Magento Advanced: Tips & Tricks

How to squeeze the most out of your 404 pages

How to squeeze the most out of your 404 pages

You might not know this, but a 404 page can be a blessing in disguise for your website. The famous ‘Error 404’ page is a common occurrence on the internet, so much so that people have started making jokes about it. “It's been a while since I've seen a good 404 joke. I was going to upload one but I couldn't find any.” (Reddit). In fact, the concept is so popular on the web that there’s even...
May 25, 2017
Product page error

Product.OptionsPrice error on Magento and how to fix it

Hello to Amasty clients and the Magento community! This is an important note I wanted to share with you both for explaining issues you might have been facing, and to prevent this issue in the future. Recently, we have been receiving a lot of similar support requests about this error, which influences both the Magento functionality and the Amasty extensions correct performance. Product.OptionsP...
January 11, 2017
Little-known Amasty extensions features: GeoIP Data

Little-known Amasty extensions features: GeoIP Data import

GeoIP Data is a service module that checks approximate user location by IP address. If you run Magento 2, try out this GeoIP extension developed specially for working with the version. This tool may be of use when you don’t want your customers to enter the full address. GeoIP defines country, in most of the cases state and even city. GeoIP Data is included into several Amasty Magento extensio...
October 6, 2015
Little-known Amasty extensions features: shipping type in Shipping Table Rates

Little-known Amasty extensions features: Shipping Type in Shipping Table Rates

You asked – we deliver! We are extremely happy that our readers provide feedback, and it helps to create better and more useful content for you. Today we’re opening a new series of articles on little-known features of Amasty modules. We will mention features that are sometimes a bit more complicated or you have to understand how it works before you get a useful tweak for your Magento store. To...
April 17, 2015
Magento mirgation: move your shop to a new server

Magento migration: move your shop to a new server

As time moves on and your business grows, there may be a need to move your Magento store to another server. For example, you need an upgraded server, or you just don’t like the level of service of your hosting company, or you want to extend your platform functionality with infinite scroll and other add-ons and ensure it performs smoothly. Whatever the reasons of Magento migration are, moving a...
December 17, 2014
Popular Magento themes performance speed test results

Popular Magento themes performance: speed test results

Amasty team loves testing things out, as in particular cases direct tests are the only way to find out what works best. Today we are going to share some results on Magento store performance with several popular themes and speak on how they influence your site’s speed. The idea of the tests and this article came to me when I studied the data from xdebug profiler trying to find the reason of a c...
September 16, 2014

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro

This blog was created with Amasty Blog Pro