Add Magento 2 Product Labels extension to highlight new arrivals, as well as special products and offers. Immediately draw customers' attention and grow sales up to 55%. Automatically run several marketing campaigns at a time!
Wrap links in customizable buttons to smoothly embed them into your website. Proactively interact with your site visitors by simple yet efficient UX enhancement.
Let customers explore your store goods via multiple landing pages. Boost sales with custom selection of products for each page. Improve your site search engine ranking building SEO-optimized unique content.
Boost revenue by offering buyers extra products and services on the original product pages. Quickly assign option templates to large groups of goods via mass action, easily configure display of the custom options you offer by using swatches and dependencies.
Meet an innovative frontend solution for the e-commerce business sphere! Hyva Theme implemented in Magento 2 stores brings customer shopping experience to a new level thanks to an extremely lightweight and responsive storefront . No more excessive styles, complex functions and an infinite list of dependencies – Hyva simplifies Magento 2 to the maximum, making your store super-fast for customers and super-easy to maintain for developers.
Following the trend, we introduce Amasty's Hyva-ready extensions for Magento 2. Some product pages of Hyvä Theme extensions for Magento 2 include a demo, allowing you to see how the functionality works with Hyva Theme in action. Exclude development time and cut down implementation costs by getting full compatibility out of the box for Hyva Magento from a reliable Hyvä Theme development company.
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