SEO Optimization


How to achieve a 100 score on Google PageSpeed Insights?

Using a tool like the Google PageSpeed Insights Scoring Tool can help you determine how fast your page loads. A perfect score of 100/100 is ideal for the highest conversion rate possible. Let’s review how the Google PageSpeed Insights Scoring Tool determines your score, and a few tips for achieving a 100 score on Google PageSpeed Insights.

November 23, 2022

Boost your rankings with Website SEO Health Check

We are excited to announce that our Website SEO Health Check has been updated and is now available in 4 different plans. This allows you to choose the functionality you want without overpaying for features you won't use. How can you benefit from the Website SEO Health Check tool?

November 18, 2022

How to Optimize Images for SEO?

Recent Google updates have increasingly elevated the value of visual search. So, aspiring to pop in results of Google Images and gain higher positions in search, now an e-commerce site should place a double emphasis on media content (and its quality). Yet, it’s not the number one reason for most stores.
June 9, 2022
alt text and seo

Why Image Alt Text Matters in SEO

Initially aimed to help people with visual impairments understand the content via screen readers, alt tags can also improve digital experiences for those with a poor internet connection.  In other words, any person who – for one reason or another – can’t see an image on the web, should still be able to know what the image features. That’s the meaning behind alt text. But just how important is alt text for SEO? And does alt text still help SEO in 2024? Let’s figure it out.

February 23, 2022
Magento 2: a Full Overview of Default SEO Features

Magento 2 SEO Guide: Features, Tips, and Best Practices

Search engine optimization or SEO in Magento is one of the key factors for the success of your e-commerce business. While off-page Magento SEO, including citations and links pointing to your site, is crucial, you should never overlook on-page optimization. It is within your full control and can bring immense impact when implemented properly. Dive into our top Magento 2 SEO tips, covering aspects like Magento SEO optimization, Magento SEO guide, and Magento SEO best practices, and see for yourself the impact it can have on your Magento SEO strategy.
January 13, 2022
complete seo checklist for a new website

Complete SEO Checklist for a New Website

The era of digitalization requires a steady online presence from entrepreneurs, retailers, corporations, and other parties. The best way to promote, provide, sell services and goods on the Internet is to create a website. According to the Manifest statistics, about 81% of business representatives introduce themselves online. About 66% of entrepreneurs are using Internet channels for advertising...
August 20, 2021

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro