Amasty Reward Points vs. Aheadworks Reward Points for Magento 2

Increase the number of repeated purchases by implementing a loyalty program with the Reward Points extension.
  • Reward users for specific actions they make on your website
  • Manage reward points from the admin panel
  • Send email notifications about new and expiring rewards to customers
  • Make data-driven decisions based on the analytical report
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To find a perfect solution for your store, you need to research, analyze and compare multiple options. This time, we did all the hard work for you and created a comparison page for these 2 popular Reward Points extensions by Aheadworks and Amasty.

Features of Aheadworks Reward Points for Magento 2

Earning rules

With Aheadworks Reward Points extension, you can award customers for the following actions:

  • product purchase
  • registration
  • newsletter subscription
  • product review submission
  • sharing on social networks
  • special dates, like birthdays, anniversaries, etc.

Also, you can create condition-based rules for multiple points earning and spending rates. So the user will get extra points depending on their groups, lifetime sales, etc.

Furthermore, you can set the minimum points balance that is necessary to start spending them and limit the percent of the total amount that can be paid with reward points. Of course, you can set the expiration date of reward points.

Edit customer’s points

Magento 2 admins can edit a customer’s balance right from the backend by adding or deducting reward points.

Promo text on the frontend

To grab customers’ attention and involve them in interaction with your website, you can place a catchy text on the product and category pages via the Aheadworks extension. 

Refund orders with reward points

Retain the customers that are not satisfied with the product they got by making a refund into reward points. This way, they get the money back, but at the same time, they will spend them at your store. 


Aheadworks Reward Points for Magento 2 shows statistical metrics about points on the Customers grid. You can track the current customer balance, total points earned, and total points spent.

Email notifications

This extension can send email notifications to customers with any updates and changes with their reward points:

  • Balance adjusted by admin
  • Order canceled
  • Refund by Reward Points
  • Reimburse of spent Reward Points
  • Registration
  • Customer birthday
  • Review approved by admin
  • Newsletter signup
  • Points spent on an order
  • Points rewarded for an order
  • Points rewarded for the product share
  • Cancel earned points for refund order
  • Points expired
  • Balance adjusted while import

Features of Amasty Reward Points for Magento 2

Basic functionality

The Amasty Reward Points includes all the basic functionality you may look for:

  • earning rules
  • reward points expiration
  • email notifications
  • promo text on the frontend
  • refund orders into points
  • possibility to edit customer’s points
  • statistics

But some of them come with advanced possibilities.

Earning rules

When you create a new rule, you can reward customers not only for the basic actions like completing an order or newsletter subscription but also for more complex behavior:

Get X Points for each $Y spent. Using this action, you can stimulate customers to spend more and increase your average check. Moreover, you can use this rule to promote specific items and reward customers with points when they buy particular products only. For example, if a customer spends $50 on t-shirts, they will get 10 points.

Get X points after Y days of inactivity. If you want to involve inactive users and stimulate them to make some purchases in your store, you can give them some reward points.

Also, this extension allows you to add points that never expire.

Highlight point on the frontend

Besides the text on category and product pages, you can also show reward points in the cart and on Checkout Page. Moreover, you can change its color to make it more noticeable.

Analytics report

Amasty reward points come with a separate report, where you can see the following statistical data: 

  • total rewarded points
  • total redeemed points
  • average reward points per customer
  • average redeemed points per customer
  • total expired points

Also, you can filter this data by period, customer group, and store view.

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Version 2.2.0
Last Update: Jul 01, 2024
2.2.0 - Jul 01, 2024
  • Improvement the possibility of awarding reward points based on order status was added to the Pro version of the module (Note: this functionality is available as part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
Version 2.1.0
Last Update: Mar 11, 2024
2.1.0 - Mar 11, 2024
  • New we added a new action 'Get X Points for a Referral' allowing customers to share a referral link and earn reward points for registering and making a purchase by another user (Note: the functionality is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • New now it is possible to use reward points to cover shipping costs (Note: the functionality is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription)
  • Fix we resolved the issue with the functionality of the 'Quantity In Stock' condition
  • Fix now emails display the action for which the reward was awarded
  • Fix we addressed the issue with the display of emails that utilize the 'Reward Points Earned Modern' template
  • Fix now when canceling an order reward points are refunded to the customer considering the expiration date
  • Fix we solved the issue with customer's name displaying in the emails
Version 2.0.2
Last Update: Dec 22, 2023
2.0.2 - Dec 22, 2023
  • Fix we eliminated the error occurred during the 'expiration_points_amrewards' cron job executing
  • Fix we fixed reward points texts translating issue
  • Fix now the method returns the correct results about whether the store is enabled or disabled
  • Fix we solved the issue with displaying reward points imported to customers
  • Fix now points validation error is being displayed as intended
  • Fix we fixed Customers grid email filter
  • Fix we corrected the accrual of reward points to customers according to the store views
2.0.1 - Aug 08, 2023
  • Fix we adjusted the parameters transmitted data via REST API
  • Fix we fixed the error occurred while updating to the latest version when customer with earned reward points was deleted
  • Fix we eliminated the error occurred while running setup:db:status command
  • Fix we fixed an issue with reward points in the logged out customers cart when the Persistent Shopping Cart is enabled
  • Fix we solved email translations issue
  • Fix we corrected the Earning Configuration Actions work 
2.0.0 - Apr 20, 2023
  • Refactoring the code was renovated and refactored to improve the module performance
  • Improvement we added the possibility to apply percent redemption limit on subtotal after tax
  • Fix we eliminated the ability to view My Rewards page after logging out
  • Fix we fixed the Reward Points accrual issue when invoice and shipment are created via API
  • Fix we resolved the problem with Customers Main File import
Version 1.18.1
Last Update: Mar 15, 2023
1.18.1 - Mar 15, 2023
  • Compatibility now the extension is compatible with Magento 2.4.5-p2, 2.4.6
1.18.0 - Feb 06, 2023
  • Improvement we added the possibility to configure 'Get X Points for Completing Order' and 'Get X Points for Each $Y Spent' rules for unregistered customers
  • Improvement the ALT tag was added to the module Ajax loaders
  • Improvement we optimized the Сategory tree loading when Reward Points earning rules are being created by adding 'levelsVisibility' parameter
  • Improvement we added the compatibility with Amasty Advanced Product Reviews so now Reward Points are awarded when reviews are approved via a mass action
  • Improvement minor improvements in system messages to avert customers Reward Points applying issues
  • Improvement we improved the module performance work with a large number of transactions and reward points so now the 'Reward Points History' and 'All Customers' pages load faster
  • Fix now Reward Points on the Cart are applied according to the customers current balance
Version 1.17.6
Last Update: Oct 31, 2022
1.17.6 - Oct 31, 2022
  • Fix we solved the problem with incorrect accrual of Reward Points in case of order canceling
1.17.5 - Oct 19, 2022
  • Improvement now it is possible to add Registration link for website guests in the Highlight point messages
  • Improvement we improved system messages to avert problems with Reward Points applying
  • Fix the module translation issue was resolved
  • Fix we solved the problem with Rewards expiration date data migration
  • Fix we corrected the Reward points adding in case of Customer email changing
  • Fix we fixed the compilation issue with the css/customer-account.less file
  • Fix we corrected the 'Reward Points Earned' email sending for Newsletter subscription
  • Fix we eliminated the problem with percent redemption limit applying
  • Fix the issue with the 'Reward Points Earned' email sending during the registration was resolved
1.17.4 - Sep 06, 2022
  • Fix we fixed the issue with wrong Reward Points calculation on product pages when taxes are included
  • Fix we resolved the problem with Reward Points calculation when the 'Total Items Quantity' condition is being used
1.17.3 - Jun 30, 2022
  • Fix we fixed the issue with rewards points applying to taxes
  • Fix now Reward Points are awarded as they should be when applying the "Get X Points after Y Days of Inactivity" action
  • Fix we solved the problem with Pending Reviews approval
  • Fix the problem with incorrect sender email in multiple store was solved
1.17.2 - Apr 25, 2022
  • Compatibility now the extension is compatible with Magento 2.4.4
1.17.1 - Dec 13, 2021
  • Improvement the applied reward points are added back to the customer account after the order paid with a custom payment method is refunded
  • Improvement we added notes to some actions that require status Complete for the orders to calculate reward points
  • Fix we solved the issue with the higher number of points applied to the cart
  • Fix we fixed the problem with the points not being applied to the tax
  • Fix we addressed the issue with the failed cron after the user was deleted
  • Fix we eliminated the problem with creating a credit memo for a customer with a zero point balance
  • Fix redemption limit per order is working now for the orders created in the admin panel
1.17.0 - Nov 23, 2021
  • New we added the ability to import/export reward points history to Reward Points Pro. Feel free to use it to migrate smoothly from third-party solutions to Amasty Reward Points or from one Magento instance to another
  • Improvement we partially refactored the database structure and moved the Expiration Date to amasty_rewards_rewards table
Version 1.16.0
Last Update: Nov 02, 2021
1.16.0 - Nov 02, 2021
  • New now the extension comes with a feature that allows you to exclude specific customers from the reward program. These customers may be notified about their status with the corresponding notification in their customer accounts
  • New we implemented the ability to set up multiple numbers of days before point expiration the notifying emails will be sent to customers
  • New now the name of the administrator who makes a manual point balance adjustment is stored in the history to help you track the transactions carried out by your personnel
  • New with the feature we added, new customers can be automatically subscribed to the reward point email notifications
  • Fix we enhanced compatibility with Swagger
  • Fix we addressed the problem with the reward points and discount applied simultaneously
  • Fix we solved the issue with the statistics in Reward Points Reports
Version 1.15.2
Last Update: Oct 14, 2021
1.15.2 - Oct 14, 2021
  • Fix we fixed the problem with an extra ‘Sign Out’ button in the header
1.15.1 - Aug 11, 2021
  • Fix we solved the problem with the module installation on Magento 2.4.3 Enterprise Edition.
  • Fix we eliminated the issue of displaying the reward point block for guests.
  • Fix we addressed the problem during registration.
  • Fix we solved the issue with subscribing to the newsletter from the admin panel.
  • Fix we addressed the problem with sending email notifications.
  • Fix we resolved the problem with subtracting reward points for the cancelled orders.
  • Fix we eliminated the issue of applying reward points and a coupon code simultaneously.
1.15.0 - Aug 02, 2021
  • New now the extension comes with an option to specify products and categories customers can earn the reward points for
  • New we implemented the feature that lets you specify products and categories the reward points can be applied to
  • New now the administrator can decide whether their comment will be visible for customers after the manual balance update
  • New we implemented the block to the order information so that you can see how many reward points were applied, earned, and refunded for the order
  • New we refactored the logic of storing the applied reward points. Now the reward points will be proportionally split between products so that the right amount of them are automatically suggested during partial refunds
  • New we added the possibility to make fields Refund to Reward Points and Deduct Reward Points from Customer read-only to reduce the factor of human error during refunds
Version 1.14.6
Last Update: Apr 05, 2021
1.14.6 - Apr 05, 2021
  • Compatibility with Amasty One Step Checkout was enhanced
1.14.5 - Jan 25, 2021
  • Fix we solved the problem with incorrect discount calculation for orders with reward points
  • Fix we solved the problem with caching index page
  • Fix we solved the problem with translation on Customer Account
  • Fix we solved the problem with double charge points for order with partial refund
1.14.4 - Nov 26, 2020
  • Fix we solved the problem with customers grid sorting
1.14.3 - Nov 25, 2020
  • Fix we solved the problem with customers grid on Magento 2.4.1
1.14.2 - Aug 19, 2020
  • Improvement MFTF tests were moved to additional packages particular for Magento 2.3.5 and Magento 2.4.0
1.14.1 - Jul 31, 2020
  • Compatibility with Magento 2.4.0 was added
1.14.0 - Mar 16, 2020
  • New we added a new option that allows you to refund reward points to customers while creating Credit Memo
  • New we added an ability to sort customers by reward points on customer grid
Version 1.13.0
Last Update: Feb 10, 2020
1.13.0 - Feb 10, 2020
  • New now the module is read & write GraphQL compatible
  • Compatibility with Internet Explorer was enhanced
  • Improvement now the discount will apply to all products in order
  • Fix we solved the problem with decimal reward points
  • Fix we solved the problem with \"Get X Points for Registration\" rule working if Customer Group field is empty
Version 1.12.7
Last Update: Dec 11, 2019
1.12.7 - Dec 11, 2019
  • Improvement now, the extension includes a MFTF tests
1.12.6 - Sep 25, 2019
  • Improvement we reviewed and enhanced the code according to Magento Standarts
1.12.5 - Aug 14, 2019
  • Fix the issue with rounding reward points was resolved
  • Fix the issue with applying negative amount of reward points was resolved
1.12.4 - Jul 11, 2019
  • Improvement ability to use reward points on review order page was added
  • Fix the issue with displaying expired reward points in customer account was fixed
  • Fix the issue with applying reward points for Paypal payment method orders
1.12.3 - Jun 26, 2019
  • Compatibility with Amasty Color Swatches Pro extension was enhanced
1.12.2 - May 28, 2019
  • Fix the issue with reward points highlights for guests on category page was resolved
1.12.1 - May 15, 2019
  • Fix the issue with missing js/css files was resolved
1.12.0 - Apr 18, 2019
  • New the ability to add description block for reward points program in a Customer Account was added
  • New now you can enable reward points highlights for guests on a storefront
  • New the ability to display actual customer reward points balance was added
  • New the ability to add reward points while creating order in admin side was added
  • New now reward points will be returned to customer automatically after order refund or order canceling
  • New we added a setting that allows you to enable/disable the extension
  • Improvement configuration settings were renamed and simplified
Version 1.11.0
Last Update: Mar 21, 2019
1.11.0 - Mar 21, 2019
  • New ability to manage all existing cron tasks on a Cron Tasks List grid in backend was added. Run cron tasks and generate their schedule by clicking the ‘Run Cron’ button. Also, delete tasks in bulk, apply filtering and sorting options when it is needed
Version 1.10.1
Last Update: Mar 11, 2019
1.10.1 - Mar 11, 2019
  • Improvement pages loading speed Checkout and Cart has been improved by SQL query optimization
  • Fix the issue with displaying reward points on storefront was resolved
  • Fix the issue with applying reward points on checkout page was fixed
  • Fix the issue with translations was fixed
  • Fix the issue with order shipment for guest orders was resolved
1.10.0 - Feb 06, 2019
  • New the ability to highlight reward points on storefront was added. Now your customers can visualize point benefits before purchase in product page, categories page, cart and checkout page
Version 1.9.2
Last Update: Jan 15, 2019
1.9.2 - Jan 15, 2019
  • Fix the issue with the updating from the earlier extension versions was fixed.
1.9.1 - Jan 14, 2019
  • Fix the issue with minimal reward points value on checkout page was fixed
  • Fix the issue with Review Written action was resolved
1.9.0 - Dec 27, 2018
  • Improvement ability to set reward points expiration period implemented!
  • Improvement reward points expiring soon email notification added!
  • Improvement new email templates introduced!
  • Improvement design and usability improvements. Reward Points Balance and Reward Points History are now two separate pages.
  • Improvement reward points reports are available!
Version 1.8.0
Last Update: Dec 10, 2018
1.8.0 - Dec 10, 2018
  • New a new HTML template for emails on reward points earned was added
  • Improvement the validation for the 'Amount' and other fields when setting up reward rules was added
  • Improvement the configuration settings and comments were improved
  • Improvement the module interface was transferred to new UI components
  • Improvement the examples of reward rules for recently added actions were added
Version 1.7.0
Last Update: Nov 28, 2018
1.7.0 - Nov 28, 2018
  • New now, you can reward your customers for writing reviews as well as automatically add reward points to the balance of customers inactive for a long time
  • New the ability to set the reward points' redemption limit was added. Now you can specify the points amount that can be redeemed by a customer per order
  • New the ability to automatically send email notifications to your customers when they earn reward points was added
  • Fix the issue with displaying the wrong reward points exchange rate on certain pages was fixed
Version 1.6.2
Last Update: Nov 06, 2018
1.6.2 - Nov 06, 2018
  • Fix the issue with the difference between the price ratio on the cart and the checkout/payment method page was fixed
  • Fix the issue with not founded requested stores was resolved
1.6.1 - Sep 12, 2018
  • Improvement the ability to use decimal value of reward points was added
1.6.0 - Jul 24, 2018
  • New the ability to award customers with points for buying special products was added
Version 1.5.0
Last Update: Jul 04, 2018
1.5.0 - Jul 04, 2018
  • New the feature for calculating reward points before or after taxes was added
Version 1.4.1
Last Update: Jun 14, 2018
1.4.1 - Jun 14, 2018
  • New the address condition 'City' was introduced
1.4.0 - Jun 13, 2018
  • New the ability to apply points and check the point balance from the Review & Payments step was added
  • New the information section was added. Now you can see the version of installed extension, available updates, User Guide link and other useful data right on the module Configuration page
  • Compatibility the compatibility with Magento checkout was added
Version 1.3.1
Last Update: May 30, 2018
1.3.1 - May 30, 2018
  • Localization updated
1.3.0 - May 24, 2018
  • New introducing the Advanced Conditions in the module's package. With this feature, the attributes list in the Conditions tab were extended. Now it's possible to use Customer Attributes, Order History and some product attributes like Qty in Stock and Weight.
Version 1.2.3
Last Update: May 23, 2018
1.2.3 - May 23, 2018
  • Fix compatibility issue with Amasty Customer Group Catalog extension was fixed
1.2.2 - Apr 10, 2018
  • Fixed an issue with rewards being triggered by order comment
1.2.1 - Mar 28, 2018
  • Added the compatibility with Magento Blank theme
1.2.0 - Feb 08, 2018
  • New It is now possible to set a minimal amount of points customer have to have on account to be able to spend them
  • New Reward Points rules can be disabled for orders which were paid using reward points
  • Fix for conditions not saving
  • Fix for incorrect redirect for guest customers
  • Preemptive security fixes
Version 1.1.3
Last Update: Feb 06, 2018
1.1.3 - Feb 06, 2018
  • Fixed the issue with rule creation on Magento 2.2.2
1.1.2 - Nov 28, 2017
  • Compatibility with Magento 2.2 was improved
1.1.1 - Oct 26, 2017
  • Magento 2.2 compatibility introduced
1.1.0 - Jun 19, 2017
  • Magento 2.1 compatibility introduced

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