Amasty Shipping Restriction conflict with Shippingoverride2

To elimibate the conflict please:

  • open the file  /app/code/community/Webshopapps/Shippingoverride2/Model/Shipping/Shipping.php
  • add the following code:

 /* Fix for Amasty Shipping Restrictions module */
        $result   = $this->getResult();
        Mage::dispatchEvent('am_restrict_rates', array(
            'request' => $request,
            'result'  => $result,
    /* Fix for Amasty Shipping Restrictions module */

to the method:


after the line 182.



See more details on Shipping Restrictions page

User Guide

See more details on Shipping Restrictions page

User Guide

See more details on Shipping Restrictions page

User Guide

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