FAQ: Special Promotions

Special Promotions
How to set up the promo 'Buy one product, get another one'?

To launch a 'buy X get Y free' promo with the Special Promotions Pro extension, you need to create a relevant Cart Price rule, set up a discount, choose 2 in the Discount Qty step and apply the rule to a product you need . See all the settings in the full guide.

How to set up the promo 'Fixed amount discount for whole cart' in magento?
How to use "All products after N for Fixed Price" action
The guidance below explains how to set up the action ‘All products after N for Fixed Price’ of Special Promotions extension. With this action you can create promotions like ‘Buy 4 products for full price and get each additional product...
How to use "All products after N with Fixed Discount" action
The guidance below explains how to set up the action ‘All products after N with Fixed Discount’ of Special Promotions extension. All products after N with Discount’ action works on analogy with ‘All products after N for Fixed...
How to use "All products after N with Percent Discount" action in magento?
The guidance below explains how to set up the action ‘All products after N with Percent Discount’ of Special Promotions extension. All products after N with Discount’ action works on analogy with ‘All products after N for Fixed...
How to use "Buy X Get Y - Fixed Discount: Buy X get Y with $10 Off " action

With the use of the Special Promotions extension, you can launch a 'buy X get Y with fixed discount' promo. The feature permits specifying individual products (not only categories) for which the condition will be applied. To see a full guide, follow the link below.

How to use "Buy X Get Y - Fixed Price: Buy X get Y for $9.99" action

With the use of advanced Special Promotions discount rules, you can predetermine a fixed discount for a product instead of a percent one. By this rule, if a customer orders three printers, he/she can buy any laptop for $200 only. To see more details on the configuration, see the complete answer. 

How to use "Buy X Get Y - Percent Discount: Buy X get Y Free" action

The extension allows for creating such promos as 'buy X get Y with N% discount'. By setting up the 'Actions' you can define a percent benefit your customer will get in case he/she meets the conditions. To see all the configuration steps, go on reading a complete answer.

How to use "Each Group of N - Fixed Price: Each 5 items for $50" action
The guidance below shows how to configure the action ‘Fixed Price: Each 5 items for $50’ of Special Promotions extension. This action allows creating promotions like “Get group of special items for 150$”.   Let’s...
How to use "Each Group of N - Percent Discount: Each 5 items with 10% off" action

The special offer permits providing your customers with a percent discount in case he/she buys a specific number of products. For the promo launch, you need to create a cart price rule with the corresponding actions, specify the quantity step and a discount amount. Go on reading to use bit-by-bit instructions.

How to use "Each N-th - Fixed Discount: each 3-d, 6-th, 9-th with $15 off " action in magento
The guidance below explains how to set up the rule ‘Fixed Discount: each 3-d, 6-th, 9-th with $15 off ’ of Special Promotions extension. With this rule you can create promotions like ‘Each second (third, fourth, etc.) item $50 (100...
How to use "Each N-th - Fixed Price: each 5th, 10th, 15th for $49" action
The guidance below shows how to configure the action ‘Fixed Price: each 5th, 10th, 15th for $49’ of Special Promotions extension. The action lets you discount price of products to a fixed value (considering that the item meets the conditions...
How to use "Each N-th - Percent Discount: each 2-d, 4-th, 6-th with 15% off" action
The guide below explains how to set up the rule ‘Percent Discount: each 2-d, 4-th, 6-th with 15% off’ of Special Promotions extension. With this rule you can create promotions like ‘Each second (third, fourth, etc.) item for 50% off...
How to use "Each Product After N - Fixed Discount: each 3d, 7th, 11th with $15 Off after 5 items added to the cart" action in magento

Thanks to this action you can create various effective promotions like ‘Buy 3 books for full price and get each second one with $20 discount’. Read on to see all the configuration steps.

How to use "Each Product After N - Fixed Price: each 5th, 7th, 9th for $89.99 after 5 items added to the cart" action in magento

With the use of the action, products are discounted to a fixed amount. You can create promotions like ‘Buy 3 books for full price and get each second one for $20 only’. Go on reading to see all the settings.

How to use "Each Product After N - Percent Discount: each 1st, 3rd, 5th with 15% Off after 5 items added to the cart" action in magento

Thanks to this action you can create promotions like ‘Buy 3 books for full price and get each second one with 15% discount’. Continue reading to see how to make all the settings correctly. 

How to use "Get discount for each amount spent" action in magento
The guidance below explains how to set up the action ‘Get discount for each amount spent’ of Special Promotions extension. This action allows creating promotions like ‘Get $5 discount for each $250 spent’.   Let’...
How to use "Product Set - Fixed price for product set" action
The guidance below explains how to set up the action ‘Fixed Price for a Product Set’ of Special Promotions extension. This action enables you offer a fixed price for a particular product set.   Let’s observe the steps of the...
How to use "Product Set - Percent discount for product set" action
The guidance below explains how to set up the action ‘Percent discount for product set’ of Special Promotions extension. This action enables you to offer a percent discount for a particular product set.   Let’s observe the steps...
How to use "The Most Expensive" action
The guidance below explains how the rule ‘The Most Expensive’ of Special Promotions works. This rule may be advertised as -  ‘Buy 3 and get the most expensive product for half the price’, -  ‘Buy 6 get 2 the...
I can not use special rules for admin orders in magento.
Please, log in to your account and download the latest extension version.
I can't specify a percentage off defined products when ordering 10 items or more in magento.
If you use Product Promotions extension and can't set up a percentage off only defined products and only when a buyer ordered more then a specified number of items, please, perform the following instructions. Open Promotions→Shopping Cart Price...
I see no discount breakdown.
Please, copy discount template to your custom theme from the default location: app\design\frontend\default\default\template\amrules\checkout\discount.phtml Do not forget to refresh the cache.
No new actions in Magento CE 1.3
Please, add the lineMage::dispatchEvent('adminhtml_block_salesrule_actions_prepareform', array('form' => $form)); right before the line$form->setValues($model->getData()); in the fileapp\code\core\Mage\Adminhtml\Block\Promo\Quote\Edit\Tab\Actions...
Promotion Rules: Tips and troubleshooting
If a rule doesn’t work as required, it is misconfigured. Here is a short guide on how to find a mistake in the rule. Validate the scope (website, stores, storeviews). Sometimes, a rule is available for particular stores and customer groups. You need...
The rule doesn't work if applied to a particular category
Special Promotions and Special Promotions Pro extensions require validation by category for associated simple products.   It means that when you create a new rule, using any of our promotion extensions with condition based on "category", it is...
There is no SKU (or any other attribute) condition in magento.
If you can find some product attribute, like SKU or Manufacturer, in the conditions dropdown please, open admin > catalog > attributes > manage attributes > SKU, and set "Yes" for "Used for Promo Rules Conditions" option.
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