FAQ: Customers Also Viewed

Customers Also Viewed
Can I disable display of out-of-stock products in cross-sells, up-sells and related items blocks?

Yes, sure. Each block configuration has an option “Show in Stock Products only”. You need to set it to “Yes”, and out-of-stock items will be excluded.

Can I show items with this extension in an upsell block only if up-sells haven’t been specified manually?

Yes, it’s possible since with the module you can choose whether to replace manually specified products with the items customers also viewed or not. Go on reading to see 3 available modes.

Can I show related products from certain categories only?

Yes, of course, our Customers Also Viewed module will let you exclude products from any categories. Read on to see how to make it.

Can this extension be used on a cart page?

Yes, you can mass assign also viewed products that will be shown on the cart page. However, if you want to show specific offers (product list + banners), you can also try Promo Banners module.

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