Search by SKU or product name
Add products by inserting multiple SKUs
NEW | Export order lists in CSV
Provide instant product search by SKU or product name
With the Magento 2 Quick Order extension, your customers will easily find the products they need entering the item SKU or name in the instant AJAX search box. This way you’ll provide the highest level of accuracy in search results. Moreover, after only some characters are typed, the autosuggestions of available products will be shown.
Add product items to list by inserting multiple SKUs
Using the extension, your customers won't have to search - they will be able to upload multiple products to their quick orders just by inserting multiple Magento 2 SKUs, one per row. Customers can add SKUs only or also specify product quantity and options. 
Export CSV product lists to place similar orders quicker
This feature simplifies the process of repeated B2B ordering for wholesalers. Thus, if a customer has once composed a detailed product list ready for ordering, they can export it in a moment and reuse it for placing similar orders. 
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