Improved Layered Navigation for Magento 1

Provide clear Magento layered navigation to your store visitors. Equip your website with the chock full of customizable filters, sliders and 'from-to' widgets. Avail of SEO features to level up your position in SERP. Optimize the store for mobile devices to improve customer's experience. Entrust your navigation to premium 7-year-old Magento 1 extension.

  • Ajax Layered Navigation
  • Shop by Brand
  • Price filters & sliders
  • SEO friendly urls & navigation
  • Multiple and single attribute selection
  • Fully optimized for mobile
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Improved Layered Navigation for Magento 1

Mobile and SEO friendly

Flexible settings

Fast to install

Easy to use

 🚩 Challenge

What is the first thing you are looking at in an unfamiliar area? It is a map or a navigator on your phone. Your store may seem such an unfamiliar area to those who visit it. Without a good map, they can get lost and leave without a purchase.


Good news - Improved Layered Navigation won't let it happen! It has been successfully staying on guard of the Magento market for already 7+ years and became a bestseller. Help your users by guiding them through your store the way you need.

Adjusting to market needs the module is constantly being updated and we are always open to hear customer feedback or answer any questions.


The service you might be interested in

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1. Layered navigation filters

Search by product attributes

1. Filter products by attributes, e.g. price, manufacturer, color, etc.

2. Control your Magento product filters:

  • Set positions
  • Fold/unfold options
  • Multiple or single select
  • Sort attribute values
  • Fold filters by default
  • Exclude attributes from navigation

3. Enrich navigation with 'shop by' options:

  • On Sale
  • New Arrivals
  • Rating
  • Stock

4. Variety of display modes for attribute filters:


Display radio buttons for single-choice filters.


Submit multiple filters in one go by clicking on the 'Apply' button. NEW | Place the button either in a vertical or horizontal navigation, separately on mobile and desktop.

With the extension, make Magento 1 layered navigation more compact and clear by gathering filter values into groups. Apply this option for any attribute with many values.


Vertical and horizontal Magento navigation blocks


How to configure this module step by step

See a thorough instruction here, it explaines how to configure the module in details. Just select the tab with the info you want to learn at the top right corner.

2. Shop by brand

Brands features


1. Alphabetical blocks of brands or any other product attribute

2. Filters with brand logos in navigation block


3. Unique ‘Featured brand’ pages with:


Product attributes in navigation

1. Single or multiple attributes selection 


2. Diverse attribute display modes:

  • Images only
  • Labels and images
  • Dropdown and etc.

3. Price sliders and other numeric filters

1. ‘Price’ type attributes modes:

  • Default
  • Dropdown
  • From-to only
  • Slider

Use sliders for other numeric attributes, e.g. weight, memory size, screen size, etc


2. Set accurate price ranges


3. Apply ‘From-To’ widgets

4. Define a step size for Magento price_sliders and other numeric attributes sliders

5. Remove Magento price filter from specified categories


4. Ajax layered navigation

1. Quick Ajax-filtering. Page info is updated fast and correctly after applying magento filters. No more category pages reload for better interactivity with users.

2. Selected options, as well as the products matching those filter parameters, stay saved after ‘Back’ button is clicked. 

3. Seo-friendly ajax mode


5. Advanced categories menu

Category tree view

1. Various category display modes: 


2. Advanced category display options:

  • Set the number of category levels
  • Configure categories depth
  • Allow product quantity display
  • Show categories from certain level

3. Show subcategories with thumbnails


Categories management in Magento navigation


1. Multiselect categories


2. Hide or move category filters

6. Seo layered navigation


1. Extra short brand url

2. Clear and nice-looking links


Meta tags

1. Custom meta tags for pages with selected attributes


2. Set order of category meta tags

3. Multi-language titles and descriptions 

Landing pages with:

  • Logos
  • HTML descriptions
  • Layered navigation
  • Meta tags

SEO enhancements

1. Canonical url structure

2. Url type selection

3. 'noindex' and 'nofollow' tags


And even more - Product page improvements are included. Upload product attributes icons, which link to the list of all products with the same attribute option (e.g. brand or color). It creates additional cross links, which will make it easier for customers to find similar or matching products and improve your site SEO.


7. Magento Layered navigation pro

Display correct configurable product images on category pages according to user choice


Attributes management


1. Show dependent attributes only after a parent attribute is selected


2. Attribute tooltips with images, text or HTML

3. Separate cache management for attributes

‘Featured’ blocks creation for any filterable attributes, e.g. models, brands, etc.


Read about Magento 1 Layered Navigation on Amasty Blog

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Amasty extensions work with all plugins we issued and with most 3rd-party plugins. If you come across a Magento 2 compatibility issue with any third-party module, we’ll definitely try to help you. If you face any technical issues, please create a ticket...
Product updates for extensions purchased before Feb 1, 2022With the transition to product subscriptions, you will receive product updates for all extensions purchased before Feb 1, 2022 throughout the entire grace period — up to Aug 1, 2022. If you ...
Yes, you can use installation and configuration services that are available as the part of Pro and Premium add-ons for your product subscriptions.Please note that this installation service doesn’t include uninstallation. So, if you need to completely...
Amasty doesn’t provide any trials of Magento extensions. There's one exception: Amasty extensions are provided for testing or demo purposes to our official Platinum Partners as a part of the “access to Amasty extensions for testing purposes with Composer...
Yes, you can install any Amasty extension on a test site and configure all the settings there before doing it on your live store.
Amasty offers to its Customers a thirty (30) day money-back guarantee for the Software. In case the acquired extension didn’t meet your expectations, our support team is always ready to help you. Fees for support subscriptions and any services provided...
We are now working at a loyalty program for our customers that is supposed to bring even greater benefits in the long term. While it’s not out yet, you can look through these Special Offers. New discounts and specials are added every month. To stay ...
Updating an Amasty extension follows the same process as installing a module. To update a single extension:Run the following command to update a specific Amasty extension:composer update amasty/<module-name> To update multiple extensions:You can...
To leave your feature request, log in to your customer account and open the Products tab. Then, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and leave your feature request in the following form: As soon as you send your request, it is considered by our ...
If you have an active support service subscription, it grants you access to support services for all products purchased before Feb,1 as long as your subscription is active. Alternatively, support services are only available as the part of a product ...
Usually, no, you can’t exchange modules. Please, contact our support managers and they’ll consider your case individually. → Learn more about our special offers
Usually, we don’t provide any discounts. But you can contact us, and we’ll consider your case individually. → Learn more about our special offers
Our license allows you to use a single extension license agreement on one Magento installation.If you run several domains on the same instance of Magento, you can use one extension license. However, if you run each website on a new installation of Magento...
You can pay for our extensions in any convenient for you way as a full range of payment methods are supported. The most common means are credit card or PayPal. Security and fraud protection are guaranteed. If you need to pay for the order with a non...
Yes, provided you are using our XML Google Sitemap extension.
Yes, it’s possible. Please make sure that the attribute "Special Price" has the option "Use In Layered Navigation" > Filterable (with results). If you need to create dedicated landing pages for your sale or other products types, you can try...
Yes, sure. You can configure it via your Magento admin panel. Please find the detailed instructions on that in the User Guide.
Yes, you can show or hide all filters according to your needs. For stock filters please use main module settings at System > Configuration > Improved Navigation > General to adjust the position of the filter:

Yes, decimal ranges for prices are supported by our Improved Magento Layered Navigation. You can use price sliders for numeric attributes as well. If you'd like to configure Magento Layered Navigation price range step, please follow the full answer.

Yes, there is a multi-currency support.
Yes, since the homepage is a CMS page, our Improved Layered Navigation can be used on it. The detailed instructions on how to add layered navigation to the main page can be found in the User Guide.

This instruction is applicable to both Magento 1 and 2 extensions.

For this use 'Left' placeholder in the admin panel and move the block to the right. Go on reading to see all the settings.

To add a brand logo or description you need to show manufacturer filter above product listing as well as set up certain filter value. Read the full answer to see the settings.

If you are using Improved Layered Navigation and want an image of a configurable product to change according to the selected attribute, please add required attribute codes separated by commas to "Configurable Attribute Codes" field. See the screenshot in the full answer.

For this end, you need to set up product's attributes and filters, upload the brand's logo and its description. You can also create all brands list via CMS - pages. Proceed to the full answer to get a step-by-step guide.

For this set 'Filterable (with results)' in the 'Use in Layered Navigation' section. Read on to see the example.

Navigation displays different attributes related to a particular category. To show or hide certain filters in categories, you should make changes in "Filters section" of Improved Layered Navigation settings. Follow the link below to see the screenshot.

Each Amasty extension package is provided with the extension files, installation & setup guides and a license agreement. Some extensions include import file examples as well.Before installing any extension, please create a backup of the root folder...

To format currency without a sign (e.g.: $), you need to make the settings manually, as there isn't an out-of-the-box solution. Follow a complete guide to make it correctly.

To hide product Qty from categories, make appropriate settings in the 'Display Product Count' field. Read on to see a full path.

You need to make appropriate settings manually to display colors and brand icons at a product page. Follow a complete guide to cope with the task.

If you have such a necessity with Improved Layered Navigation, please open the attribute in the Admin > Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes and change Filterable(no results) for Filterable (with results). See more details on Improved Layered Navigation page.

All Magento AJAX filters can be sorted at the frontend. For this, you need to open attribute's settings and fill in the desired position for it. Read the full answer to get a complete instruction for Magento AJAX product filters.

AND logic can be controlled for each attribute. All it takes is to set up the required options in the 'Special Cases' section. Read the full answer to see the screenshot.

To hide category description, enter a relevant condition to the file. See the example in a complete answer.

Yes, since our Improved Magento Layered Navigation is SEO friendly, you can choose whether a page with applied filters should be indexed by Google or not. If you don't want the URL with filter parameters to be indexed, just enable "Robots Noindex tag". If you want to create landing pages for popular filters with meta data and short URL, please, proceed to the full answer.

Yes, it is a native Magento feature and it is supported by our Improved Layered Navigation. Just choose whether to display price attribute in Layered Navigation. See the full answer to get step-by-step instructions.

Yes, if you have a lot of attributes, our Improved navigation extension allows choosing an appropriate view of attribute values: a search bar (1), a scroll bar (2) and/or a show more/less option (3). Here is an example: 
If you want the attribute to be filterable in layered navigation it must be created with dropdown, multiselect, price or visual swatch input types.


113 reviews

  1. Each store owner should have this module!
    I've been using the extension for more than 5 years, and it has helped us get around 15% more revenues. My customers get a perfect tool to filter and find the articles they want to buy. It was really quick to configure and the possibilities you have with this module are really huge. Each store owner should have this module!

    Amasty answer

    Hi Marcus, thanks for sharing the kind words about the extension, we're happy to have you as our loyal customer! It's great to hear about the increase in your revenues, and if you're looking for any additional functionality for your Magento site, please let us know, we will be happy to suggest options to accommodate your needs
  2. Great filtering
    I needed a more customizable filter, and I've been using it for 1 year. Great filtering, easy to use, recommend it to all Magento 1 users.

    Amasty answer

    Hi Marius, thanks for the feedback. It's great to hear that you're enjoying the improved filtering functionality, and we'll be happy to see you in our store again!
  3. Recommended for every store with lots of navigation filters
    I've been using the extension for 3 years, and I recommend it to every store has got a lot of navigation filters. It's easy to use, and it helps the customers to find quickly what they are looking for.

    Amasty answer

    Hi Mauro, thanks for being our loyal customer. We're happy to see that the extension helps you provide your customers with a great navigation experience!
  4. Awesomeness across the site
    I use this extensions for 3 years, because firsty we waanted to have an ability to manage categories easily. We've got awesomeness across the site. I want to admit Amasty User Guides. It is awesome.

    Amasty answer

    Hi, Ashrey!
    Thank you for appreciating the provided extension.
    We would be happy to see you in our store again!

  5. Quite content
    This extension helps us to improve our in-store navigation. It’s got like 70% better. I’m an admin, and I can say it’s really easy to configure. I think it's suitable for any Magento store.

    Amasty answer

    Dear John, thank you for your review! We would be happy to see you in our store again!
  6. Pleased with this extension
    We are pleased with it and going to purchase the M2. Of the several different extension providers, we rely on Amasty the most. And we are pleased with support.

    Amasty answer

    Dear Armand, thank you for your review! We would be happy to see you in our store again!
  7. Good M1 extension
    We considered 2 similar modules and chose the one, as it has many filters an options for better navigation. As for cons, it conflicted with a 3rd party extension that we used and also feartured brands were not shown at first. Amasty support helped us solve both issues, now everything works as it should. Thanks!
  8. Very Good Extension
    This extension does everything we need there are many other out there but this one from Amasty has so many functionally it's fantastic! There is just one small bug at present in "Improved Layered Navigation 1.15.2" when "Enable Ajax=Yes" it duplicates categories header image but hopefully it will be fixed soon. Everything else is great! Thanks
  9. Best
    Hello everyone. My name is Ruslan. I`m from Odeesa and I`m a CEO of online shop - It is the best extension which I saw. Thanks Amasty. P.S. You can see it on my site
  10. Great extension!
    Works like a charm, with plenty of features, incl. great SEO settings.<br>Support is outstanding, they even helped me twice with an issue caused by the filter extension from another provider that I\'ve been using before.<br>I\'m using a couple of extension by Amasty and I was never disappointed.
  11. Amazing support
    We now have more Amasty extension and started replacing some of the other extensions because the tech support received from the Amasty team is top notch.My only regret is not having used more Amasty products, their work and support has not giving us any issues even with custom themes. The Improved Layered Nav works great. Anyone looking for great extensions and support should go ahead and look at Amasty.
  12. Worth the money!
    This is a good product, with lots of options. It can take some time to get it configured and customized to your liking, but once you do, it's great. The customer support can't be beat either. They are quick and helpful.
  13. Must have
    Excellent extension, been using it for many years now. Conflicts with other extensions or any bugs were taken care of by the excellent support from Amasty. One of the best extensions developer out there. If they have an extension for something I need I always buy it there.
  14. Really good support
    Great extension and great support. I had a few errors because of another extension which was conflicting. The guys fixed the issue and now it works a treat. Many thanks.
  15. Really good support
    Great extension and great support. I had a few errors because of another extension which was conflicting. The guys fixed the issue and now it works a treat. Many thanks.
  16. Useful extension for improving SEO
    Really useful add-on for Magento ecommerce sites, with many features for improving on-page SEO, including customising layered navigation pages.
  17. Useful extension for improving SEO
    Really useful add-on for Magento ecommerce sites, with many features for improving on-page SEO, including customising layered navigation pages.
  18. Excellent support
    Great and very useful extension, excellent and fast support.
  19. Excellent support
    Great and very useful extension, excellent and fast support.
  20. Excellent extension, very useful, everything we needed
    Amasty Improved Layered Navigation is a great extension. It proved itself very useful on multiple of our Magento stores so far for many different clients with different needs and requests. Highly customable, many options and very versatile. <br>One other reason to choose for Amasty is their support. They really go out of their way to help, point you in the right directions providing clear screenshots and instructions, and even customizing certain functions for your project. <br>This extension is around for 7 years and under constant development. Amasty really knows their stuff and support requests are handled straight by their Magento Developers. Excellent!
  21. Excellent extension, very useful, everything we needed
    Amasty Improved Layered Navigation is a great extension. It proved itself very useful on multiple of our Magento stores so far for many different clients with different needs and requests. Highly customable, many options and very versatile. <br>One other reason to choose for Amasty is their support. They really go out of their way to help, point you in the right directions providing clear screenshots and instructions, and even customizing certain functions for your project. <br>This extension is around for 7 years and under constant development. Amasty really knows their stuff and support requests are handled straight by their Magento Developers. Excellent!
  22. Solid
    Have used this extension for over 4 years. Works well at adding much needed functionality. Well established, so other extension providers make sure they work with it too. Recommended.
  23. Solid
    Have used this extension for over 4 years. Works well at adding much needed functionality. Well established, so other extension providers make sure they work with it too. Recommended.
  24. Great extension and support
    The extension working very well. The support is also great.
  25. Great extension and support
    The extension working very well. The support is also great.
  26. Custom work got done
    I needed to have some custom work done on this module. Custom theme didn't work well with ajax calls from the module. Amasty provided the customization for a reasonable price. It took a while, but got done.
  27. Support is amazing!
    Support is amazing! I had some problem with Magento default filter. Within a day the problem has been solved. It was a great experience! I trust all of Amasty extensions available on the market.
  28. This extension has great features, but ....
    Great extension, very feature rich so I use only a fraction of all the possibilities. I guess it provides everything one may want to do with layered navigation and filtering.
  29. This extension has great features, but ....
    Great extension, very feature rich so I use only a fraction of all the possibilities. I guess it provides everything one may want to do with layered navigation and filtering.
  30. Great extension and support
    We are using a lot of Amasty extensions in our webshops and each extension is performing great. Layered Navigation is a great extension and works fine. We asked for a little update and it was created within hours!
  31. Fantastic Extension
    This extension really enhances the user experience of our website. Would highly recommend it to anyone. Also they guys offer great support.
  32. Good extension and extra good support.
    This extension hold a powerful range of features to give my Magento store a lot of extra functionality. It was installed on a heavily modified template to a store with a very large catalogue, although any complications this caused were solved by the very timely and helpful support team - which I am very grateful for. I would recommend this theme and the additional support.
  33. Excellent Support
    Had minor issues along the way being a novice to Magento, the support was very quick and effective and would definitely buy from them again.
  34. One of the most complicated apps I've ever used
    Well, it took me days of feature browsing to configure this app the way I needed (at least most of the settings). But despite my tears and sleepless nights, I'm more than happy with the tool! What is surprising, it has no conflicts with the 3d party apps and after some code tweaking by helpful support guys it does everything I need. I totally recommend it for store upgrade.
  35. Great support and extension
    This is an excellent extension that works exactly as we require, the functionality is superb with plenty of features to use that help to save your time and improve your store! I would highly recommend this extension! We have worked with Amasty on many extensions and their support is always brilliant, quick responses and quick fixes are always guaranteed.
  36. Good extension and better customer service!
    we work with Amasty for years and especially we have used this extension for several of our clients. Highlight the good functionality but especially the support and assistance provided always that some peculiarity for one of our clients raised. Thx a lot and regards!
  37. Super filter of all times
    That's what we've chosen for our online store. That's what is fully compatible with our Magento version. Really deep in setup possibilities. Really strong support team. 5+++ from 5. Keep it up guys!
  38. Great extension and amazing support!
    I'm not the one who usually write reviews but I had to take some time for this one. Integration is easy and the documentation really helpful. There are lots of features that have improved the user experience as well as our SEO. On top of that the support is amazing. They answered all our questions within hours and helped us customizing some of the existing features. I recommend it strongly.
  39. Best plugin ever
    Layered navigation saved my tons of time its the best plugin if you are planning to search for advance fast layered navigation filter for your store. And their support are really awesome.
  40. Very useful extension for usability and SEO
    I'm currently using over 30 extensions on my Magento store (6 by Amasty) and have to say this extension is one of the most impressive. It saves a ton of time on administrative work and the end result is something a base Magento install just won't provide no matter how much time you spend. The extension is packed with features that guide your users and the crawl bots down the proper paths and makes it possible to provide unique meta info to any page within any store. The user guide is extensive and customer support is very responsive.
  41. Probably the best extension in Magento Connect
    We did a research before we bought this extension. We use this extension longer than a year and we are very satisfied. It takes some time before you understand what will be a best configuration and every time you continue to be amazed that almost everything is possible! This extension has been developed over the years by Amasty and is very advanced.
  42. Very useful extension for usability and SEO
    I'm currently using over 30 extensions on my Magento store (6 by Amasty) and have to say this extension is one of the most impressive. It saves a ton of time on administrative work and the end result is something a base Magento install just won't provide no matter how much time you spend. The extension is packed with features that guide your users and the crawl bots down the proper paths and makes it possible to provide unique meta info to any page within any store. The user guide is extensive and customer support is very responsive.
  43. Simply The Best Layered Navigation
    I would highly recommend this extension. It does what it says. We have experienced a small issue but the Amasty team responded very fast with a fix. The support is one of the best.
  44. Great extension with great support
    Great extension! Works extremely well. I am really excited by Amasty's support quality.
  45. Good extensions, great support!
    Thank you for your good and fast support. You did even more than it was expected. Keep a good work!
  46. If I could I'd rather change all my Magento Modules to AMASTY
    Hello, everyone, first of all, thanks for your attention! I bought this module and due to installation problems and other conflicts my site crashed. I then opened a ticket on Amasty's support page. They solved all my problems. Now my site is working fine, of course, with the beautiful sidebar that I dreamed! I appreciate Amasty's costomer service and technical support, they are professional in every aspects! Dear Yuri, Max, Vitaly and many other Amasty empoyees, I want to express my sincere thanks to you via magento connect and I believe you could do better and better in the future! Yolanda Qin
  47. If I could I'd rather change all my Magento Modules to AMASTY
    Hello, everyone, first of all, thanks for your attention! I bought this module and due to installation problems and other conflicts my site crashed. then opened a ticket on Amasty's support page. They solved all my problems. Now my site is working fine, of course, with the beautiful sidebar that I dreamed! I appreciate Amasty's customer service and technical support, they are professional in every aspects! Dear Yuri, Max, Vitaly and many other Amasty employees, I want to express my sincere thanks to you via magento connect and I believe you could do better and better in the future!< Yolanda Qin
  48. Great company, great product
    Very happy, helped with extension when I ungraded our site. Extension is powerful and full of features.
  49. Good support team
    I found the team is quite supportive just found single issue that the thing given in screenshot was not present. Please work on it. Thanks
  50. Absolutely essential!
    Amasty's Layered Navigation is a must have extension. You can configure it in so many ways, that you will definitely be satisfied. Our favorite is the images of a product attribute that also functions as a link to products with same attribute. We were looking for that. And the support is also very good. Thanks a lot! ;)
  51. Excellent extension and superb support
    Excellent extension which we've been using for years. Top-notch support, quick, polite, efficient. Highly recommended. On a recent upgrade we had some problems caused by our old theme files which Amasty fixed extremely quickly.
  52. Best extension I have purchased
    This is my 5th extension purchased from Amasty and is the most comprehensive extension that provides the same capabilities that you see on large multinational corporate websites. We'll worth the money. You'll save a lot of your own time and your developers time in design and functionality work. Add with a few other Amasty extensions and you have a much cheaper option to get what other websites would spend $1000s or $10 000s on.
  53. great!
    I recommend this extension to everybody. The extension works great! It conflicted with another extension and Template and Amasy solved this problem quick and free!
  54. 5 Star
    Excellent support and a brilliant extension that seriously enhances your Magento store.
  55. Everbest support I ever had
    they have best support in the international market and they are charging is very less they are offering in term of support. again Hats off to the team. clappings..........
  56. Great Extension, very nice
    Works extermelly and very nice extension as well, Installtion and configuration is very easly
  57. One of the most useful modules I've ever used
    I've been using the module for 2 months already. It's very convenient to have tons of features in one module. Apart from that their support helps to do all routine settings job to make the module perfectly suite to your store and your custom theme.
  58. Great module with extensive features
    It's hard to know where to begin with this extension. The number of features one gets for this price shows that it has really good value. The extension is good for navigation: you can create numerous types of navigation to make it good for customers. I absolutely love flexible price sliders and multi select option for filters! This extension is also great for SEO: you can't expect that any CMS (and Magento in partucular) will be happy to make your life easier by adding simple canonicals, meta-robots and the like features. So you always need something else. This Layered Navigation is my "something else" for controlling site indexing by Google. What else? For anyone looking for an extension to help with SEO, Navigation and many other thing, this one is worth a try.
  59. Норм модуль
    Модуль работает нормально. Потратили кучу времени, чтобы настроить все штуки, но в итоге все ок. Саппорт отвечает достаточно быстро, так что с ними проблем тоже не было. Спасиб
  60. Thank you
    I'm happy with this extension, first of all. I bought it a few months ago and since then everything went smoothly. Thank you, guys, I'm sure it was hard to develop such a complex extension.
  61. They don't sell it by parts
    It would be great if the developer allowed purchasing particular parts of the extension for those who don't need complex solutions. Although the app is well-done, I just needed the ajax layered navigation, but they don't sell it. So I had to install the whole pack app, as I wanted the tool from this very developer. The app works well, nothing to pick at.
  62. I'l buy from them again
    I have purchased a number of Amasty extensions over the course of the past few years, Layered Navigation is one of them. Before making that purchase I researched online a lot and found a few similar extensions. This Amasty navigation has more features than other similar mods, it's quite old and thus trustworthy which is also important. The updates frequency is astonishing, they covered 2 requests I sent to the customer service, which is quite helpful btw. If you buy this extension, you'll experience it as I don't think it's possible to configure everything without Amasty help. I personally wouldn't hesitate to buy from them again.
  63. It has everything we need and much more
    This is an all-in-one extension. Every time we need to implement something new for SEO or site navigation I get back to the user guide and guess what? I find out that I already have this functionality and need just to configure the rules correctly! BTW, about the rules: some of them are not very easy to set so I'd be happy to have a more detailed guide on this extension even it would contain 600+ pages.
  64. Great extensions
    I was looking for an extension to support the layered navigation and after some research I choose this Amasty extension as I also had other plugin from this company. The extension works very well and I was able to setup very easily a navigation page with top selectors and others in the left coloumn. I had a small issue because I use a custom theme and contacted the support. Support was very good, they solved the issue very quickly (within 1 day) and I was very happy for the support. Very suggested.
  65. awesome
    There are plenty of similar modules out there, and we’ve tried some of them. We worked with both free and paid addons, just searching for THE ONE that would cover all our needs. And finally here it is! Great extension with lots of filtering/searching options. It truly gives customers great shopping experience. Thanx!
  66. Nice plugin
    Just 4 stars because in my case it didn’t work right out of the box and had some coflicts with the custom theme we use on the website. Support managers handled the situation quickly. They also answered all my questions, and I had a lot of them. Configuring a new tool is a real challenge for a magento newbie like me, but with the helping hand of friendly English speaking support managers it was not a problem.
  67. First-rate module
    I want to thank the team for this addon! It does everything I needed and more. We use multiple filters on our website, all of them are super-quick, very effective and look so nice on the frontend!
  68. Very helpful for us
    Absolutely happy with the plugin and customer support. I was puzzled with some options and turned to support managers for help. They answered all my questions in no time and suggested to have mild customization for our store. We agreed and they made all the work in the shortest terms. Useful extension and top-notch support!
  69. Works for me
    Extension works as promised. Also creating navigation filters is a bit time-consuming and figuring out how all the settings work is not exactly obvious, when you puzzle it all out, your store reaches a new quality level. Instructions could be more detailed; everything else is A+
  70. Great extension - great support
    I recommend this extension to everybody. The extension works great! It conflicted with another extension and Amasy solved this problem quick and free.
  71. One of MANY great Amasty extensions
    Extension works great. Had a few issues with it working with my theme (ultimo), and they fixed it for me right away. I'm building a new website with Magento (switching from able), and I have purchased at least 6 Amasty extensions. They have all worked great and any problems I have had, they have helped me with right away. You get great extensions and the bang for the buck can't be beat! Whenever I want to tweak or add a function to Magento, Amasty is my first stop to find what I need. Can't praise this company enough..
  72. Great Plugin
    Does what it says on the tin, really powerful plugin and great support.
  73. Great Extension
    Great extension! Works fine with last magento 1.9.1 with RWD package, and has a wide variety of options available.
  74. Excellent product and support
    I read the reviews below before buying this product, and am now in a position to fully concur with them! Excellent extension, worked for me problem-free as advertised (Magento, highly configurable, with excellent support (helpful even when 'problems' are just config issues). Great work - thanks.
  75. Must have!
    I'm using this extension since 4 years ago and now I can't imagine Magento without it. Support is also very good!
  76. Great extension for stores with many products
    We are using Amasty Improved Navigation for over a year in our store (currently running on Magento It helps our customers to narrow down product search by manufacturer, price range and some product attributes. This extension is fast, reliable, full of useful features and affordable. Installation and configuration are pretty straightforward and easy. Although we had a couple of issues with it, Amasty support helped us to resolve them quickly. Another important thing is that extension’s source code it editable, so, you will be able to tweak its front-end features to suit your specific needs. If your store has many products, we definitely recommend this extension. It really improves navigation and helps your customers to find needed products quickly.
  77. a must have
    I love this extension! It's a must have for every professional webshop. The support is outstanding. BIG respect to the whole Amasty Team
  78. Must have extension with great support
    We recently had a filter extension for Magento that was unreliable and the customer service was aweful. We knew that Amasty had good customer service from previous experience and with half price extension renewals we decided to switch to Improved Layered Navigation. We are extremely happy we did. This extension has so many features, and when there was a glitch with out third party theme, their support logged in and fixed it up.
  79. Exellent extension, great support by Amasty
    Great extension. Next to the AJAX filtering, something else is really awesome about this one. The problem normally is, that adding filter attributes to your categories, the canonical URL's get screwed up when you use an filter. This extension rewrites the filter attribute and keeps the top level canonical intact. In this way, less duplicated content alarms are set off by Google for example. Had a question and problem about implementing this plugin in a clothing store, was solved almost immediately. I've implemented and build lots of Magento stores and encountered numerous extension developers, and Amasty is still the most professional company so far.
  80. Outstanding Customer Service
    Because of the large number of attributes for my configurable products I had an performance issue with a specific feature of this extension. It should show the image of a configurable product based on the product filter setting. Amasty's developers worked on that function until they could send me an update which increased the speed 20-fold. It works very smooth now. I am really excited by Amasty's support quality.
  81. Great extension and great customer service
    We purchased this extension along with 2 other extensions from this developer. This product works great and has helped us deal with duplicate content pages for google. We have made use of the other features as well. We did have an issue with the category filter not showing up and the sort order of the filters but the developer looked into it and found the problem with one of our files and fixed it. We were impressed with the customer support. All 3 extensions we bought from them are working great and have improved out site.
  82. Perfect Support and Powerful Extension
    Thanks so much for this extension, really supported and useful.
  83. improved-layered-navigation
    Great plugin and excellent support!
  84. First-rate product and support
    Been with these guys for a while. It clearly is a very well run company with a great team. They are very professional, products are very well built, and support service is super too. This extension was my first, they even customised it for me for a feature I wanted which is now part of the standard package. It is money very well spent, highly recommend.
  85. It's worth the money I paid!
    I'm also more than satisfied with the extension that includes great tools for store navigation and seo optimization. Moreover, instant replies from the support team allowed me quickly fix some minor issues. Thank you guys!!!
  86. Excellent support
    Something changed with my site and the price sliders stopped working. A quick email to Amasty support and all fixed the same day. Thank you Alexander. I really had no idea where to start looking. We are now back to a very professional system for visitors to find the right tour package for them based on multiple criteria.
  87. Excellent Support, Thanks
    Dear everyone, Good quick and helpful support so I strongly recommend company Amasty! They solved my problem very quick so their services really nice. Thanks Amasty, Thanks Alexander
  88. Great multifunctional tool
    Actually, this extension has everything I wanted from layered navigation and even more! Due to instant support team reaction I fixed all the issues just in a couple of hours after the installation.
  89. Nice extension and best support
    Hello everyone, The Extension is really good and working fine on websites. The thing is that it is a bit hard to integrate and configure it on the site. And the solution for this is their super support!! This guys are responding in real quick time and solve all the issues regarding the configurations. Thank you somuch for the support!!!