What Is a Good Conversion Rate for an E-commerce Website? [2024 Statistics]

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conversion rates ecommerce stats 2024

Just a few decades ago, having instant access to e-commerce conversion rates at the click of a button was unimaginable. Today, 89% of companies use analytics to understand and improve their performance. 

But having data is only half the battle. What truly matters is how effectively you assess and apply it. After all, while the average e-commerce conversion rate (CR) hovers around 2-4%, what’s considered "good" varies dramatically depending on the industry, target audience, and business goals. 

Below, we’ll review the CR formula, talk about good e-commerce conversion rates for various industries, and recount several tips on how you can improve the e-commerce conversion rates in your organization.

What is An Online Store’s Conversion Rate?

Conversion rates are not about attracting a horde of visitors to your site. The real success lies in how many of them take meaningful actions, like making a purchase, signing up for your newsletter, or engaging in any activity you find valuable.

In simple terms, a conversion rate is the percentage of users who complete a desired action out of the total number of visitors in a given period. And conversions aren't limited to sales alone. They can include actions such as:

  • Signing up for a newsletter
  • Downloading a resource like an e-book
  • Filling out a contact form

These different types of conversions help build relationships, gather key marketing data, and guide visitors toward becoming loyal customers – all for boosting the long-term success of your e-commerce store.

Conversion Rate vs. Profit Margin

Conversion rate and profit margin provide different insights into your business performance, but both are key for strategic decision-making. Let’s make sure that the difference is clear.

Conversion Rate is the percentage of website visitors who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase. It is all about the quantity of sales you make and measures how well you’re converting traffic into paying customers.

On the other hand, profit margin is concerned with the quality of sales, or how profitable each transaction is. It is the percentage of revenue that represents your actual profit after all costs (including manufacturing, marketing, shipping, etc.) have been accounted for. It shows how much money you keep after expenses.

Read More: What’s a Good Profit Margin in E-commerce?

Example: If your store has a 3% conversion rate, it means you're converting 3 out of every 100 visitors. But if your profit margin is only 10%, you’re keeping only a small portion of that revenue after expenses. A balanced strategy aims to improve both: increasing conversions while keeping costs low.

In short, while conversion rate helps you understand how many visitors become customers, profit margin helps you gauge how much money you’re actually making from those customers.

  • Conversion rate focuses on driving sales volume. A high conversion rate might indicate success in generating sales, but it doesn’t guarantee profitability.
  • Profit margin emphasizes profitability per sale. A high-profit margin with a low conversion rate may suggest that you are making good money on each sale but not selling enough.

To run a successful business, you need to monitor and optimize all key performance indicators.

E-commerce Conversion Rate Formula

To calculate the conversion rate for your business, you just need to know the number of conversions – whether that's sales, sign-ups, or whatever other action you're tracking – and the total number of visitors to your site.

E-commerce Conversion Rate = Conversions / Total Website Visitors x 100%*

*during the same time period

Divide the number of conversions by the total visitors, then multiply by 100, and you've got the conversion rate percentage.

For example, if 90 visitors out of 1200 total visitors completed transactions during the holiday season, your conversion rate would be:

90 / 1200 x 100% = 7.5%

What is a Good Conversion Rate for an E-commerce Website?

As we’ve said, a traditionally good online store conversion rate is believed to equal 2-4%. But the real quality of a conversion rate is very subjective. Things can vary depending on a few factors like:

We’ll talk about all these specifics below but for now – if your typical e-commerce conversion rate e-commerce site is hitting 3% or beyond, you are on the right track. If not, take a look at the tips for e-commerce conversion rate optimization.

2024 Statistics: Average Conversion Rates for Online Retailers

According to IRP data, the average conversion rate of e-commerce businesses in 2024 equals 1.65% (a 16.47% drop from 1.97% compared to 2023). The drop caused the average cost per acquisition (CPA) to grow by 5.33% from 8.86% to 9.34%.

Below are in-depth e-commerce market statistics – by industry, traffic, region, and device – that may help you analyze your conversion rates against the respective averages.

Industry Statistics on E-commerce Conversion Rate

E-commerce conversion rate by industry is different – every market niche has its quirks, so it's important to gauge your performance against similar businesses. For example, the highest conversion rate can be observed in the Arts and Crafts (5.11%), while the lowest – surprisingly – is in the Baby & Child Products (0.70%) category. 

E-commerce conversion rate by industry - statistics 2024: Arts and crafts - 5.11%, Kitchen - 3.49%, Health - 2.85%, Collectibles - 2.11%, Pets - 2.06%, Sports - 1.48%, Fashion - 1.27%, Equipment - 1.2%, Cars - 1.09%, Food - 1.04%, Baby - 0.7%.

Regional E-commerce Conversion Rate Stats

E-commerce conversion rates are also influenced by the region or country in which your customers are based. Differences in consumer behavior, payment preferences, and digital infrastructure contribute to regional variations in conversion rates. For example:

  • United States – The average conversion rate in the U.S. was 2.3% in 2022.
  • United Kingdom – The U.K. has one of the highest rates, at 4.1%, partly due to a mature online shopping culture 
  • Germany – With a 2.22% conversion rate, Germany is close to the global average​.

Understanding the conversion rates by region allows you to tailor marketing strategies based on location-specific behaviors. For instance, the U.K.’s higher conversion rate suggests a market that is more comfortable with online shopping. In contrast, regions like Italy (0.99%) may require extra efforts to build trust or improve local payment options​.

To optimize for regional differences, consider the following:

  • Localized payment methods. Offer popular payment gateways like PayPal, Klarna, or regional solutions to reduce friction during checkout.
  • Regional-specific promotions. Adapt your messaging and promotional strategies to align with cultural or seasonal events specific to each region.

Traffic Source Shares in E-commerce Conversions

Organic search through SEO might bring in a steady stream, but did you know that PPC often boasts higher conversion rates? Recent reports are showing that Paid Search marketing is responsible for 56.7% of conversions. The rest of the shares are as follows: 

  • Direct – 26.8%
  • Email Marketing – 9.2%
  • Affiliate Marketing – 5.7%
  • Other – 1.1%
  • Paid Social Media Marketing – 0.5%
E-commerce conversion rate by Traffic Source diagram statistics 2024: 56.7% - paid search, 26.8% - direct, 9.2% - email, 5.7% - afilliate, 1.1% - other, 0.5% - paid social

Device Shares in E-commerce Conversion Rate Statistics

Are your customers shopping on a desktop, or are they using their phones while binge-watching their favorite show?

Typically, desktop users have been known to convert at higher rates, but in 2024, mobile is a clear winner, with a 60.9% share against desktop’s 37.5%. Tablet only has a 1.6% CR.  

E-commerce conversion rate by Device diagram statistics 2024: 60.9% - mobile, 37.5% - desktop, 1.6% - tablet.

E-commerce conversion rates are not static and differ based on the time of year. Noticeable spikes usually happen during major shopping seasons like Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM). These periods are your key opportunities to increase your bottom line.

During BFCM 2023, for example, e-commerce conversion rates surged to 6.4%, a significant increase compared to the usual range of 1-4% throughout the year. This shows that most customers are much more willing to pay when limited-time offers, discounts, and seasonal promotional campaigns are on.

To capitalize on these seasonal trends, consider the following strategies:

  • Exclusive, time-limited offers – Creating urgency with countdown timers or "flash sales" can drive impulse purchases.
  • Optimized advertising spend – Redirect budgets to high-conversion channels, such as PPC.
  • Holiday-themed website design – A festive theme can attract and engage shoppers. 

Read More: 15 Christmas Marketing Ideas

How to Improve the E-commerce Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) has become a separate field in marketing for a reason. Every business wants to know how they can boost their sales. 

And although there’s never an easy or one-fits-all solution, there are several specific elements you can and should rethink to improve your conversion rates. 

Explore the best practices below and discover helpful tools for Magento conversion rate optimization. 

A clean, intuitive design is what every customer looks for. It invites people in and find what they seek effortlessly. That is why nailing the user experience is key. This means your site should load fast, navigation should be smooth, and info should be easy to find. 

To improve navigation and filtering:

  • Simplify the main menu – Ensure key product categories are easily accessible from the homepage.
  • Breadcrumb navigation – Allow users to track their journey through your site, making it easier to backtrack if needed.
  • Advanced filtering options – Enable filters based on categories like price, size, color, or customer ratings to streamline product searches.

It's a combination of functionality and aesthetics that makes users stick around and ultimately hit the Buy or Add to Cart button or sign up. Investing in stellar website design and user experience will quickly lead to conversions.

Mobile Responsiveness

Smartphones are practically glued to our hands now, so having a site that works with mobile devices is crucial. It's all about giving your on-the-go customers a smooth, enjoyable mobile experience. That means:

  • Big, tappable buttons
  • Speedy load times

Google loves mobile-friendly sites too, which means you could score higher in the search rankings. 

Site Speed & Performance

A slow-loading website is one of the quickest ways to lose potential customers. It directly impacts your conversion rate, since users are less likely to wait for pages to load when they can find a similar product elsewhere. 

Performance, however, is not solely about speed – it’s also about ensuring a smooth, glitch-free experience from the moment a visitor lands on your site to checkout. 

No matter how well-designed your website is, monitor its performance regularly using tools like Google PageSpeed Optimizer. Fixing technical issues and keeping your site’s performance optimized will improve user satisfaction, resulting in better conversion rates.

Read More: How to Optimize Website Performance

conversions in ecommerce

Checkout Process

The checkout process is a critical stage in the customer journey, where small obstacles can significantly impact your conversion rate. A complicated or slow checkout can cause shoppers to abandon their carts. To avoid this, design a checkout experience that is simple, fast, and user-friendly.

Here are some best practices to optimize your checkout process:

  • Minimize Form Fields. Only request the information that is absolutely necessary to complete the purchase.  
  • Guest Checkout Option. Not every shopper wants to create an account to complete a purchase. Cater to customers who value convenience.
  • Autofill and Address Validation. Enable autofill options for names and addresses to speed up form completion. 

Read More: 5 Steps to Creating a Seamless Checkout

Abandoned Cart Emails

Abandoned cart emails serve as a reminder to potential buyers who – despite your checkout optimization efforts – didn’t complete their purchase. They are your second chance to convert a customer, so include a discount code or free shipping incentive to increase the likelihood of recovering lost sales.

To maximize the effectiveness of these emails, send the first email within 1-2 hours after cart abandonment, followed by another reminder within 24 hours. Mention the abandoned items and suggest alternatives or offer support to resolve any issues. Such emails can recover up to 10% of abandoned carts, which makes them a critical part of conversion rate optimization.

Payment Options

Shoppers who don’t find their preferred payment method during checkout may leave without completing the purchase. Here’s how to expand your payment options to improve conversions:

  • Credit and Debit Cards – Make sure your system supports multiple card types (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, etc.).
  • Digital Wallets – Payment platforms like PayPal, Apple Pay, and Google Pay offer secure, fast transactions with minimal input from the shopper. 
  • Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) – BNPL or layaway options allow customers to pay for items in installments. This flexibility can boost conversions, especially for high-ticket items.
  • Cryptocurrency – Some online stores have started accepting Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. While this is still niche, it can appeal to tech-savvy shoppers.
  • Local Payment Methods – Depending on your target market, offering region-specific payment methods can help you reach a wider audience. 
ecommerce conversions


According to research, cross-selling can drive up to 10-30% of e-commerce revenue when done right. It’s a powerful tactic to boost your e-commerce conversion rate by encouraging customers to add complementary products to their cart. To implement cross-selling effectively:

  • Display related products on the product page or during checkout.
  • Use personalized recommendations based on browsing history or previous purchases.

For example, if a customer is purchasing a laptop, you could suggest accessories like laptop bags or external hard drives. Cross-selling not only increases the average order value but also enhances the customer experience by offering them products that meet their needs.

Quality of Product Images & Descriptions

Since customers can't physically touch or try your products, they rely heavily on the images and text you provide. Invest in crisp, clear, and professional-looking photos from multiple angles, and don't shy away from using videos or 360-degree views if possible.

As for product descriptions informative, persuasive, and easy-to-read text is the way to go. Paint a picture of how the product will solve a problem, improve their life, or just make them happier. Lay out the features but don't forget the benefits. And be honest; don't promise what you can't deliver.  

Loyalty Programs

Loyalty programs can also influence your e-commerce conversion rate. These programs incentivize repeat purchases by offering thank-you notes, rewards, discounts, or exclusive offers to returning customers. 

 To set up an effective loyalty program, consider the following elements:

  • Tiered rewards – Offer increasingly better rewards as customers spend more. This can encourage higher-value purchases.
  • Exclusive access – Provide early access to sales or new products for loyalty program members.
  • Points-based rewards – Customers earn points for each purchase, which can later be redeemed for discounts or free products.

Studies show that returning customers tend to convert at a rate of 60-70%, much higher than the conversion rate for first-time visitors.

Customer Reviews & Testimonials

Customer reviews are the digital version of word-of-mouth that builds trust and credibility. Encourage your customers to leave reviews, maybe even incentivize them. Showcase glowing testimonials on your product pages.

Don't shy away from the not-so-great reviews. Respond graciously, and show you care. It's all part of building a brand that customers know, love, and recommend to others.

Bonus Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Strategies

Once you understand your baseline conversion rate, advanced Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) techniques can help you improve it further. 

Leading brands focus on refining multiple small aspects of the user journey to create cumulative gains. Here's how you can apply these strategies:

  • A/B Testing – Test different versions of landing pages, product descriptions, and CTAs to determine which designs, copy, or layouts convert better. For example, an A/B test on call-to-action buttons’ specific color leads to higher conversions. 
  • Product Pricing & Offers – Be competitive, but also showcase the value. Toss in occasional discounts, bundle-deals, and free items. Create a sense of urgency and value that's harder for customers to resist.
  • Charity Donations – Offering customers the opportunity to donate a portion of their purchase to a charitable cause at checkout adds a feel-good factor that can encourage purchases.  

With advanced CRO strategies, you can steadily improve your e-commerce conversion rate, leading to increased revenue and more loyal customers over time.

Looking for a Good Conversion Rate for E-commerce?

From understanding how to calculate conversion rate and the many factors that can affect it, to comparing industry benchmarks, we've seen it all.

A good conversion rate for e-commerce is a signal that your e-commerce site is effectively engaging customers, offering value, and making their shopping experience a delightful journey.

Keep learning, keep testing, and keep optimizing to increase your conversions! 

June 28, 2023
January 18, 2023
June 26, 2023
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