Well-arranged knowledge base
Accessible FAQ section
Advanced navigation
Categories in search results
Short answer behavior
Notification and GDPR compliance
Well-arranged knowledge base
Utilize the default FAQ CMS page to display a search bar and the essential list of categories. Equip categories with icons, limit the number of questions and answers per page for categories and search results for better usability.
Accessible FAQ section
Integrate FAQ pages into store structure with no effort. Place the links to FAQ pages in the toolbar, categories и footer to make them more visible and easily accessible. 
Advanced navigation
Clear site navigation is the key to your successful interaction with customers. Apply a categories list, tags, breadcrumbs, and a back-to-product button to make the customer journey consistent and smooth. 
Categories in search results
One more option to make search results more informative and the navigation through the FAQ section enhanced. 
Short answer behavior
Provide store visitors with a short preview and a complete answer to make your Magento 2 knowledge base content respond to different users’ needs. 
Notification and GDPR compliance
Enable and adjust the privacy policy consent upon question submission with the FAQ and Product Questions extension. Thus, customers will be notified when their inquiry is answered and you will comply with GDPR. 
Login and Registration Form