price + availability + currency
Show product value to users without making them visit your site. Potential customer will be able to see price and stock status on SERP, which will allow taking click decision faster and help to stand out from the competition.
rating + number of reviews
63% of customers are more likely to make a purchase from a site which has user reviews (iPerceptions). Therefore, by placing reviews and showing them in search results you gain customers' trust and eventually attract more leads and get more conversions. This will help to attract more leads and therefore even more conversions. The module also supports Yotpo reviews. 
navigation path
Clear navigation is more important than you think. Users want to be sure that a website is user-friendly and easy to navigate. Now you can convince them of your site relevancy - display breadcrumbs in search results. This microdata will also help Google to understand site content. 
*average products rating + min product price
Display an average category products' rating and the cheapest category product in search results to keep users informed before they even enter your site. Help visitors better understand your pricing policy and show them the existence of an informative product feedback from customers.
url + name + logo
Brand means a lot. Organizations rich snippet will help you in building your brand or increasing brand awareness. The process is simple and effective - user will see your logo in SERP and associate it with your brand name. Besides Google displays rich snippets only for highly authoritative sites, this is an additional warranty to visitors. 
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