E-commerce & Marketing

5 Effective Ways to Get More E-commerce Product Reviews

5 Effective Ways to Get More E-commerce Product Reviews

Did you know that e-commerce reviews increase around 18% of sales of the business? If you are an e-commerce business owner, you are probably looking for ways to build trust and transparency with your customers. For that, you need to look closely into what your customers think about the product you are selling. And like any other progressive e-commerce business owner, these questions should pop into your head: Are they satisfied?  Do they find it to be too expensive? How can I get their feedback?  This is where product reviews come into the picture. 

July 9, 2024
Common reCAPTCHA Errors and How to Solve Them

Common reCAPTCHA Errors and Solutions for Website Security

Website security is one of the most significant concerns for web developers. Google's reCAPTCHA is one of the leading defenders against bots for websites across the internet. When users find the captcha not working, they get frustrated because they can't access critical parts of your site until you resolve the issues. Understanding what reCAPTCHA is, how it works, and the most common reCAPTCHA errors helps make your site as accessible as possible.

July 8, 2024
What Is a Splash Page? + Examples

What Is a Splash Page? + Examples

The average bounce rate can range from 26% to 70%. This means, on the low end, one out of every four people leave your website in less than 10 seconds. One of the best ways to combat people leaving is a targeted splash page. But what exactly is a splash page, and how can it benefit your e-commerce business?

July 1, 2024
USPS Ground Advantage

USPS Ground Advantage: Pricing, Insurance, and Requirements for Retail and E-commerce

USPS Ground Advantage™ is a key component of the United States Postal Service's effort to modernize, simplify, and improve its shipping services across the US. This USPS shipping method delivers packages within 2 to 5 business days, supports shipments weighing up to 70 pounds, and covers all 50 states, U.S. military bases, territories, and possessions. If you consider leveraging this shipping method, This deep dive into the benefits, requirements, and pricing of USPS Ground Advantage should help.

June 29, 2024
what is b2b advertising

How to Make Your B2B Advertising More Impactful

According to multiple industry studies, over 80% of consumers surveyed think B2B marketing is less creative than B2C. Over 40% went so far as to say they believe B2B advertising is boring. Advertising for businesses certainly presents a different kind of challenge than B2C. But, why is that the situation? Let’s look at what you need to know to compete successfully in the daunting realm of the B2B advertising, promotion, and branding arena, including B2B e-commerce marketing essentials.  

June 5, 2024
What is MOQ

Minimum Order Quantity: How to Introduce, Calculate, and Benefit from MOQ

Many manufacturers, wholesale suppliers, and retailers require a minimum order quantity (MOQ). That means these businesses fulfill only such orders where a customer buys the minimum number of units or pays the minimum sum required under the seller’s MOQ policy. At first glance, it may seem that this restriction does not make sense. But let’s understand how MOQ generates a major net advantage for so many businesses and learn how to make MOQ work effectively.

June 3, 2024

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro