  1. $139

Customers' Data

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  1. Special Promotions Pro M1

    Create personal promotions using customers' account information. Build customer devotion with specials based on order history.

    View features
    • 20 additional discount rules for powerful promotions
    • Deals based on any customer attributes – name, DOB, etc.
    • Discounts based on customers' order history
    • Ability to show detailed discount breakdown on front end
    • Skip items with special price
    • Hide features

Customers are the basis of any business. Therefore, it is crucial to effectively communicate with them, find out their needs and meet them to extend their client lifecycle. And isn’t it tempting to get all customer data right in Magento? It sure is, and we have appropriate Magento customer management extensions to offer. Check them out!

Our Magento customer management extensions will help you get such attributes as customer email,name, address and assign special id’s for easier management.

Use custom attributes to form Magento customer segments and collect all additional personal and business information you may need. This data includes information on how your Magento customers found your shop, business documents, feedbacks and any other data that may help you. In Magento, you can also create customer address attributes for collecting more detailed address information like apartment number, ZIP code and more. It’s also possible to set order attributes to request information such as order comments, delivery instructions, etc.

Unfortunately, some customers have bad intentions and are a trouble for store owners. Now you have an opportunity to blacklist emails and even domain names to prevent fraudulent registrations and orders.

Good cooperation with customers is an absolute must for every business. Our extensions will enable you to do it a lot more efficiently, legally and with much less effort.

The collected information enables you to considerably improve cooperation with customers. You will also have all the necessary data to process orders quickly and efficiently. The feedback you get from clients will help you optimize business processes and improve customer service. All this has a huge positive impact on customer loyalty.
