Case Studies

14 A/B testing case studies: e-commerce edition

14 A/B testing case studies: e-commerce edition

In the melting pot of A/B testing case studies that you can find on the web, not so many of them are helpful for your business niche. One successful case can’t suit all industries due to the factors like diverse audience, sales funnels, and other things.  Actually, there is an approach that really fits every industry - prove your reputation with hard evidence and build customers’ tru...
November 20, 2017
Magento showcase: navigation

Case study: how uses Magento to its most

Hi Amasty blog readers! To be honest, we were so busy working on new extensions, updating the old ones and helping our customers, that we almost forgot to show our work on location. I mean, on real shops! That's why today we embrace it's never too late thing and share an excellent Magento case study. Meet with more than 40,000 items available and the guy behind - Maarten. We aske...
November 10, 2014
UX case study: eBay website tricks for great profit

UX case study: eBay website tricks for great profit

Usability of a Magento store is the shadow director of Magento store profitability. You might not strike one’s eyes, but it is the thing that directly influences buying decision and average time on the website.  But what brings positive user experience? First of all it’s 'sweet treats' from Magento stores - reward points, small gifts, and more. But that’s not everything possible. So we have co...
June 12, 2014

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This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro