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Magento 2 GeoIP store and currency switcher is the tool to enter the international e-commerce market by adapting store information to a customer location. Broaden your business horizons to other countries and let your foreign customers shop easily with multi-language, multi-currency and multi-store functionality with Magento 2 GeoIP extension.
Set introducing confirmation and notification pop-up before redirecting. Comply with the requirements of EU regulations regarding geo-blocking and country redirects.
Automatically determine visitors’ location and redirect them to the correct store view. With the help of the extension you can improve customers' shopping experience by showing localized information in familiar language and currency.
The Magento 2 GeoIP extension detects the location of your store visitors and changes price currency to the one which is actually used in the potential customer’s country. Also, your customers don’t have to choose the language prior to starting purchasing - it will be done automatically.
With the advanced Magento 2 GeoIP Redirect extension, you can block certain visitors by their IP addresses and choose the CMS page that will be displayed to the restricted customers.
Avoid unwanted redirects for user agents and search engine spiders. You can specify which of them to ignore. For your convenience, the most popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. are ignored by default.
Sometimes a user may need to see particular pages of your store just as they are. In that case, you can enable the ‘Redirect From Home Page Only’ option. Thus, as soon as viewers enter the website homepage, they would be automatically redirected to the appropriate store view.
🎉 Set Magento 2 Geo IP redirects to specific URLs
Use this option to redirect your customers to a specific store page, blog or youtube channel based on their location. For example, if you don’t provide delivery of some items to specific countries or regions, you can redirect users from these regions to the page with the information where they can buy this product offline or find out more about your company.
🎉 Restrict redirection for particular URLs
In case you want to keep the URLs like home or FAQ page the same for all store views, you can exclude them from redirection. At the same time, the advanced Magento 2 GeoIP extension lets you apply redirect option only to certain store pages, e.g. Delivery info or Contacts.
🎉 Redirect users for each visit or only for the first one
Choose whether to adjust your Magento 2 webstore to users’ geolocation and redirect them automatically or to allow them to choose which store version is more convenient. In this case, they will be automatically redirected only during their first visit and then will be able to choose which store view to use. This feature works for both guests and registered customers.
🎉 Restrict redirects by IP address
Sometimes you may need to allow certain people to see your web site as it is despite their location. For example, when some of your staff work remotely from different countries. In this case, use Amasty's Magento 2 GeoIP store switcher to specify their IPs in the module’s settings.
Due to the App Server utilization, Magento 2 GeoIP currency switcher and Varnish Cache are not compatible out of the box. But this compatibility can be configured additionally by adding two code lines to the web server configuration.
For nginx — add the following code in any place of the nginx.conf file:
set_real_ip_from <varnish-ip>;
For apache — add the following code in any place of the .htaccess file:
RemoteIPTrustedProxy <varnish-ip>;
Where <varnish-ip> is an IP address of the Varnish server.
These changes can be added to the web server on your own or with the help of the hosting provider. If you decide to change the settings on your own, please make sure that you have root access, and don’t forget to restart the server after all the changes will be saved.
Speak the same language with your customers using our Magento 2 Blog plugin. Let your visitors share their opinion in comments and establish a dialog with their vendor.
Magento 2 GeoIP Switcher is the Magento 2 extension that is a bundle of the Magento 2 Auto Currency Switcher and Magento 2 Auto Language Switcher extensions that use the GeoIP database detect customers' location and correspondingly display the locale and prices in their local language and currency.
Magento 2 Geolocation and Currency converter improves the shopping experience by automatically displaying prices in the customer’s local currency. This reduces confusion, builds trust, and boosts conversions, making it essential for global e-commerce stores.
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