FAQ: Meta Tags Templates

Meta Tags Templates
Are meta tags updated automatically when some product attributes are changed?

It’s important to keep your meta data up-to-date, and our extension will help you with that. If some product attribute included within a variable is changed, meta data is re-generated automatically to display the correct information.

Can I create meta data for CMS pages in magento?

Yes, you can create meta tags(title, description, keywords) for CMS pages using a “Meta Tags by URL” option. Read on to follow a step-by-step guide. 

Can I generate meta data templates for many products at once?

Yes, you can do that to save lots of time. The extension allows you to auto-generate meta-information. To see the instructions read the full answer.

Can I have different meta tags for different store views?

Yes, we are happy to confirm this is possible with this module.

Can I leave the existing meta data unchanged in magento?

Yes, sure, if you want to leave meta data unchanged, you need to set the 'Replace Filled Metadata' on the Product Page to 'No'. Continue reading to make the settings correctly.

I see the module configuration in admin panel, but there are no tags at the frontend in magento.
This issue concerning Meta Tags Templates extension is easy-to-solve. If you have Yoast Meta Robots extension installed, please replace file app/code/community/Yoast/MetaRobots/Block/Catalog/Product/View.php with this one: http://amasty.com/faq/View...
What if some products don’t have the variables specified in the templates?

It’s ok, since there is an “optional variables” feature. If only some of your items have a {color} variable, you can use square brackets [] for such optional variables. They will be processed only if products use attributes contained within a specified variable.

What variables for creating meta tags are supported in magento?

For getting higher ranking in search engines our Meta Tags Templates extension supports many variables. Read on to see a complete list of supported and additional variables. 

Will meta tags be generated for the products which already exist in my store?

Yes, our meta information templates will work for all products you have in your Magento, both added before and new ones.

How can we help you?

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