Provide precise information about stock availability of particular products using custom stock statuses. Create custom rules to automatically assign statuses, attract customers’ attention with catchy icons.
Generate more revenue with flexible extra fees. Charge shoppers for additional services complying with tax laws to make handling fees work for your success.
Increase the revenue from repeat sales with a custom Magento Thank You Page. Tailor the template and turn it into the first step towards the next purchase.
Add our Magento 2 Advanced Promotions extension to shape your discounts with clever conditions. Create promotions based on customers' info and purchase history. Use 20 actions to be sure that your promotions are unique and relevant.
Ensure legal compliance and boost customer trust by enabling automatic base price calculation and display using Magento 2 Price per Unit extension.
Display catchy promo banners on corresponding store pages to let customers be aware of all hot deals and specials you offer. Draw visitors' attention to specific products to trigger impulse purchases and increase an average order value.
Simplify promotion management process with the expanded price rules grid. Now you can cut the time on promotion-related tasks by using additional actions and columns.
Ensure fast web-site browsing experience with Magento 2 Full Page Cache Warmer. Provide users a flawless store performance to top search rankings and attract more visitors.
Reduce operating costs and increase revenue thanks to automatic customer group management with Magento 2 auto customer group switching.
Boost revenue by offering buyers extra products and services on the original product pages. Quickly assign option templates to large groups of goods via mass action, easily configure display of the custom options you offer by using swatches and dependencies.
Boost B2B sales and increase repeated purchases with the Magento 2 Quick Order extension. Enable buyers to quickly order multiple products without visiting numerous web store pages.
Explore our curated selection of Magento extensions tailored for use with Hyvä Checkout, the leading checkout solution for Hyvä Themes.
Engineered to optimize performance, simplify developer workflows, and boost conversion rates and average order values (AOV), these extensions guarantee seamless integration and enhanced functionality for websites utilizing the Hyvä Themes storefront.
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