Magento 1 Extensions

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  1. Improved Layered Navigation M1

    Provide clear Magento layered navigation to your store visitors. Equip your website with the chock full of customizable filters, sliders and 'from-to' widgets. Avail of SEO features to level up your position in SERP. Optimize the store for mobile devices to improve customer's experience. Entrust your navigation to premium 7-year-old Magento 1 extension.

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    • Ajax Layered Navigation
    • Shop by Brand
    • Price filters & sliders
    • SEO friendly urls & navigation
    • Multiple and single attribute selection
    • Fully optimized for mobile
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  2. Search Pro M1

    Your customers will be happy with this advanced instant search solution with extremely high relevance. Set up Magento advanced search extension to let people quickly find exactly what they are looking for.

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    • Significantly increase relevance of search results
    • Specify search priority for attributes
    • Enable customers to easily find the necessary products
    • Choose the search type – ‘like’, ‘fulltext’ or ‘combined’
    • Highly-configurable autocomplete search
    • Fully optimized for mobile
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  3. Improved Sorting M1

    Let your customers find the best products fast! Give them effective options for sorting - by bestsellers, biggest saving, etc. Add featured product blocks based on the sorting options for different categories.

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    • Enable customers to sort products by bestsellers, rating, etc
    • Create product blocks using the sorting options
    • Specify the order of the sorting options in dropdown
    • Set any sorting method for products listing on catalog and search pages
    • Show out-of-stock products at the end of the lists
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  4. Product Parts Finder M1

    Create product filters based on key criteria, which help to locate the right products very quickly. Make it easy for customers to find spare parts and components - add year-make-model or similar filters to your website.

    View features
    • Year-make-model and analogous product filters
    • Display product finders at home page and category pages
    • Add unlimited number of product finders
    • Create filters with unlimited number of selection options
    • Optimized for large volumes of data
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What differs Amasty from numerous vendors of Magento e-commerce software?

It’s our customer-centric approach. When developing Magento 1 tools, we follow top quality standards emphasizing the clear code structure. What does it bring to our Magento extensions? They are easy to set up and run. And in case you face some difficulties, our support team is always there for you. Buy one of our Magento extensions and we’ll do our best to live up to your expectations. Doubting? Choose & Check!

Amasty offers a great variety of comprehensive Magento extensions developed to effectively optimize online store management and let merchants perform routine tasks in minutes. We carefully arranged all our Magento add-ons in categories to help you navigate through the site with ease. Here you’ll definitely find a Magento app you’ve been looking for, whether it is an advanced zoom or a powerful SEO tool.

You only need to open the appropriate category and choose one of the Magento e-commerce extensions that meet your needs. Detailed descriptions, vivid screenshots, and a user guide will draw a clear picture of the module functionality. And a live demo will let you try the chosen Amasty's Magento 1 extension out in practice.

Moreover, to help you raise your customers’ shopping experience sky high, our support team will always be at your disposal. They’ll immediately answer your questions and help you adjust any Magento app store tool to your specific needs. Being an experienced Magento e-commerce software developer, Amasty knows that releasing the product is just half the battle, and ensuring that it works properly for each and every customer is even more important. Therefore, we pay careful attention to our support team efficiency.

If you haven’t made up your mind about the module to buy, you can open the whole list of our Magento e-commerce extensions and check each product until you see the tool able to solve your current problem.

Apart from that, you can always dig through numerous reviews written by customers who have been using our Magento software. Make sure your choice is right!

While creating our Magento add-ons, we strive to satisfy all the needs of the modern e-commerce community. And no wonder that our products have already won customers' appreciation.
