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→ Please, notice that the extension described on this page is not in development, and we are checking the demand. If you are interested in the release, leave your email in the form to the right of the page.
Say you want to offer your products worldwidely. Magento 2 allows you to create a multi-language store by adding a new store view. But you need to translate all the content like product and descriptions, answers to the FAQs, CMS pages, etc., by yourself.
With our extension, you can speed up this process by translating all this content automatically via Google Translate.
Automate switching store view to the localized version based on customers’ IP →
When you edit any page on the new store view, this magento 2 translation extension will automatically suggest you translating the content to the local language. You can do page-by-page translations or use mass action and translate them in bulk.
Enable multilingual search on your website with the Elastic Search extension →
The Magento 2 Multi-language Translator will be based on the API connection with Google Translate and will support 75+ languages.
Even though Google Translate is a really helpful tool, it still requires proofreading and some corrections made by native speakers. Use WYSIWYG to make all the needed edits.
If you want to translate all the pages automatically, you can schedule mass translation via cron and check the status of cron jobs on a separate grid. Also, you can set up auto-translation via cron for all new pages. Thus, when you add a new product, for example, this extension will translate the content for it automatically.
Please leave your email in the form to the right of the page if you want us to develop this module.
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