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Navigation & Search

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  1. Improved Layered Navigation M1

    Provide clear Magento layered navigation to your store visitors. Equip your website with the chock full of customizable filters, sliders and 'from-to' widgets. Avail of SEO features to level up your position in SERP. Optimize the store for mobile devices to improve customer's experience. Entrust your navigation to premium 7-year-old Magento 1 extension.

    View features
    • Ajax Layered Navigation
    • Shop by Brand
    • Price filters & sliders
    • SEO friendly urls & navigation
    • Multiple and single attribute selection
    • Fully optimized for mobile
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  2. Product Parts Finder M1

    Create product filters based on key criteria, which help to locate the right products very quickly. Make it easy for customers to find spare parts and components - add year-make-model or similar filters to your website.

    View features
    • Year-make-model and analogous product filters
    • Display product finders at home page and category pages
    • Add unlimited number of product finders
    • Create filters with unlimited number of selection options
    • Optimized for large volumes of data
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  3. Improved Sorting M1

    Let your customers find the best products fast! Give them effective options for sorting - by bestsellers, biggest saving, etc. Add featured product blocks based on the sorting options for different categories.

    View features
    • Enable customers to sort products by bestsellers, rating, etc
    • Create product blocks using the sorting options
    • Specify the order of the sorting options in dropdown
    • Set any sorting method for products listing on catalog and search pages
    • Show out-of-stock products at the end of the lists
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  4. Search Pro M1

    Your customers will be happy with this advanced instant search solution with extremely high relevance. Set up Magento advanced search extension to let people quickly find exactly what they are looking for.

    View features
    • Significantly increase relevance of search results
    • Specify search priority for attributes
    • Enable customers to easily find the necessary products
    • Choose the search type – ‘like’, ‘fulltext’ or ‘combined’
    • Highly-configurable autocomplete search
    • Fully optimized for mobile
    • Hide features

Magento store has to be user-friendly and easy to navigate, otherwise customers just won’t be able to find the products they are looking for and won’t place orders. We offer a wide range of Magento navigation extensions, which considerably enhance product search, catalog browsing and checkout process.

Upgrade usability of layered magento navigation by enabling customers to choose multiple values at once and filter products a lot more accurately with price slider, convenient category filter and a large number of other improvements. Many people shop by brands – why not create a page with the list of brands, so customers can quickly find the products of the make they like?

Year-make-model filter is a must for websites, which sell spare parts to make it easy for customers to find the right product parts.

According to multiple researches, customers are strongly influenced by selections of other people, so make their choice easier by letting them sort products by bestsellers, top ratings, reviews and other parameters.

Having found the products, customers can get a really good view of them with zoom and lightbox effects to see all product details and make sure this is what they want. With nice-looking magento ajax cart your clients will love the process of adding the products to cart.

If customers add products to cart, it doesn’t necessarily mean they buy the products – in general Magento cart abandonment rate is very high. This is why usability of checkout is not less important than that of the catalog. With flexible and fast one page checkout customers will not even notice once they’ve completed the order.

To be successful, each store needs to offer a nice and comfortable shopping experience starting with product search and finishing with checkout. And Magento extensions by Amasty are here to help!
