E-commerce Best Practices

3 sales funnels strategies for e-commerce

3 sales funnels strategies for e-commerce

Sales funnels are a concept everyone seems to understand and use, but not so many go on to explore them in detail. So some owners set up Reward Points in their Magento 2 store and rip the benefits ignoring the fact this module is actually a tool for client retention at the funnel activation phase. When it comes to eCommerce, it’s especially important to make the most out of your funnels a...
April 3, 2017
Cicero quote about gratitude

How to earn customers loyalty with a Thank You

Thank you is a universal expression of gratitude. Each and every culture has codes to express gratitude, and language is one of them. Let your customers express their gratitude to people who they care about the most in a simple way with Magento 2 Thank You Page extension or Magento Gift Card. Gratitude and its expression has several meanings in human communication, such as: giving something...
April 17, 2016
default segment in Google Analytics - New Users

4 Key Performance Indicators to Evaluate your Ecommerce Business

If you run an online business, you need to continuously evaluate its performance to understand whether you are doing good. Speaking about ecommerce, with such a wide range of indicators Google Analytics provides, it is easy to get lost and let the most strategical metrics out of your sight. This post is to provide you with the ready-to-use steps how to calculate the core business KPIs with the...
July 30, 2015
Gift wrapping Nordstrom

How to provide gift wrapping in e-commerce

According to 2014 MICROS Multi-channel Retail Delivery Report, out of the 240 retailers tested, 36 offered at least one gift wrapping option. Of these, many offered gift wrapping for free. That's only 15%. Sure, this number can't be 100% just because gift wrapping isn't required for all fields of e-commerce; shops selling spare car parts or pet food can definitely ignore this kind of service a...
February 9, 2015

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This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro