E-commerce & Marketing

micro and macro environmental factors

The Impact of Micro and Macro Environment Factors on Business

When talking about business, we most likely associate it with its shareholders. As an "artificial person", a business exists in an environment influenced by immediate and indirect factors. Here we discussed the main micro and macro environment forces impacting businesses and why it is a mistake to ignore them when building a long-term strategy.

January 11, 2024

Backorder vs. Out of Stock: Which Inventory Management Strategy Fits Your Business?

Proper inventory management requires an understanding of the common terminology and nuances in term differences. To help you decide which method is right for your business, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most common out-of-stock vs. backorder questions and answers as well as the pros and cons of each inventory management strategy.

January 10, 2024

Mastering E-Commerce Growth: A Guide to Boosting Sales with Bing Keyword Rankings

While Google often dominates the conversation, it's crucial to recognize the significance of Bing as a formidable search engine. The truth is that Bing possesses a substantial user base, so harnessing it can significantly enhance your e-commerce venture's reach and financial positioning. One of the best ways to do it lies in diligent Bing keyword tracking.  

January 9, 2024

Decoding B2B vs. B2C Sales: Unveiling Strategies, Techniques, and Market Dynamics

Business-to-business and business-to-consumer sales are two popular sales marketing strategies businesses use to appeal to customers and generate revenue. While the two processes are similar in some ways, understanding B2B vs. B2C sales is crucial to mastering these methods. So what are B2B sales vs. B2C sales, what are the stages of each process, and what should you consider when choosing between these models? Read more to find everything there is to know about B2C/B2B selling.

January 3, 2024

What's a Good Profit Margin for E-commerce: Steer Online Sales

With a massive 90 percent of all e-commerce businesses failing within the first four months of launching, knowing everything there is to know about your current profitability is crucial to long-term success. But is e-commerce profitable, and what is a good profit margin for online retail? This article will dive into industry benchmarks, financial insights, and professional strategies for maximizing your e-commerce profit margin.

December 22, 2023

Amasty 2023 Wrapped & Key E-commerce Trends for 2024

The year is drawing to a close, and it's high time to both reflect on the results of 2023 and think forward to 2024. As you’ve guessed, that's precisely what we're going to do in this short (retro)perspective article that features insights directly from Amasty's CEO.
Ready to learn about the four key aspects that Amasty believes will be vital for e-commerce growth in 2024? We're excited to share them along with our progress in them so far and strategies to keep succeeding next year!

December 12, 2023

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro