For more details see how the Advanced Reports for Magento 2 extension works.
Using advanced reports, you can significantly widen your analytical opportunities. Gather and process important statistical data to produce an efficient marketing strategy.
Have key metrics at hand, placing widgets with the most significant stats in the reports dashboard. You can find the Advanced Reports Dashboard by going to Reports → Advanced Reports in the Magento 2 admin panel.
To configure the Reports Dashboard, please, do the following:
To choose order statuses you want to be used in all Sales Reports, please, go to Amasty → Advanced Reports → Configuration.
Order Status used in Sales Reports - here you can select an Order Status to be used in Sales Reports and the New vs Returning Customers report.
If you configure the extension to take into account all order statuses, except for the 'Canceled' status, the exported report will have the same amount as in the reports dashboard.
Product Attribute used in Brands Report - choose an attribute to be used as Brand in Brands Report.
Also, specify the Email Sender and Email Template for reports sending.
From the left navigation menu you can switch between different stats. Let's check them.
Select the time interval to view reports data.
Choose the step interval for data generation (day, week, month). Choose the way of visualization of the report: line chart or bar graph.
Columns. Manage columns for the report grid. Choose which of them should be shown in the report.
See the total value of each column in a percentage or numeric format. Export the necessary information to a CSV or XML file.
Compare sales data by custom periods with the 'Sales Comparison' report. Set several time ranges you want to compare and click the Compare button. You can set to compare specified periods by days, weeks, months and years. Also, you can choose a store view you want to compare sales of different periods within.
Get a full list of orders during a specified period. The extension updates order statuses in real-time so you’ll see your revenue accurately calculated. Filter stats data by the number of sold products or by the total sum paid by customers within a specific time period (Quantity/Total). You can filter the orders By Status. Also, you can evaluate your orders' Profit on the Orders report (the default Cost attribute is used for calculations, so please make sure it’s filled on products edit pages). Choose the way of visualization of the report: line chart or bar graph.
View the report By Order Items, to see the orders split per separate products.
We implemented integration with our Request a Quote extension and added a new report type, which allows you to monitor quotes overview by their status.
Use time-based reports to figure out which time periods (days of the week, hours) bring you more sales. You can filter by Quantity and Total or specify the particular Store.
Two reports have identical settings and can be configured in a few clicks.
Easily study your customers' geolocation and get access to the sales data by countries.
View Country-State report to analyze sales data per state.
Due to the report you'll get detailed information on the most popular payment types utilized by your customers.
Use these data to organize your order management.
(Fields available: Payment Type, Number of Orders, Items Ordered, Subtotal, Tax, Shipping, Discounts, Total, Invoiced, Refunded)
The report clearly shows which customer groups bring you more sales. You can filter stats data by the number of sold products or by the total sum paid by customers within a specific time period (Quantity/Total).
(Fields available: Customer Group, Number of Orders, Items Ordered, Subtotal, Tax, Shipping, Discounts, Total, Invoiced, Refunded, Action)
In the Action column you can click the Show More link to instantly see the 'Sales by Product' report filtered by the chosen customer group:
If you run promo campaigns on your web store, you need to keep track of conversions generated by the coupons you offer. Learn which promo codes appeared to be more effective.
(Fields available: Coupon Code, Number of Orders, Items Ordered, Subtotal, Tax, Shipping, Discounts, Total, Invoiced, Refunded)
Use convenient graphs to study customers' demands. Find out which product groups enjoy greater popularity and restock accordingly.
(Fields available: Category, Number of Orders, Items Ordered, Subtotal, Tax, Shipping, Discounts, Total, Invoiced, Refunded)
Choose the way of visualization of the report: pie chart or bar graph.
In this tab, you can check your cart price rules' effectiveness.
Set the necessary time period to get a detailed product sales report. The report includes:
You can filter By Product stats data by customer group, SKU or a product name.
In this section, you may also generate custom rule-based product reports. Please, refer to 'Custom Reports' section to know more.
The report allows you to learn which product configurations generate more conversions. Set the time period and select the necessary product attribute or attribute set in a dropdown to get detailed stats data.
You may use default attributes for your report or create custom ones.
To create a new attribute, please go to Stores → Product → Add New Attribute.
To create a new attribute set, please go to Stores → Attribute Set → Add Attribute Set.
The extension also allows seeing the statistics based on brands. This feature will be useful for the owner of a multi-brand store.
Find out which products generate more revenue with Product Performance report. Just fill in the SKU of the particular product and click 'Show Report'.
Find out which products enjoy greater popularity depending on a specific time period (month, year etc.) Set the time interval to get a detailed bestsellers report. The report includes:
The “Bought Together” report is available in the Advanced Reports Pro and Premium versions, included with an active product or support subscription.
This report provides insights into which products are frequently purchased together, enabling you to plan targeted marketing and promotional campaigns based on this data. The report includes product SKUs, names, and the number of times they have been purchased together.
For instance, if a customer buys two belts from a 'Belt Set' grouped product, the Bought Together report will record these two belts as being bought together. This occurs because Magento treats each item in a grouped product as an individual simple product. Even when added to the cart, each item is counted separately, not as a single product configuration.
Generate customer report based on a specific time period. Select the necessary time step (Day, Week, Month, Year) to tailor the report to your needs.
Manage data display on the graph by enabling/disabling such parameters as:
Easily study your audience to analyze your sales strategy. See the results for New and Returning Customers.
In the Pro and Premium versions of the extension two more columns are added to the report grid: New Customers Orders and Returning Customers Orders. (Note: this functionality is available as part of an active product subscription or support subscription).
Use this report to identify customers who left your website without checking out. Easily view the cart abandonment rate over time. Track the data by customer’s name email address, the number of products in the cart, subtotal, the date, etc.
In the Pro and Premium versions of the module, the 'Customer Email' column is also displayed in the report (Note: this functionality is available as part of an active product subscription or support subscription), allowing you to download customer emails and reach out to them through marketing campaigns or other communication channels.
The extension includes a new report option which lets you check the conversion rate of the store, or, in other words, the percentage of customers who find the store suitable enough to place the order. Break the data by custom sales ranges for more details.
With the extension, you can easily create custom reports based on Magento 2 rules. For example, create unique reports for products with special attributes or a combination of attributes. To do this, please, go to Reports → Advanced Reports Rules or Reports → Advanced Reports → Custom Reports → New Rule.
On the grid, you can track and manage all existing reports rules. To create a new rule, please, click the Add New Rule button.
To configure the reports rule, give it a title, and specify the necessary conditions. Then, you can create custom reports by applying the rule in the 'By Product' report in the Display dropdown:
You can also create new rules by simply clicking the + New Rule button on the 'By Product' report panel.
With the scheduled reports functionality you can create and receive notifications with chosen reports for a particular time interval by Cron.
To manage the notifications please go to Reports - > Schedule Report Notifications. To create a new scheduled report, hit the button Create New Notification.
Name - specify the name for your report.
Choose Report - specify the type of report you need to be scheduled. Within Advanced Reports Pro and Premium versions, you can also select any custom report that you've created (the functionality is available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription).
Store View - select the appropriate store view.
Report Time Interval - specify the time interval for which you would like to receive data. Fill in the number and choose the units (day, month, year).
Display period (if applicable) - set the display period for your report (day, week, month, year).
Email Receiver - type in the email, where the scheduled report will be sent.
Frequency - specify the frequency of sending the report. Choose one of the options in the dropdown window and Cron Schedule for your report will be filled in automatically. You can also set a Custom frequency for your report sending. Check this guide to know more about configuring custom frequencies with Cron.
To refresh the statistics, go to Reports → Refresh Statistics. To get the reports timely updated and see the latest data, select necessary elements in the list and apply the Refresh Lifetime statistics or Refresh the Statistics for the Last Day action.
The Advanced Reports solution also has Pro and Premium versions, within which, in addition to the functionalities described above, the following Custom Report Builder features could be added to your reporting solution:
Advanced Reports Pro
Advanced Reports Premium
Please check this guide to get the full configuration instructions on Custom Reports Builder functionality.
To make additional functionality available, please install the suggested packages you may need.
Available as a part of an active product subscription or support subscription:
For Pro and Premium versions:
- Install this package to use the 'Bought Together' report and to display the 'Customer Email' column in 'Abandoned Carts' report.amasty/report-builder-scheduler
- Install this package to schedule Custom Report Builder report notifications.amasty/module-reports-pro-subscription-functionality
- Install this package to display order numbers for new and returning customers in the ‘New vs Returning Customers’ report.amasty/module-advanced-reports-total-row
- Install this package to display a total row at the end of the reports to sum the values in each column.