Replace prices with custom text
Collect quotes via a built-in form
Create special catalogs for specific groups
Hide product info and buttons
Replace prices with custom text
To check the demand and stimulate negotiations, you can grant selective access to the price information. Set the visibility restrictions based on Magento 2 customer groups and replace prices with text, phone number, etc. For example, hide the cost from guest visitors and motivate them to contact you or to register.
Collect quotes via a built-in form
You can replace the price with a special ‘Get a Quote’ button. When shoppers click this button, the next thing they see is a popup where they can enter the amount they're ready to pay for this product or leave a comment. Thus, you can build an individual and a customer-oriented pricing strategy for Magento 2 customer groups.
Create special catalogs for specific groups
Apply a high-level personalization: make specific Magento 2 categories and products visible to particular customer groups only. It’s the way to provide special catalog offers, run magento private sales and grant extra possibilities to your ‘club members’.
Hide product info and buttons
Apart from hiding the price from Magento 2 groups, you may also hide ‘Add to Cart’, ‘Add to Compare’ and ‘Add to Wishlist’ buttons. By setting the product restrictions by Magento 2 customer groups, you can motivate shoppers to perform the actions you need (e.g. register, sign up for a newsletter and so on) before they get all the functionality.
Login and Registration Form