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Automatic shipping calculators provide incorrect shipping rates? There is a solution! Now you can set flat shipping rate for each product. Handle heavy, lightweight or fragile items properly!
✨ Solve the problem of incorrect shipping rates
If you have big and light items, shipping calculators could charge more than needed. Also when shipping to specific countries (e.g. Iceland, Canada, etc) or using dropshippers, shipping costs could differ a lot, which makes table rates almost useless. This is where our Magento shipping per product extension comes into play - with it you can indicate individual shipping rate for each product and be sure that the right amount is charged for shipping.
💫 Magento product export/import functionality is fully supported
Our Magento shipping per item module adds a new product attribute for storing the rate information, which can be used both for import and export of shipping rates. This can be used for migration of data to magento from other ecommerce solutions and also to update shipping rates in bulk.
Due to this feature you can automatically set the highest product rate to be the shipping cost for the whole order. For example, your customer has several products with different shipping rates in his/her shopping cart. If you activate this feature, the total shipping cost will be equal to the shipping rate of the highest product from the order.
If you enable this feature, customers will pay the same amount for shipping of a product without regard to the number of items – shipping rate will be the same for 1 or 5 or 10 or etc items of a product. E.g. if shipping price is $5 for product A and this feature is enabled, shipping will cost the same $5 for product A whether there are 3, 5, 10, etc items of it.
The extension provides you with an option to automatically use default rate for all products, for which individual shipping rate hasn't been indicated.
The minimum and maximum apply to the whole order, not to each individual item. Let's say you have 2 products in the cart. Shipping for one is $5 and for the other $7. If minimal value is set to 15 - the shipping rate for the whole order will be $15, not $12. Maximal value works on analogy.
You can set individual Magento shipping table rates for each product when creating new product or editing existing one in admin panel. This will help to handle heavy or fragile items properly.
The module supports all product types
Such as bundled items, configurable products and others.
Is compatible with shopping cart price rule
For example you can have 'free shipping' promotions with the new shipping method.
The module adds a new shipping option. If you are looking for modifying cost of existing methods, like UPS ground, please consider our popular Shipping Rules module.
Yes, you can set a fixed shipping cost making changes in the Shipping Methods section. Continue reading to see how to make it.
Yes, sure. You can set up a default shipping rate for products which don’t have individual rates. Read on to see how to make the settings.
There are two possible options for this scenario: either the rates will be summed up or the highest rate will be chosen. Read on to see how to control it.
Drop us a line and we'll customize this extension for you!
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