Search results for "How to update a Magento 2 Amasty Store locator extension?":

After installation of Elastic Search extension the search in my site gives no results.
It is required to make sure that all the necessary configurations were made. First of all,  please check what search engine is selected for your site in default Magento settings. Go to Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Catalog > Catalog...
Almost half of the pages are "Cache Miss"! What should be done to solve it?

A large number of pages may receive "Cache miss" status because 'curl' is used as the User Agent.

Read the full answer to see the settings.

Amasty Shipping Restriction conflict with Shippingoverride2
To elimibate the conflict please: open the file  /app/code/community/Webshopapps/Shippingoverride2/Model/Shipping/Shipping.php add the following code:  /* Fix for Amasty Shipping Restrictions module */      ...
Are customer attributes available using the Magento API?

Yes, attributes created using Customer Attributes extension are available via Magento API. These attributes work in the same way default do (like first name, birth date etc.). All actions that are possible with the default attributes, are also possible with the custom ones.

Are there any additional system requirements to use your Stripe functionality?

Yes, HTTPS and TLS of at least v1.2 are required by Stripe itself. Follow the link below to see the details and guidelines.

Are customers notified when the status of their order is changed?

Yes, you can enable/disable automatic 'order status change' notifications or send the notifications manually for definite orders. Besides, a unique email template can be applied to each store view. Follow a step-by-step guide to make everything on the first try.

Are meta tags updated automatically when some product attributes are changed?

It’s important to keep your meta data up-to-date, and our extension will help you with that. If some product attribute included within a variable is changed, meta data is re-generated automatically to display the correct information.

Are out of stock notifications available for guest users?

Yes, this feature is available out of the box. There is no need to configure anything - the extension will display e-mail box for guest users instead of the subscribe link.

Are there any Customer segmentation possibilities?

to confirm that this Follow Up Email module has a customer segmentation option built-in. Address our blog post and go on readint to see more details."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":1313537,"3":{"1":0},"11":4,"12":0,"14":[null,2,0],"21":0,"23":1}">Yes, we are happy to confirm that this Follow Up Email module has a customer segmentation option built-in. Address">our blog post and go on readint to see more details.

Are there any ready-to-use email templates for out-of-stock notifications?

tock Notification extension offers a set of ready-made templates like 'out of stock email' or 'stock notification email', which can be customized if needed. If you want develop your own notifications read on."}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":769,"3":[null,0],"11":4,"12":0}">The Out of Stock Notification extension offers a set of ready-made templates like 'out of stock email' or 'stock notification email', which can be customized if needed. If you want develop your own notifications read on.

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