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Hate editing each order when you need to send invoices or submit shipments? This extension will definitely cheer you up by allowing to process orders in bulk. Create invoices and shipments, capture payments for multiple orders in one go!
Manage orders fast to better serve your customers
Orders are the source of life for every store. So it is crucial to process them as quickly and as efficiently as possible to build great reputation for your business and get more profit. Now you can send invoices, create shipments with tracking numbers and capture payments right from the grid. You can do these actions one by one or together, for example add invoice and shipment at once..
Save a huge amount of time
Now you will not have to go to the order page each time you need to process an order. Just a couple clicks and invoices or shipments (or even both) get sent for any number of orders you need - no more endless browsing between them and waiting for page loads. Simplify Magento order processing with Mass Order Actions - the extension will help you to cope with a lot of work with a few clicks.
Let your customer get notifications on new comments
Now your customer can receive notifications if any comments with additional information are added to the order
Customize backend permissions
Now you can separate permissions for each action to divide the work between store admins more accurately.
Before importing a long list of tracking numbers to your Magento 1 store you should correctly create a CSV file with all necessary data.
Apply processing actions to orders on the grid
The module enables you to invoice and ship orders right from the grid. Also at the grid you can change status, capture payment and add tracking numbers.
Process multiple orders at once
Discover new ability - Magento 1 bulk order processing. Just select the orders on the grid and apply the necessary actions. You can send invoices and shipments for 100 or more orders in just a couple clicks.
Use combinations of actions
It is possible to apply one or several Magento 1 order processing actions at once. You can just invoice a number of orders. Or invoice, ship and capture payments for magento 1 orders in one go.
Display tracking numbers on the grid
You can display magento 1 shipping carrier as well as add tracking number on the grid.
Import tracking numbers
Now module enables admin users easily import tracking numbers to Magento 1.
Configure the extension according to your preferences
You can choose which actions should be available on the grid. Also you can specify which status should be assigned to an order after an action is applied - for example, assign 'Invoiced' status after invoice is sent.
Yes, now you can send notifications on any mass status change/new comments added to an order. For this, you will need to configure Mass order Actions. To see how to make it on the first try read a complete answer.
Here is a list of new mass actions added to Magento order grid by this extension:Invoice; Invoice > Capture;Invoice > Ship; Invoice > Capture > Ship; Capture > Ship; Capture; Ship; Change Status; Add Comment. To see how to enable/disable the actions read on.
Amasty answer
Drop us a line and we'll customize this extension for you!
You can install extensions and updates via Composer
See Magento (and other software) versions we support and guarantee their compatibility with our extensions
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