Monitor warming progress
Timely find errors
Assess warmer efficiency
NEW: Check Varnish Cache coverage
Analyze crawler activity
Monitor warming progress
See cached pages and manage warming processes with an informative warmer log. Learn from the visual stats for the cache coverage rate and crawler progress. View all crawled pages with related information like date, store view, currency, time, etc. Flush cache for the particular URLs in a few clicks. 
Timely find errors
The extension provides you with a report with all processed pages statuses. Choose the time period and effectively track the percentage of errors, invalidated pages, redirects and successful loads. 
Assess warmer efficiency
The extension settings allow you to get a full picture of the warmer efficiency. Choose the time period and see the percentage of hits and misses, track the performance improvement by crawler response time, etc.
Check Varnish Cache coverage
Now the extension is fully compatible with Varnish cache type. See the Varnish cache coverage in the warmer log and check the activity in the performance reports.
Analyze crawler activity
View Warmed Pages report to get the summary stats for requested pages for previous time periods. This way you can also understand when the crawler was most active.
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