Sales Overview
Sales Comparison
Orders Report
Sales By Week
Sales By Country
Sales By Customer Group
Sales By Category
Sales By Cart Price Rules
Sales Overview
Use the Sales Overview section as a detailed profit report right in Magento backend. Easily check your income for a certain period, determine your progress and see the total amounts for all sales activities either in a numerical or a percentage value. The report also allows you to see the total values of each column.
Sales Comparison
Analyze sales dynamics comparing different time ranges. Easily make comparisons between two or three periods. For example, the sales this month can be compared to the previous month, the same way like in Google Analytics. Thus you’ll see if the change was positive or negative.
Orders Report
Get a full list of orders during a specified period. View stats by the number of sold products or by the total sum paid by customers, evaluate your orders' profit in one Magento report. The extension updates order statuses in real-time so you’ll see your revenue accurately calculated. View the Magento reports By Order Items to see the orders split per separate products.
Sales By Week
Figure out which day of the week brings more sales. Apply the required filters to see the dynamics in more detail. You can also view the Sales By Hours report to check the most profitable hours in your store. 
Sales By Country
Get access to the sales data by countries and analyze your store international KPI. The report shows stats based either on the number of sold products or on the total sum paid by customers within a specific period. You can also view Country-State report to analyze sales data per state. 
Sales By Customer Group
Find out what customer groups are more active. Click the 'Show More' link to view the appropriate Sales by Product report generated over the chosen customer group.
Sales By Category
Discover which product groups are more popular and restock accordingly. Magento 2 Custom Reports extension allows you using convenient graphs to better understand the customers’ demands tendencies. 
Sales By Cart Price Rules
Easily analyze the effectiveness of your cart price rules in a separate marketing report. See which of the promotions brought more revenue to your store. Track the data by the promotion’s name, number of orders, items quantity, total sum, etc. 
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