FAQ: Payment Restrictions

Payment Restrictions
Can I restrict a certain payment method if a customer uses a coupon code?

Yes, the extension is highly flexible. You can hide a payment method or not apply restrictions to specific discount rules or coupons. Read on to see step-by-step instructions.

Can I restrict payment methods by country?

Yes, with the module you are able to restrict countries in which specific payment methods are available. It’s very convenient in case you need to restrict payment options for some legal or business reasons.

Can I restrict payment methods by customer attributes in magento?

Yes, the extension helps to filter payment methods based on customer attributes. Such attributes as customer group, date of user registration, etc. can be used. To see how to set up payment conditions correctly continue reading. 

Can I set payment restrictions on a product level in magento?

Yes, sure. The extension allows for setting a payment method per product restriction. You can limit payment method coming from product or order information. Read on to see the screenshot. 

Can I use payment restrictions per customer groups in magento?

Yes, you can restrict a payment method by customer group or other customer information. Go on reading to see the screenshot.

Can payment restrictions be applied on particular days or times only in magento?

Yes, the Payment Restrictions extension allows for basing restrictions on particular days and times. For this, you need to make changes in the rule configuration section. Read on to see the screenshot. 

Does this extension support multi-store configuration?

Yes, sure, the module supports multiple websites and multiple store views.

What happens when you have two different products with two different payment methods in magento?

In this case payment restrictions are summed up and applied to the whole cart. Read on to see an example.

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