  1. Hyva compatibility
  2. Hyva compatibility

Hyva Theme Extensions

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  1. Hyva compatibility
    Gift Card Pro M2
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    Discover the omnichannel gift card program to streamline audience growth with Magento 2 Gift Card extension and win the market. Double sales and retain customers by providing advanced gifting options. Offer no-contact certificates that can be cashed-out later to grow revenue and keep business stable even during the lockdowns.

    View features
    • Create gift cards with fixed or open amount price types of single or multiple usages
    • Ensure stable performance while generating and uploading gift codes
    • Keep track of all purchased vouchers
    • Get a set of 15+ ready-to-use gift card images for different occasions
    • Add barcodes
    • Import and export gift card info
    • Return gift card balance during refunds
    • Compatibility with AWS Remote Storage
    • Compatibility with Live Search for Enterprise and Cloud editions
    • Hyva-ready storefront (view demo >>)
    • NEW! Hyvä Checkout ready
    • Mage-OS compatible
    • ⏱Book a live demo
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  2. Hyva compatibility
    Multiple Coupons M2

    Increase customer loyalty with one simple change in the shopping experience of your customers. Provide the registered users and guest visitors with the ability to use several discount coupons simultaneously.

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    • Use several coupons per order
    • Let guest visitors to use multiple coupons
    • Limit usage of specific coupons with other promo codes
    • Apply multiple coupons to orders from the admin panel
    • Allow applying coupons from the shopping cart and checkout
    • Hyva-ready storefront
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  3. Hyva compatibility
    Shipping Restrictions M2

    Restrict shipping methods using various product, cart and customer parameters. Make the transportation process of your products both legal and cost-effective.

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    • Block certain methods of the shipping carrier
    • Create restrictions based on customer’s shipping data
    • Restrict shipping by various product attributes and order info
    • Use customer groups and store views as a restriction base
    • Disable or allow delivery with coupon
    • Hyvä-ready storefront
    • New! Hyvä Checkout ready
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  4. Hyva compatibility
    Shipping Table Rates M2
    Create an unlimited number of flexible shipping methods with individual rates. Use Magento 2 shipping table rates combinations of a destination address vs cart weight, order subtotal and price to accurately calculate delivery.
    View features
    • Generate multiple custom shipping methods
    • Create specific costs for any product or a product group
    • Quickly import shipping table rates to Magento or edit them manually
    • Show estimated delivery time for each created method
    • Display comments and images on product and checkout pages
    • Hyva-ready storefront
    • Сompatibility with Hyva checkout
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  5. Hyva compatibility
    Social Login M2
    See available pricing options!

    Get more leads with social media. The extension aims to increase the number of registrations, improve customers' shopping experience, and collect consumers’ data just in one click.

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    • Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Amazon, Paypal, Twitch, Microsoft Azure, Pinterest social logins support
    • Built-in dashboard to monitor login stats
    • AJAX popup for the login/register purpose
    • reCAPTCHA included
    • Log in with Apple ID included in Pro version
    • ✔️ ADA & WCAG compliant
    • Hyva-ready storefront (view demo >>)
    • Hyvä Checkout ready
    • Compatibility with the One Step Checkout
    • Mage-OS compatible
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  6. Hyva compatibility
    Product Attachments M2
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    Offer shoppers a professional approach by showing highly detailed product info. Provide accurate manuals, licenses, warranties and other info on webstore pages. Upload files of any format to Magento and use catchy icons to capture customers' attention with Magento 2 Product Attachments.

    View features
    • Extend the functionality with API support
    • Support 25+ file types
    • Sync one uploaded document with multiple products, categories and CMS pages
    • Display catchy icons
    • Show documents in customer accounts and transactional emails according to order statuses
    • Apply docs to various websites and store views
    • Benefit from mobile-optimized design and Magento B2B compatibility
    • Hyva-ready storefront
    • ⏱Book a live demo
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  7. Hyva compatibility
    SMTP Email Settings M2
    Minimize the chance to get into spam with a reliable SMTP server configuration. Strengthen your reputation as a trusted sender and improve the efficiency of email marketing campaigns thanks to unmatched correspondence delivery.
    View features
    • Apply ready-made settings of 12+ providers
    • Set your own configuration
    • Use OAuth 2.0 authentication method for Google and Microsoft accounts
    • Test configuration using debug mode
    • View the content of sent emails
    • Log all sent emails
    • Automatically clean logs
    • NEW: Add email addresses to blacklist
    • Hyva-compatible by default
    • New!Hyvä Checkout ready
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  8. Hyva compatibility
    Out of Stock Notification M2

    Timely inform customers and guest visitors about product stock status and price changes with Magento 2 Out of Stock Notification. Better understand your customers preferences: quickly identify which products are highly demanded and timely refill them in your store!

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    • Enable stock and price subscriptions
    • Activate a subscribe pop-up for guest visitors
    • Auto-notify admin of low stock and new subscriptions
    • Let users manage subscriptions in their account
    • Monitor shoppers behavior with analytics dashboard
    • Hyva-ready storefront (view demo >>)
    • Mage-OS compatible
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  9. Hyva compatibility
    Automatic Related Products M2

    Magento 2 Related Products extension is the tool dynamically showcase related product offers on the website, thus motivating customers to complement their orders with extra items. Flexibly adjust rules and conditions to enable smart personalized recommendations similarly to AI-driven solutions.

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    • Use smart rule-based algorithm to offer related items, up-sells, and cross-sells
    • Show related products based on history of views or purchases
    • Display items on category, product, shopping cart pages, and custom positions
    • Offer bundle packs with fixed or percentage discount
    • Create a specified CMS page with all bundles
    • Monitor related offers efficiency with advanced analytics
    • Import and Export bundle packs data
    • Hyva-ready storefront (view demo >>)
    • Mage-OS compatible
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  10. Hyva compatibility
    Blog Pro M2

    Drive more targeted traffic to your store with Magento 2 Blog Pro extension. Power up your promotion strategy by sharing engaging content that converts visitors into customers and ranks higher on Google.

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    • Flexibly customize your blog page layouts, fonts, widgets and structure
    • Utilize multi-level category tree and tags for convenient blog navigation
    • Make your blog more visible in Google search using built-in SEO features
    • Promote related products on blog post pages
    • Import and Export blog posts, categories, tags, authors, etc.
    • Provide a smooth and fast reading on mobiles with AMP
    • Hyva-ready storefront (view demo >>)
    • Integration with Amasty AI Content Generator
    • Mage-OS compatible
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  11. Hyva compatibility
    Infinite Scroll M2

    Infinite scroll for Magento 2 automatically loads product catalog without reloading the page. Your customers will be pleasantly surprised with supportive navigation and high performance of your web store.

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    • Smart navigation
    • SEO-friendly functionality
    • Customized navigation bars
    • Auto loading of the pages
    • 'Back to top' button
    • Magento 2 AJAX pagination
    • Hyva-ready storefront (view demo >>)
    • New! Hyvä Checkout ready
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  12. Hyva compatibility
    Cross-Sell / Upsell Products M2

    Increase trust in your shop by delivering offers with a higher value to customers. Use Magento 2 Cross Sells extension to increase the number of spontaneous purchases, average cart value, total sales and customer satisfaction.

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    • Boost store revenue with cross-selling and upselling products
    • Create custom rules for automatic item relation
    • Consider views and purchases to offer upsells and cross-sells
    • Manually add more items to auto-suggested product offerings
    • Suggest only in-stock goods to maximize spontaneous sales
    • Hyva-ready storefront (view demo >>)
    • Coming soon: KPI dashboard for product recommendations
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  13. Hyva compatibility
    Google Invisible reCaptcha M2

    Protect your store from bots and fraudulent activities with Google Invisible reCaptcha — the most advanced security tool. As it's invisible for inconspicuous users, your website security becomes more user-friendly.

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    • Prevent carding with reCaptcha on the checkout page
    • Control security level of reCaptcha test and validate users appropriately
    • Configure reCaptcha button design that your site encompasses
    • Benefit from the seamless setup process, no coding skills required
    • Compatible with all Amasty extensions
    • ✔️ ADA & WCAG compliant
    • Hyva-ready storefront
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  14. Hyva compatibility
    Customer Group Catalog M2
    Kick-start your selling strategy. Manage catalog and prices visibility for particular Magento 2 customers and customer groups to meet the needs of each segment.
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    • Provide selective access to the store catalog
    • Hide ‘Add to cart’, ‘Add to wish list’ and other buttons
    • Replace product prices with CMS blocks or images
    • Negotiate about prices via a quote form
    • Auto-assign customers to groups
    • Reindex from the admin panel
    • Hyva-ready storefront
    • New! Hyvä Checkout ready
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  15. Hyva compatibility
    Mass Product Actions M2
    Increase the efficiency of the catalog management. Change prices, manage attribute sets and categories, spread custom options and images, and related products. Apply bulk actions to multiple Magento 2 items and tweak the actions menu to display only required actions.
    View features
    • Update Magento 2 prices in bulk and customize the price rounding
    • Easily copy and spread attributes, custom options, and images
    • Perform fast delete of multiple products
    • Easily relate goods and create up-sells and cross-sells
    • Display only necessary in the actions menu
    • Hyva-compatible by default
    • New! Hyvä Checkout ready
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Meet an innovative frontend solution for the e-commerce business sphere! Hyva Theme implemented in Magento 2 stores brings customer shopping experience to a new level thanks to an extremely lightweight and responsive storefront . No more excessive styles, complex functions and an infinite list of dependencies – Hyva simplifies Magento 2 to the maximum, making your store super-fast for customers and super-easy to maintain for developers.

Following the trend, we introduce Amasty's Hyva-ready extensions for Magento 2. Some product pages of Hyvä Theme extensions for Magento 2 include a demo, allowing you to see how the functionality works with Hyva Theme in action. Exclude development time and cut down implementation costs by getting full compatibility out of the box for Hyva Magento from a reliable Hyvä Theme development company.