor and its usage for Magento 2 stores. As an experienced frontend developer, you should know how to utilize LESS and for what benefits (compared with CSS). In this post, we'll try to describe how the CSS files structure, syntax, media queries stack up against those of LESS. So, let's find out what possibilities the ...
April 11, 2018

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro