Magento 2 Guides

zero position in google

How to Optimize Your Magento 2 for Voice Search Used by 111.8 Million People?

As stated in the OC&C Strategy Consultants report, the total amount of money spent on shopping via a voice assistant will increase by up to $40 billion in 2022. There are 2 main reasons for this: the increasing mobile traffic and the growth of smart speaker devices sales. At the beginning of 2019, the mobile share of the retail traffic was around 64% according to Statista research. This sho...
March 10, 2020

Canonical URLs and Duplicate Content in Magento

Have you found duplicate content on your site? No worries, it’s all right. There are many reasons why your website includes several URLs that lead to the same page or has duplicate content on different URLs. Moreover, it's a usual practice for online stores in general to have content like that. And though the case is not unheard of and your Magento SEO won’t be hurt, you do need to resolve the problem. And here are a few reasons why.

March 3, 2020
my shopping cart in magento 2

Personalize Magento Sites for Returning Visitors to Increase RPV Up to 40%

Any successful business finds that analytics is a key point to stay on track with your goals. Today we'd like to share the best practices of applying analytics for decision-making by our partner - Web 2 Market. The company provides data-driven Magento digital marketing, custom development, and hosting. Being data-driven means to them using the vast array of analytics information and tools from ...
January 9, 2020
firebear growth opportunities with improved import and export for magento 2

FireBear: Growth Opportunities with Improved Import and Export for Magento 2

Data transfers are often underrated. Not so many merchants see the benefits at first sight, and the true value of the processes stays clear mostly to those who strive to expand business prospects. Import and export help to migrate, and organize data, to synchronize not related systems and enrich backend operations, arrange workflows of all levels of complexity. Also, this tool allows you to...
December 18, 2019
8 steps to optimize your checkout page

E-commerce Checkout Page Optimization: 8 Steps to Help You Win More Sales

Have you been facing low conversion rates at your Magento 2 store? If yes, then you are not alone. According to statistics, the global cart abandonment rate for e-commerce is nearly 70%. There are many reasons why shoppers choose not to buy your products after they have added the products to their carts. The trust issue is a significant reason. When your site doesn't show credibility or yo...
December 17, 2019
andrew pemberton iweb

How to Bring Magento 2 Store to the Top [Expert's Opinion]

Hi to our blog readers! Today we have something special for you. We’ve interviewed our valuable Platinum partner Andrew Pemberton, Development Director at - Hi Andrew, we’re sure our readers have already heard about iWeb. How would you describe your company and the main mission firsthand? - iWeb is a web design agency based in Stafford. We’re passionate about Magento e-commerce and achiev...
December 12, 2019

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro