  1. Hyva compatibility
    One Step Checkout Pro M2
  2. Hyva compatibility
    GDPR Pro M2
  3. Hyva compatibility
    Abandoned Cart Email M2


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  1. Hyva compatibility
    One Step Checkout Pro M2
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    Increase your business’ revenue growth with a fast and customizable one-step checkout page. Provide shoppers with a smooth and clear checkout flow that will enhance the customer experience.

    View features
    • Customize Magento 2 checkout page in a few clicks using drag-and-drop layout builder
    • Support multiple payment and shipping methods
    • Display delivery date and time options
    • Use onе of two customizable responsive themes
    • Increase average order value by offering extra service fees
    • Hyva-ready storefront
    • Mage-OS compatible
    • ⏱Book a live demo
    • View examples of One Step Checkout on real stores.

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  2. Hyva compatibility
    GDPR Pro M2
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    The Magento 2 GDPR extension is designed to help online stores comply with the latest legislative EU requirements and strengthen data security and privacy. Make sure that your site collects all required user consents to avoid penalties and protect your business.

    View features
    • Comply with GDPR, CNIL and LGPD requirements
    • Obtain and record multiple users’ consent on various pages
    • Get cookie consents with an advanced popup
    • Let customers manage their personal data in personal accounts
    • Save personal data in recent documentation
    • Activate Google Consent Mode V2
    • Use PWA add-on for enhanced mobile performance
    • Hyva-ready storefront (view demo >>)
    • New! Hyvä Checkout ready
    • ✔️ ADA & WCAG compliant
    • ⏱Book a live demo
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  3. Hyva compatibility
    Cookie Consent (GDPR) M2
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    Pss… Ready to break into the global market? Go ahead, but make sure you have a ready privacy-proof strategy! Cookie Consent Helper for Magento 2 is here for you to protect your business with precise consent collection and advanced privacy documentation management across the whole world.

    View features
    • Choose a cookie bar style and customize the design
    • Collect and filter all cookie consents from registered and guest users
    • Block third-party cookies
    • Available in the German language
    • Google Consent Mode V2 support
    • Hyva-ready storefront (view demo >>)
    • New! Hyvä Checkout ready
    • Mage-OS compatible
    • GeoIP database included, update options available
    • ✔️ ADA & WCAG compliant
    • ⏱Book a live demo
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  4. Hyva compatibility
    Reward Points M2
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    Encourage customers to purchase more and return to your store by implementing an effective loyalty program with Magento 2 Reward Points extension. Easily turn occasional website visitors into loyal customers.

    View features
    • Reward customers for purchases, referral link, registration, etc.
    • Add or deduct points from customer’s balance
    • Notify customers about the points expiration date
    • Analyze customers’ purchasing behavior with reports
    • Let users track the reward points history in accounts
    • Hyva-ready storefront
    • ⏱Book a live demo
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  5. Hyva compatibility
    Extra Fee M2

    Generate more revenue with flexible extra fees. Charge shoppers for additional services complying with tax laws to make handling fees work for your success.

    View features
    • Create an unlimited charges based on smart conditions
    • Easily calculate taxes in compliance with local regulations
    • Supercharge your cart and checkout pages with fees
    • Read and write GraphQL compatibility, API support
    • NEW Hyvä-ready storefront
    • NEW Hyvä Checkout ready
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  6. Hyva compatibility
    Order Attributes M2
    Add an unlimited number of extra fields to your checkout page to easily collect and process extra data. Display all created attributes on a handy backend grid to keep necessary information at hand.
    View features
    • Use flexible conditions for attribute fields displaying
    • View additional information on the order grid
    • Add custom facets to emails and PDF documents
    • Show extra fields depending on a shipping method
    • Hyva-ready storefront
    • New! Hyvä Checkout ready(view demo >>)
    • ADA & WCAG compliance
    • Mage-OS compatible
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  7. Hyva compatibility
    Abandoned Cart Email M2
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    Increase the number of completed orders and return lost revenue by automatically sending catchy reminders. Offer discount coupons to motivate shoppers to complete their orders.

    View features
    • Recover abandoned carts in a few steps
    • Tailor campaigns with customizable email templates
    • Analyze campaigns performance with precise reporting
    • Schedule emails dispatch
    • Use the built-in discount coupon generator
    • Automatically embed UTM tags for further analysis
    • Hyva-compatible by default
    • Mage-OS compatible
    • ⏱Book a live demo
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  8. Hyva compatibility
    AJAX Shopping Cart M2

    Magento 2 AJAX add to cart extension provides comfortable shopping experience. Customers can easily select configurable options and edit items in the pop-up without wasting time on page reloads.

    View features
    • Stylish Magento 2 AJAX cart pop-up
    • Enhance your store performance with AJAX confirmation window
    • Equip Magento 2 store with AJAX dialog window of 2 different types
    • Support of custom options and configurable products
    • Additional way to gently promote related items
    • Block spam requests and bot attacks
    • Hyva-ready storefront (view demo >>)
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  9. Hyva compatibility
    Payment Restrictions M2

    Effectively manage payments in your store. Feel free to restrict payment methods by shipping address, customer groups, store view or product attributes in Magento 2. Restrict cash on delivery, check/money order etc.

    View features
    • Improve productivity of your payment process
    • Use shipping info to restrict payment methods
    • Create restrictions based on product info
    • Disable certain methods based on customer data
    • Multiply business opportunities and decrease risks
    • Hyva-compatible by default
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  10. Hyva compatibility
    Free Gift M2
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    Create a great variety of promo campaigns with Magento 2 free gifts in your store to boost both sales and customers’ loyalty. Show catchy banners to inform customers about special offers and let visitors select a gift among available promo items.

    View features
    • Get 5 additional promo actions
    • Add informative banners and labels to product pages
    • Create an unlimited number of rules with free gifts
    • Display a Free Gift Bar to show the amount left until free gift
    • Get a full overview of promotions performance via handy dashboard
    • Create sense of urgency and streamline purchases with Countdown Timer
    • Add free gifts manually from the admin panel
    • WCAG compliance for Luma Theme
    • Mage-OS compatible
    • Hyva-ready storefront (view demo >>)
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  11. Hyva compatibility
    Custom Checkout Fields M2
    This extension helps you to perform Magento 2 checkout customization by adding extra fields of various types. Gather comprehensive order data in a convenient way both for customers and admins. Smoothly manage info in custom input forms using the order grid.
    View features
    • Add diverse custom fields to the checkout page
    • Display custom fields under flexible conditions
    • Work on custom checkout fields via the order grid
    • Include input forms in PDF and printable HTML documents and emails
    • Hide / display custom fields with regard to a selected shipping method
    • Access all module features on mobile devices
    • Hyva-ready storefront
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  12. Hyva compatibility
    Store Credit & Refund M2

    Convert returns into revenue by using store credits as a refund option. Keep money in the store when refunding and thank customers for shopping in your store with credit to build their loyalty.

    View features
    • Increase sales giving users credits toward next purchases
    • Keep funds in shop refunding orders with store credits
    • Build loyalty awarding shoppers with extra credits
    • Let users track store credit and refunds in their account
    • Auto notify customers of any changes in their store credit balance via emails
    • New! Hyvä-ready storefront and Hyvä Checkout ready
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  13. Hyva compatibility
    Exit Intent Popup M2
    Employ Magento 2 Exit Intent Popup to convert abandoning store visitors into customers. Drive more sales and notably boost your subscriber base.
    View features
    • Interact with abandoning customers via exit intent popup
    • Retain customers with attractive offers and discounts
    • Display exit popup on shopping cart and checkout pages
    • Сustomize popup content easily
    • Benefit from GDPR compliance
    • Hyva-ready storefront
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  14. Hyva compatibility
    Thank You Page M2

    Increase the revenue from repeat sales with a custom Magento Thank You Page. Tailor the template and turn it into the first step towards the next purchase.

    View features
    • Register customers right on the Thank You Page
    • Show order review and cross-sell blocks
    • Offer customers discount coupons for the next purchases
    • Insert custom CMS blocks in one click to boost site engagement
    • Enable newsletter subscription to strengthen the retention
    • Hyva-ready storefront
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  15. Hyva compatibility
    Social Login M2
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    Get more leads with social media. The extension aims to increase the number of registrations, improve customers' shopping experience, and collect consumers’ data just in one click.

    View features
    • Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Amazon, Paypal, Twitch, Microsoft Azure, Pinterest social logins support
    • Built-in dashboard to monitor login stats
    • AJAX popup for the login/register purpose
    • reCAPTCHA included
    • Log in with Apple ID included in Pro version
    • ✔️ ADA & WCAG compliant
    • Hyva-ready storefront (view demo >>)
    • Hyvä Checkout ready
    • Compatibility with the One Step Checkout
    • Mage-OS compatible
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Latest stats show that up to 70% of shoppers leave their cart abandoned and don’t complete the purchase. There are many reasons why it happens and most of them come from the inconvenient checkout process:

  1. 55% of shoppers said they left websites because of the too high extra fee cost. They didn’t expect to see extra costs. To overcome this issue and explain to your customers all the rules of any additional charges, use our Extra Fee extension. 
  2. 26% of users mentioned that the checkout was too multi-step and complicated. By default, Magento 2 has a 2-step checkout. However, to make it almost checkoutless, try this One Step Checkout Magento 2 extension. It allows you to edit fields, create custom ones, change their orders, hide unnecessary fields and blocks, and make the checkout experience seamless. Also, this Magento 2 plugin includes a delivery-date functionality. 16% of users surveyed complain about too slow delivery, so you can let them choose the day and time when they want to get the product or offer VIP delivery for an extra cost. If you need to add more custom fields to gather additional info about your customers, add Order Attributes extension to the cart too. 
  3. 21% of respondents mention that they will leave the website if they can’t see the total price upfront. To keep the cart notable, we offer you the AJAX shopping cart extension that shows the total price after every click on the add-to-cart button.
  4. 17% of shoppers left their cart abandoned because they don’t trust the site with credit card information. So to convince your customers of their data security, offer Stripe as a payment method. This system meets the latest international safety requirements, and you don't need to store customer data on your servers. Also, you can use additional tools to make your customers feel secure, for example, by using the Stripe logo.

But, probably, the most important thing in converting users that abandoned products in their carts is to timely remind them of this. With Abandoned Cart Email you can use custom templates, automate a precise dispatch schedule to minutes and analyze the effectiveness of the campaign with the built-in reports.

Explore how these Magento checkout 2 extensions make process fast and convenient!